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Posted: 11 Sep 2011, 07:49
by Angerholic
I really should have done this a while ago... oh well.
I'm Angerholic, I'm 13 and live in a small almost graffiti free town in Scotland where the stereotype would say "they live in the hills, wear kilts and chase Haggis around all day" and of course, they're wrong.

I found out Minecraft after my brother got it, I didn't see much of it and eventually I stumbled over the Yogscast and I've been hooked ever since i started watching their videos on You Tube. I started looking for servers and after a few failed attempts I found Escapecraft and this is easily the best server I've been on.

I think I'll end it here, I've ran out of things to say.

EDIT: I think I might do what Lord did in his Introduce yourself, any questions and ill try and answer them

Re: Herro

Posted: 11 Sep 2011, 07:56
by Someguy42
Welcome to Escapecraft! It's nice to meet yo- wait, didn't I own you a month ago in spleef? You are no new player! You are old player! (Massive amount of boredem equals to troll and not knowingness aparently) Anyway welcome to the forums, I can't wait to stalk you on the forums as well... ;) :twisted:

Re: Herro

Posted: 11 Sep 2011, 08:05
by Angerholic
Did you read the bit at the top? it said "I really should have done this a while ago... oh well"

Re: Herro

Posted: 11 Sep 2011, 11:24
by Sti_Jo_Lew
It's Stalke, what do you expect? He's good for stalking, not reading. ;)

Re: Herro

Posted: 11 Sep 2011, 14:58
by Wildwill002
And even the stalking is debatable

Re: Herro

Posted: 15 Sep 2011, 01:52
by Someguy42
I'm not a stalker...

/me pulls out stalker images.


Re: Herro

Posted: 15 Sep 2011, 02:07
by random980
Hey there Angerholic, welcome to the server!!! (about a month ago)
Im guessing you know by now to be careful of the Aussie players. :D

As soon as he said he was from Scotland, did anyone else start reading the post in a Scottish accent?