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Cataclysm Tower

Posted: 31 May 2011, 10:11
by tanisjihanis
I have commenced construction of the Cataclysm tower at Branchscape.
The plan is to have a 3 layer wall: smoothstone on the outside, lava, then cobble on the inside so that I can create lava behind glass designs in the smoothstone.
This project will be done in a gigantic man made cavern that is currently in the works with a smoothstone staircase lit by more lava behind glass spiraling down to the pit. While making this abyss, We happened to stumble across the Corinth/Branchscape Rail going farther east to Blu. If a Tehbeard doesn't mind, we can install a station there for speedy access to the bottom of the tower, which now reaches to bed rock.
I am still open to suggestion on how to design the inside of the tower for collection, and would love it if I could pay several master mobtower creators to collaborate and come up with a super efficient system. When I am finished, I hope to make this one of the fastest public mobtower in Terra.

Donations Needed:
Diamonds (for the picks + etc)

Re: Cataclysm Tower

Posted: 31 May 2011, 12:34
by vallorn
need lava? if you can get me buckets il give you several Inv's full of bucketed lava!

Re: Cataclysm Tower

Posted: 31 May 2011, 14:51
by tanisjihanis
I can get you about half an inv of buckets.

Re: Cataclysm Tower

Posted: 09 Jun 2011, 20:00
by Byroe
if you need tnt, just stand at the USSR mob tower for 30 minutes and you will have all the tnt you need, and its only 200 blocks from spawn.