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Event Players?
Posted: 29 Aug 2013, 14:55
by MrWhales
Invun says we don't have enough people for events. So I postulated that maybe we should make videos of people running through the events with humorous commentary, and then use those to advertise events off-site and draw in more people who may in-turn stick around to play on the server.
The only problem being that when I put it past Invun, he said he doesn't have enough time to run through, record, edit, composite humorous videos. At this point I remarked about our fabulous team of people making LP's.
So yeah, help pls
Re: Event Players?
Posted: 29 Aug 2013, 14:58
by Invunarble
I personally wouldn't mind having more refined event videos being put up, but so far all of our attempts to actually get events filmed and edited have been a catastrophe and most people haven't been able to stick through with it. I'm really not in much of a position myself to do this because events, and shaun's probably up to his neck in video editing for all of our Let's Plays and the rest of the huge backlog he has to go through... :\
So yeah, help pls
Re: Event Players?
Posted: 29 Aug 2013, 15:10
by RobipodSupreme
Invunarble wrote:I personally wouldn't mind having more refined event videos being put up, but so far all of our attempts to actually get events filmed and edited have been a catastrophe and most people haven't been able to stick through with it. I'm really not in much of a position myself to do this because events, and shaun's probably up to his neck in video editing for all of our Let's Plays and the rest of the huge backlog he has to go through... :\
So yeah, help pls
That's not exactly what whales was saying, I think. I took it to mean a standalone run through of the events, without the wider player base, just to demonstrate then fun that can be had. So none of the hassle of an actual event, just a little showcase of how fun it can be.
Re: Event Players?
Posted: 29 Aug 2013, 15:30
by Invunarble
Doesn't matter if it's a group of LPers or the entire community, if it's being filmed and the ultimate goal is to get a refined version of it on youtube or reddit, that's next to impossible for shaun and I to do by ourselves with the amount of work we're currently doing...
Re: Event Players?
Posted: 29 Aug 2013, 15:56
by shaunpat99
Not a bad idea, Whales. Yes, I am in a ton of work, but I definitely still got my head above the water. I'd be game to make a video montage of some of our LPers goofing around in various events. Of course, only if Invun is cool with video monkeys running around his events
.. Not during the actual ones we run on Saturday though, because that's more of a commentate on the action sort of thing. We *could* do them during the saturday events, but that would take a while to accumulate a wide assortment of different events, especially if they're cancelled. So with that said, anyone interested?
As far as the "refined" event videos for the ones we run on Saturday, about three should be going up in the next week..
Re: Event Players?
Posted: 29 Aug 2013, 19:28
by Thelepearchauns
I can take on some editing tasks again. So long as it isnt beginning to consume my life like it was before
Re: Event Players?
Posted: 29 Aug 2013, 20:39
by Invunarble
Err... does "consume my life" qualify as recording, editing, and uploading each week's event footage? Because I thought that's what you and shaun were doing last time we got into the groove of recording each event...
Re: Event Players?
Posted: 30 Aug 2013, 02:27
by RobipodSupreme
Invunarble wrote:Err... does "consume my life" qualify as recording, editing, and uploading each week's event footage? Because I thought that's what you and shaun were doing last time
we got into the groove of recording each event...
It actually happened?!
Re: Event Players?
Posted: 30 Aug 2013, 13:21
by Invunarble
Re: Event Players?
Posted: 30 Aug 2013, 16:08
by RobipodSupreme
Don't know that this is entirely where this fits, but perchance some proof reading on the youtube. No criticism to Maykxor, Lep, or anyone, but meh.
Youtubes wrote:Highlights from the events that are ran weekly on the Escapecraft Minecraft server.
Video's and commentary were created by Mayxor.
Just little things like that which could detract a teensy bit from the professionality and stuffs.
Re: Event Players?
Posted: 30 Aug 2013, 16:18
by Invunarble
You're just a huge ball of grammar nazism, aren't you Robi? :\
Re: Event Players?
Posted: 30 Aug 2013, 16:19
by Wildwill002
Youtube's a fickle beast that'll find the tiniest of your failures and use it against you.
Re: Event Players?
Posted: 30 Aug 2013, 16:35
by RobipodSupreme
Invunarble wrote:You're just a huge ball of grammar nazism, aren't you Robi? :\
Whoa, whoa, that was a whole misconjugation AND an apostrophe in the wrong place. That's pretty much Revelations shizzle right there.
Re: Event Players?
Posted: 30 Aug 2013, 18:17
by Thelepearchauns
Well, for me it was several fold why weekly events videos halted so suddenly...
1) Weekly events became ridiculously infrequent. We went through a couple of months where we MIGHT have had 1 event a month because of updates.
2) I had no help. Getting every shot, recording commentary, covering for computer problems, and editing alone is a pretty big task for someone working 40 hours a week already. Doing it while also working on promotional materials for the server is life consuming(part of which is my fault for trying to take on so much). Shaun was starting to help, but it wasnt a lot at the time. And Mayx just up and vanished the moment I brought up collaboration with him...I have that effect on people.
3) I couldnt make all the events. Part of the reason I was trying so hard to put together an "events team" was because I knew I wouldnt be able to make some events. And the way things were, no me, no event vid. I know people tried for 1 or 2 weeks to get something together, but once I couldnt make the 1 event a month, the whole thing fell apart rather quickly.
4) Speaking of computer problems, my motherboard fried and it was out for 3 weeks getting it replaced by HP.
5) Life. I went on vacation for 2 weeks, worked a lot of overtime and generally had summerish things to do.
So, I can handle editing a video each week. I might be able to handle 2 so long as im not going crazy with things
Re: Event Players?
Posted: 30 Aug 2013, 21:46
by Invunarble
Yeah, I definitely understand those concerns lep. From what I've done in terms of editing (see wokka's wabbit contest video I made), recording and editing videos on a weekly basis to produce suitable content can get really tiresome. Really, in truth I'm surprised Shaun's still managing to keep up with all the Let's Play videos that've been thrown to him for editing.
So, I think it's well established that we just don't have enough reliable people around to record and edit this stuff on a consistent weekly basis. Unless more people would like to voluntarily throw themselves to the wolves to help with this - and hopefully establish some centralized way of editing footage, so it's not just all one person doing the editing and only they can access it - then editing massive amounts of raw footage maybe just isn't something that'll work.
Instead, here's an idea - I could look into setting up a livestream on Twitch of each event from my perspective (for people in IRC and/or people who enjoy seeing behind-the-scenes event stuff) so we'd be guaranteed to at least have some video of each event (as the event probably won't happen anyways if I'm not there). That could potentially lessen the workload for people like you (lep) and shaun when recording videos, and even then at least we'd have something to upload now - regardless of if it's edited or not!
So, what are your thoughts on such a thing (a twitch stream) guys?
Re: Event Players?
Posted: 30 Aug 2013, 23:10
by Thelepearchauns
I think the point of this thread is to drum up interest in events by having some staff participate in them and making a 2-3 min preview video. Thats the kind of thing we can spread out over time and reuse each time the event comes up. That seems like something we can handle doing.
The event videos are something that needs to be done by multiple people. Shaun and myself being the top 2 candidates. If we can spread out dutues (ie. one person gathers and compiles footage, one person makes graphics, one person records and adds audio) then the event recap videos wouldnt be such a drain on people
Re: Event Players?
Posted: 01 Sep 2013, 13:43
by TyrasEngineer
I think that a short preview video would be pretty nice. It doesn't need to be long, and with a few more people springing up in this thread as volunteers I think/hope it'd be doable. I wouldn't *mind* a twitch stream, however I'd be very, very concerned that something could come up in Modchat and accidentally be broadcast when we didn't want it to be. I know it could probably be edited out but a slip up wouldn't be ideal