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AMA, Serubin edition!

Posted: 03 Jan 2013, 18:34
by Serubin323
Going to join the ama's.
Well, ask me anything!

Re: AMA, Serubin edition!

Posted: 03 Jan 2013, 18:35
by wokka1
What is the #1 thing you would change with Escapecraft if you were wokka?

Re: AMA, Serubin edition!

Posted: 03 Jan 2013, 18:38
by Serubin323
wokka1 wrote:What is the #1 thing you would change with Escapecraft if you were wokka?
More sheep! Duh!

In all seriousness, Escapecraft is pretty amazing, that's why I've stuck around for so long. I've always loved the community! If I were a wokka, I don't think I'd change anything.

Re: AMA, Serubin edition!

Posted: 03 Jan 2013, 18:47
by Tulonsae
If you could change 3 things about Minecraft what would they be?

Re: AMA, Serubin edition!

Posted: 03 Jan 2013, 18:53
by Serubin323
Moding API, less updates, and gamepad support.

I'm getting annoyed with all these updates, I'm ready for Minecraft to actually be done.

Re: AMA, Serubin edition!

Posted: 03 Jan 2013, 18:57
by motormaniac
When is interra coming out? When is tolteca nether gonna be up? When are we updating? When is the rail plugin gonna be fixed? *Insert more complaints here*

Just kidding :D Actual question. I know you like coding things, so what kind of things do you make? I have no idea how to code or purpose it for something, so I'm curious :)

Re: AMA, Serubin edition!

Posted: 03 Jan 2013, 19:07
by Serubin323
motormaniac wrote:When is interra coming out? When is tolteca nether gonna be up? When are we updating? When is the rail plugin gonna be fixed? *Insert more complaints here*

Just kidding :D Actual question. I know you like coding things, so what kind of things do you make? I have no idea how to code or purpose it for something, so I'm curious :)
Most of the things I've made were just to see if I can. I'm still learning a lot, so many things were so I could learn; like Serubans and Hatme. I also love to make websites. I'm actually competing in a competition in webdesign in a week from now.

Re: AMA, Serubin edition!

Posted: 03 Jan 2013, 19:54
by Invunarble
How many diamonds do you have right now? I have 302db. Wondering if you are richer then me or not. >.<

Re: AMA, Serubin edition!

Posted: 03 Jan 2013, 20:20
by Serubin323
Invunarble wrote:How many diamonds do you have right now? I have 302db. Wondering if you are richer then me or not. >.<
More than that

Re: AMA, Serubin edition!

Posted: 04 Jan 2013, 14:22
by dandres
What do you think of the concept that the Minecraft community will be the ones updating and carrying Minecraft on into the future once API support has been added because the Minecraft team is running out of ideas to implement themselves. Also what would you like to see added or changed? I personal think they dropped the ball on the mine carts and could have made the mine cart system better and more efficient.

Re: AMA, Serubin edition!

Posted: 04 Jan 2013, 15:55
by Tothewhat
What is your favorite smiley on escape's list O_O

Re: AMA, Serubin edition!

Posted: 04 Jan 2013, 21:23
by Sti_Jo_Lew
dandres wrote:What do you think of the concept that the Minecraft community will be the ones updating and carrying Minecraft on into the future once API support has been added because the Minecraft team is running out of ideas to implement themselves. Also what would you like to see added or changed? I personal think they dropped the ball on the mine carts and could have made the mine cart system better and more efficient.
Funny you mention that. 1.5 is adding uses for chest carts such as transferring items from a farm to your storage room (just an example). Also, they've said they want to make it so that carts will connect to eachother as a train.

Re: AMA, Serubin edition!

Posted: 05 Jan 2013, 19:55
by Serubin323
dandres wrote:What do you think of the concept that the Minecraft community will be the ones updating and carrying Minecraft on into the future once API support has been added because the Minecraft team is running out of ideas to implement themselves. Also what would you like to see added or changed? I personal think they dropped the ball on the mine carts and could have made the mine cart system better and more efficient.
I'm excited for API support. I'm hoping to see many new and creative mods by more people. I'm still less excited about updates. I think there is enough stuff in Minecraft already. I would however, like to see multi-core support for both the client and server and general optimization.

I've been thinking, there is truth to what Tulonsae said in her AMA thread, Minecraft may get boring without new things. I think I'm just frustrated with the amount of work I have to do to update my client mods and to update the server each time there is and update. And there is virtually no warning to when an update will happen and what is changed in that update.
Tothewhat wrote:What is your favorite smiley on escape's list O_O
Going to go with this one: :roll:
or this one: :D

I assume this is what you mean?

Re: AMA, Serubin edition!

Posted: 05 Jan 2013, 20:15
by Tothewhat
Course :lol:

I'm a fan of both that and :o and :shock: and :ugeek:

I like them all :3