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Re: Branchscape

Posted: 25 Feb 2011, 12:51
by tanisjihanis
Okay, due to the amount of new residents and potential workers, i think we need a new project for those of you that don't want to work on just resource gathering :P

Not everyone is as into outdoors as i am.

The new project would be a volcano in the crater where blackie helped us demo a house. Anyone that would like to commandeer this project can. I would like it to be complete with nether rack, slowsand, gravel, and lots of obsidian.
If we can, eventually we would have a couple houses within this volcano, complete with lava and glass floors or ceilings and obsidian. This would be fairly spectacular.

I would guess that black adder might enjoy this project ;P
Lava is a big thing, so this means that we will need a deep tunnel to lava level in the mine.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 25 Feb 2011, 13:06
by tanisjihanis
Anyone want to take up the charge?

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 25 Feb 2011, 13:11
by vallorn

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 25 Feb 2011, 13:39
by tanisjihanis
I killed it, vallorn, and have realized my stupidity in its creation.

...this will not be mentioned again...

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 25 Feb 2011, 14:04
by vallorn

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 25 Feb 2011, 14:39
by tanisjihanis
o.O that was a typo... it was supposed to be "i killed IT, vallorn..."

not "i killed vallorn..."

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 25 Feb 2011, 14:52
by Jeeves
If I may be bold enough as to provide my own measly level of input, I represent certain interested parties, parties that would be willing to reward sir with a very generous pecuniary gain if sir were to actually carry out the stipulated actions made evident in what sir called a "spelling mistake", afterwards retracting that admission of error as though it had never occurred.

I can assure sir that the level of financial gain far exceeds the problems faced in the undertaking of such a task, and also that my employers are very much inclined to make it worth sir's while.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 25 Feb 2011, 14:58
by tanisjihanis

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 25 Feb 2011, 15:06
by Jeeves
Though I will not take pains to correct sir's grievous misspelling of "Nyet", I shall retract my offer, making clear the disappointment my employers will feel pertaining to the reluctance of sir to come to terms with the offer given.

I must also make it quite clear to sir that he ought to look out for the safety of his person in the immediate future.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 25 Feb 2011, 15:32
by TheAquapunk
Jeeves wrote:Though I will not take pains to correct sir's grievous misspelling of "Nyet", I shall retract my offer, making clear the disappointment my employers will feel pertaining to the reluctance of sir to come to terms with the offer given.

I must also make it quite clear to sir that he ought to look out for the safety of his person in the immediate future.
... Oh goodness.

I mean, thanks for not murdering my brother Tanis, if you need someone to watch your back without directly aligning themselves to you (out of fear for their safety), I'm your gal.

(And if Jeeves's master really want that action to be undertaken, may I add that Vallorn and I are siblings, and as such I alternately dote on him and despise him.)

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 26 Feb 2011, 16:09
by ChirpsAreFlying
tanisjihanis wrote:Wtd you are accepted. i can vie for your effort and ingenuity.

Chimps, that is from back when minecraft didn't have multiplayer servers.
you can still look for it though if you want to, maybe someone replicated it on a server for ALY.

a friend forwarded that to me after a request for design ideas.
Chimps? Haha. Easy there.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 26 Feb 2011, 19:26
by tanisjihanis
Thanks Aquapunk... I think?

Chimps, it just seemed appropriate for the comment you left on this post, which felt somewhat demeaning to our efforts.

Aquapunk, i know that you helped out with leaves, would you like to be a resident here?
We could certainly use your skills.

Vallorn.... :?
That really was a misunderstanding.
I don't kill anyone.
I don't plan to kill anyone.
I especially don't plan to kill you...Master of the Vault.

BTW: we could offer you a resident here as well, as reconsolation for my past errors. :P
Your mining abilities are especially needed in our fledgeling mining project!

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 26 Feb 2011, 19:46
by Arithel
I could help out in the mines, I'm not too much use anywhere else.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 26 Feb 2011, 20:42
by viaticsnarsnar
i would proundly carry on the volcano project, just show me where to build it and tell me how big it has to be.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 27 Feb 2011, 08:54
by vallorn
tanisjihanis wrote: Vallorn.... :?
That really was a misunderstanding.
I don't kill anyone.
I don't plan to kill anyone.
I especially don't plan to kill you...Master of the Vault.

BTW: we could offer you a resident here as well, as reconsolation for my past errors. :P
Your mining abilities are especially needed in our fledgeling mining project!
id be happy too. if your slaves workers can follow StripMine Plans then you can pillage the earth of resources with the minimum of effort. then if you want caves you just blow the Stripmine Tunnels and make larger caves. (thanks to Beard for teaching me how to Stripmine! :D)

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 27 Feb 2011, 20:56
by tanisjihanis
Arithel, welcome to our community! I will happily guide you to our mines, the next time I am online, which should be tomorrow evening. :D

Vallorn, i give you command of mining operations. If you would like to start with a strip mine, that is fine, but i would like it if you would turn it into a gigantic cavern afterward. Also, I would like to start production of cauldron enabled lightstone for theatrical lighting of the cavern, which as i mentioned earlier i would like to turn into an underground forest. (only after the area has been strip mined of course...)

Viatic, the volcano should be about 40-50 blocks high, and about 30-40 around, unevenly. Its going to be in the crater area that Blackie left us :P. You can take over this project, while we finish up branches.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 27 Feb 2011, 22:23
by tanisjihanis
Hmmmm... It would be cool if we could make this area into a wild and abrupt environment area, with a lake, a cave system, a forest, volcano, etc... Just saying, for long run, that would be awesome!

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 28 Feb 2011, 01:57
by TheAquapunk
tanisjihanis wrote:-snip-
I'd love to be a resident.
The Volcano sounds very interesting as well- though as a warning, i think Vallorn is in training to be the next Blackadder :D

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 28 Feb 2011, 12:07
by tanisjihanis
Aqua Punk, you are most welcome to come and live with us! What operation would you like to be a part of?
We do need more branch makers and more logs... :D

But you do raise a valid point: Vallorn, can i have your word that your destructive efforts, lava especially will stay at least 100 blocks away from the tree please?
Also, if you want to use lava lighting in the mine, that would be great! We could really use some more lava out here, so i will put that into the needed resources list.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 28 Feb 2011, 13:21
by tanisjihanis
My B-Day today!

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 28 Feb 2011, 13:37
by vallorn
you need more lava? Vault 88 would be happy to sell you inventory after inventory of Buckets full of the beutilfull glowing awesome... where was i... oh yes, Lava.

and i dont tend to use Lava in the mines... gets a wee bit warm for my liking.

and for those who do not know how to Stripmine heres a quick guide:

first make a long corridor, preferably 3*3.

then make a series of 2 high 1 wide 1 deep cuts into the walls at regular intervals of 2 blocks between them.

mine into each incision in turn while mining into either side by 2 every 8 spaces and placing torches within the alcove (this reduces the need for extra torches by lighting both tunnels with 1)

if you see any ore mine into the seam but please patch it up afterwards this reduces accidents.

if you encounter a Cave or Lava Pool then seal the end of the tunnel and place 1 Dirt Block over the top of the entrance from the main corridor.

PROTIP: place a dirt block at the bottom of the tunnel entrance to prevent Mob infestations and show that its still active. (not the initial corridor, the mine tunnels)

keep the mine tunnels 2 hich 1 wide unless you hit a seam or wish to make a mini workshop to collect and process materials within the mine.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 28 Feb 2011, 13:59
by DuplicateValue
tanisjihanis wrote:My B-Day today!
Happy Birthday! :D Have a good one!

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 28 Feb 2011, 14:16
by tanisjihanis
Thanks Duplicate!

Vallon, i was thinking more along the side of flowing lava behind glass, streaming down the sides of our current cavern. You should really check out the cavern we have already. It is somewhat awe-spiring! :D

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 28 Feb 2011, 15:38
by vallorn
tanisjihanis wrote:Thanks Duplicate!

Vallon, i was thinking more along the side of flowing lava behind glass, streaming down the sides of our current cavern. You should really check out the cavern we have already. It is somewhat awe-spiring! :D
we have an entire floor of Lava under Glass in V88... effective lighting but Griefers love it...

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 28 Feb 2011, 20:45
by tanisjihanis
I hope to eliminate greifing in this remote portion of the world. it would be the walls that have lava behind them.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 01 Mar 2011, 21:37
by tanisjihanis
Viatic, when can we expect construction of the volcano to begin?
Vallorn, I would like to see you out here ASAP! :D

Also, new people, i put up maps! The captions should make finding this place a lot easier!

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 01 Mar 2011, 21:47
by tanisjihanis
Derp, vallorn i read your other posts, good luck with the dungeon! take your time! :D

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 01 Mar 2011, 21:47
by 697134002
The 'Edit Post' button is there for a reason...

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 02 Mar 2011, 11:21
by tanisjihanis
For your information, last time I did that... well, just see the vallorness that resulted ABOVE

If you would like to post on this topic, please keep it related to the TOPIC, not my posting errors :D WHich are many i will admit :lol:

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 02 Mar 2011, 22:07
by tanisjihanis
Okay, work on the forest has begun. Tree planting and bonemeal use approved, as far and wide as possible!

Use torches under the trees
Make it easy to walk around, trim the trees to at least 2 high

Viatic, if you would like to postphone the volcano, i was getting a little bit ahead of myself. We can go ahead and work on this forest more instead if you like :D