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Sag185 Jumping on the bandwagon.

Posted: 17 Nov 2011, 17:20
by sag185
Hey, I thought I may as well post here, realised I never did when I actually started so I'm going to jump on the bandwagon really late.

Hi guys!
Little bout me.
I love music. Almost all kinds of music, but not R&B. I have strong opinions, but usually keep them to myself unless someone is provoking me, I play bass guitar, have vaguely long hair and go on my laptop too much for it be healthy.
Oh yeah, I'm also doing 4 A levels, one in Maths, a double ICT award and a Music Technology award.
I plan to, after 6th form, go to Manchester and do a years game programming foundation course before going to a university(Haven't chosen which one yet) to do a computer science degree.
So yeah, that's me.
P.S Sorry if I've derped up my grammar somewhere in this, I tried to proofread it).

Re: Sag185 Jumping on the bandwagon.

Posted: 17 Nov 2011, 17:24
by Lord_Mountbatten
sag185 wrote: I have strong opinions, but usually keep them to myself unless someone is provoking me
I love music. Almost all kinds of music, but not R&B.
Who provoked you that time?

Oh yeah, also welcome to Escapecraft new person.

Re: Sag185 Jumping on the bandwagon.

Posted: 17 Nov 2011, 17:27
by sag185
That's not a strong opinion, just an opinion. A strong opinion would be me saying I hate R&B, all R&B is crap, why does anyone listen to this ****.
That is all. Thank you Lord_Mountbatten!
You seem like a nice, uncontrolling guy who doesn't have any slaves at all!

Re: Sag185 Jumping on the bandwagon.

Posted: 17 Nov 2011, 17:33
by Lord_Mountbatten
Ah, should've taken that into account. Good thing I provoked you into that last bit.
sag185 wrote:You seem like a nice, uncontrolling guy who doesn't have any slaves at all!
I am if I feel like being one on particular days, thank you for noticing.

Re: Sag185 Jumping on the bandwagon.

Posted: 17 Nov 2011, 17:36
by sag185
Sounds damn fine. You must be an officer and a gentleman!

Re: Sag185 Jumping on the bandwagon.

Posted: 17 Nov 2011, 17:39
by Wildwill002
You sir, are a mudkip with a questionable eye wear choice.

Re: Sag185 Jumping on the bandwagon.

Posted: 17 Nov 2011, 17:40
by Lord_Mountbatten
ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) y u no make up your mind

Re: Sag185 Jumping on the bandwagon.

Posted: 17 Nov 2011, 17:52
by sag185
I cba to change it from the MLP glasses thing.
And i like to annoy people sometimes. Ill change it now >.<

Re: Sag185 Jumping on the bandwagon.

Posted: 17 Nov 2011, 18:01
by Iron_Fang
Welcome! Also don't forget us when you have made epic games!