The Prophecy of Escapecraft - Y u so new post?

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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Post by random980 » 30 Jan 2013, 11:55

The forums do have a nasty habit of logging you out during the time it takes to write a long post. writing it up somewhere 'safer' would be a good idea and if anything you really should have learned by now >.<
Eekum Bokum
Sti_Jo_Lew wrote:Random just won the thread. We should all just give up.

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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Post by Skunk_Giant » 31 Jan 2013, 03:20

I know. Every time a long post of mine is lot to the internet, I vow to write it up in a doc from now on, but for some reason, when it comes to writing the next time, I always forget. -_-
Oh hey, I have a signature now! 26/07/11

haxxorzd00d wrote:Keep talking, Skunk. Everybody likes you and you're stunningly handsome.

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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Post by captainnemo3 » 31 Jan 2013, 09:18

Skunk_Giant wrote:I know. Every time a long post of mine is lot to the internet, I vow to write it up in a doc from now on, but for some reason, when it comes to writing the next time, I always forget. -_-
ctrl+a -> ctrl+x -> ctrl+v -> keep writing. Lather, rinse, repeat.

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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Post by Skunk_Giant » 02 Feb 2013, 10:15

"Pull the main sail!" Iron cried, as several Escapians rushed about the wet ship.
"It's too windy! We've got to turn back!" a voice yelled to Spy.
"We're not turning back! There's no telling when the storm will end, and it's going to get worse before it gets better! It's now or never!"
From the next ship, Arogon called, "Spy, are you sure about this? These ships sink, and the Escapian navy is i-"
"We have to get to Futuria! Set sail ahead!" Spy replied.
With that, the Escapian fleet pushed forward, heavy rain and wind threatening to throw off their course.

Zin awoke with a start. Something was off. "My powers!" he yelled, feeling a drain.
Mountbatten sat patiently in the CUT room, concerned. When he heard the yell, he entered the room and explained to Zin what had happened.
"So... I just... don't have my Leader powers? Isn't there a way to fix that? Can't you just, re-promote me as a Leader or something."
"It's not that simple, I'm afraid. Your body still believes you have the powers. It's more like, you just aren't charged up to use them. You're like a drained battery."
"What if we find the people th-"
"Zinrius, I don't have a clue how they did this. As such, I don't have a clue if we can reverse it either. I'm sorry."
Zinrius nodded, a look of anger slowly growing on his face. "The Griefers."
"We don't think it was them, but-"
"No. The Griefers. Proz. Towler. Where are they?"
"They're still in prison. Are you sure you're ready?"
"I've been ready ever since the Seahaven attack. I'm doing this now."
Mountbatten nodded. "I'll give the call to take them to your chamber."

"You better hope we find him," Spy said, walking through the lower deck of the ship, where LS sat reading.
"Find who?"
"You don't believe me then?" LS asked, standing.
"I do, but who knows what the rest of Escapia is thinking? If we don't find Glitch, there'll be no evidence to your story. The Seahaven army could still be growing."
"I'm a Senior Leader, Spy. The Escapians will believe me."
"Perhaps, but I'm not so sure. People make strange choices when their survival is at stake. Paranoia can do a lot to decision making, and as far as Escapia knows, there's a Seahaven Army in Tekland, still building up. Still preparing to strike. Still in possession of a nuke. If we don't find Glitch, there'll be no proof the base is gone."
"Great," LS sighed. "My fate depends on the presence of a man I've never net, guaranteed by Welwyn weeks ago."

Haxx sat on the top deck of his ship as the rain poured down. "My kind of weather," he said with a smile, while the sailors around him rushed back and forth to keep the vessel from capsizing.
"Sir, can I get you anything?" A familiar voice asked. Could it be? No, it couldn't. Hax kept his eyes shut and dismissed the terrifying thought. "No thank you."
"Some water, Sir?" The voice was far too familiar.
Hax opened his eyes to find Derek, standing by his side. "OH NOTCH. How the hell did you get on this ship? You're meant to be in prison!"
Derek shrugged. "I was pardoned or something. Something about being a top-level sailor, fighter and strategist. They said I was absolutely imperative to the mission."
"Right..." Hax said, standing and backing away while reaching for a plank or some other weapon to defend himself with. "And who did you say told you that?"
"Well, it came from the top of CUT."
"I think I'd know if it came from the top of CUT."
"No, it came from Mountbatten," Derek said with a smile.
"Mountbatten said you were a... what was it? Top-level sailor, fighter and..."
"Strategist. Top-level strategist."
"Derek, can you explain what a strategist is?"
"Um... Study of the stratosphere!" He replied constantly. "Oh, and Mountbatten gave me this note for you," he said, pulling a scroll out of his pocket.
Hax opened the note, protecting it with his left hand from the rain.
'Dear Haxx,
I apologise profoundly for the situation you are now finding yourself in, but believe me when I say it's for the greater good. Judging by the weather, I expect some strong storms will soon be hitting the seas. Were I more cautious, I would postpone the sailing to Futuria, but for one specific reason, I have not. Our Empire faces a great amount of threats. Griefers, Creatures and more. But one threat is greater than all. Derek. I'm writing this with great hopes that the storm will cause your ship to capsize, sending Derek into the deep seas below. Should this happen, I expect you to ensure nobody helps him. On the off-chance you make it to Futuria without capsizing, I would hope you find a way to leave Derek there 'accidentally'.
With sincerest apologies but absolutely no regret, Louis Mountbatten.

Haxx dropped the note into the waters below, tears forming in his eyes. He turned back to Derek who was grinning as usual.

Stalke stepped out into the rain, smiling as the droplets touched his skin. He hadn't been outside since stabbing who he now knew to be the fake Zinrius. He breathed the fresh air in, a smile on his face. It felt like it had been weeks since he'd done... well... anything. Almost like he'd just been left out of the grand story of Escapia for quite some time.
"It'll be a long time before this is all over," Skunk said, stepping up next to him and looking over the Escapian empire.
"And I fear when it is, this landscape may look quite different."
Daemon joined the two on his porch. "I still don't think he should be out here. What if someone sees him?"
"The Seahaven thing is starting to be forgiven, and the majority of the Escapian Navy is on its way to Futuria, carrying Escapia's best fighters with it," said Skunk. "I doubt they're too concerned with Stalke right now. Hell, they almost forgot to let me out of prison after they realised the real Zin was alive."
"So what now?" Daemon asked. "Keep in mind that if Stalke's caught here, we all go to prison."
"Well, I'm just throwing ideas around, but Skunk... did the Escapian Navy take your ship?"
"Not without its Captain they wouldn't," Skunk replied with a grin.

Mountbatten had just sat down in his office and prepared himself a bucket of milk when a knock came at the door. "You have GOT to be kidding me, Derek! You were meant to get on that bloody boa-"
"You busy?" Wokka asked, stepping in.
Mountbatten sighed. "No, I just sent the paperwork for the transfer of Proz and Towler to Zinrius' 'care'. Why?"
"We need to talk."
"Yes, I suppose we do. What are we talking about this time?"
Sneaky stepped in behind Wokka. "The rebellion."

"I see a ship ahead!" Arogon yelled.
"Prepare the cannons!" Iron cried from his ship. The order echoed across the fleet, and the Escapian Navy readied to fight. Spy's ship sailed ahead and reached the unidentified vessel first.
"It isn't an Escapian vessel," Inv told Spy. "But it looks far too professional to be just your average Griefer. I'm thinking an organised Griefing group."
Spy nodded. "The question is, what are they doing in the middle of the ocean like this?"
"I'm no naval expert," Inv replied, "but I know my way around a battlefield. Maybe it's just a hunch, but I'm thinking this could be an ambush. No organised Griefing group would travel on a lone ship anyway. Not in Escapian waters."
Spy looked around before stepping to the front of his ship. "This is Escapian Leader Spybotics speaking," he yelled. "Identify yourselves immediately!"
No response.
"The majority of the Escapian Navy sits behind me, armed and ready. Identify yourselves!"
Still nothing.
"Prepare to be boarded!"

Zin stepped into his control room feeling weak and tired. The lights beyond his protective glass flickered, revealing a room of nightmares. Many entered this room with secrets.
None left with them.
He pressed a button, opening a door before calling out. "Towler, step forward please!"
For a moment, nothing happened. Then, a hesitant Towler stepped into the chamber, and his door shut locked behind him.
"Mr Towler, I don't know if your friends had anything to do with this, but as you may have heard, as of today, I am powerless. I am a Leader only by title. That makes me angry, as I'm sure you understand."
Towler nodded nervously.
"Now, in my rage, I might do something bad. I wont regret it, but I'd rather not. Not yet anyway. So why don't you cool my anger a little bit? Why don't you tell me where Milo is being held?"
Towler said nothing.
Zin sighed and pressed another button. With that, a group of ten zombies dropped into the room. "I'm waiting...."

Lord sighed and stood up behind his desk. "There's nothing left to talk about. We've already agreed to the plan, Sneaky."
"We need a time and a date," Sneaky responded.
"Alright, have either of you got any suggestions?" Mountbatten asked.
"Now? Are you kidding me?"
Wokka stepped in. "Hear him out, Louis."
Sneaky cleared his throat. "The timing is perfect. The people are still angry and divided over the Seahaven incident. Random's trials have stirred the people into questioning CUT's secrets as well as those of the Escapian Empire."
"But we aren't prepared!" Mountbatten cried.
"Exactly! If we want to fake a rebellion, if we want to fake the death of the Empire, we need to do it when we're most vulnerable! The Escapian Navy is out on the ocean right now heading to Futuria. The storms on the coast of Escapia and the Escapian Oceans are getting stronger by the minute. By now, they'll have passed the point of no return. They've got some of our best, most loyal soldiers on them. That means, should the fire for rebellion be lit now, Escapia will topple easily."
Louis sighed. As much as he hated to admit it, Sneaky was right. "So let's finish planning this then."
"Sneaky and I have discussed the basics already," said Wokka. "It starts with a small group of rebels. A select few people will be the founders of the rebellion."
"Select few?"
"Most are people we trust not to go too far," Wokka ensured Mountbatten. "They're mainly citizens of Escapia that we know are unhappy with CUT and the secrets. However, we have had no choice but to recruit some minor Griefers as well."
"Notch help us... Nobody can find out about this," Mountbatten warned. "If they do, we're done. Escapia is branded as an ally of the Griefers. We're ruined."
"Nobody will find out if we do this properly," Sneaky promised. "These select few rebels will report to me, but aside from them, nobody will know I'm leading the rebellion. Not yet anyway. As the rebellion picks up speed, rumours will spread about the rebel leader. If at any point in the rebellion, we're struggling, it will be confirmed that I am leading the rebellion. We expect that will convert a number of loyalists to our side."
"And what about the fighting?" Mountbatten asked. "How many lives will be lost?"
"With you and Wokka coordinating the loyalists and I coordinating the rebels, we should be able to keep casualties to a minimum. An exact estimate can't be provided though. After the rebels win the battle, I'll take full control of Escapia. You and Wokka will be reluctant, but forced to surrender and for a time, go into hiding. When the rebels have rebuilt, we will officially forgive the Escapian Empire and invite the loyalists to join our new civilisation, free of secrets, free of unhappiness."
"Wait a minute..." Mountbatten stepped forward. "That wasn't the agreement."
"The agreement was that you would aid the rebellion in taking ov-"
"The agreement was that the rebels would win but quickly realise they can't live without us. They would quickly see how contradicted they can become. They would lie to each other, fight for resources. They would have no choice but to come crawling back to the Empire."
"In what world would a rebellion come crawling back to the Empire it toppled? There would be nothing left to crawl back to!" Sneaky explained.
"There would be me!"
The room went silent. "Sneaky, I have to agree with Mountbatten on this one. Escapia needs its people to need it. It doesn't need a fresh start."
Sneaky nodded grimly. "I understand. The rebellion begins tonight."
"Have you already recruited the founding rebels?" Mountbatten asked.
Sneaky nodded. "They were happy to return."

"My fellow revolutionaries," Demonnaruto yelled from the table he stood on in his bunker, "today, is the day we fight! Today is the day we unite under the King! Today is the day, this brave faction returns to change Craftmine for the better! Viva La Revolution! Viva ReCUT!

Daemon and Stalke
a) Stay put and wait things out
b) Go to the Escapian Docks with Skunk and use his ship to follow the Escapian Navy to Futuria
c) Go to the Escapian Docks and go somewhere else (specify)
Oh hey, I have a signature now! 26/07/11

haxxorzd00d wrote:Keep talking, Skunk. Everybody likes you and you're stunningly handsome.

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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Post by minnerthecat » 02 Feb 2013, 11:11

Excellent as always! Can't wait for the next installment, so many cliffhangers in this one!
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Post by Invunarble » 02 Feb 2013, 13:17


I feel bad for Haxx. He's got quite the crew with him.
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Post by Iron_Fang » 02 Feb 2013, 14:19


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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Post by LS13 » 02 Feb 2013, 14:37

Skunk when do I get to use Myth Maker D:
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Post by Spyboticsguy » 02 Feb 2013, 21:03

y do i board ship

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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Post by Victini998 » 03 Feb 2013, 01:03

I'd like to join this Prophecy. I want to have many choices and I will check often. Oh btw, are you going to talk about Tolteca in the future?
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Post by Skunk_Giant » 03 Feb 2013, 01:15

Victini998 wrote:I'd like to join this Prophecy. I want to have many choices and I will check often. Oh btw, are you going to talk about Tolteca in the future?
Yeah it'll be in there, although for reading purposes, assume Tolteca is already part of the Escapian Empire. So it has already been discovered.
Oh hey, I have a signature now! 26/07/11

haxxorzd00d wrote:Keep talking, Skunk. Everybody likes you and you're stunningly handsome.

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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Post by Someguy42 » 03 Feb 2013, 04:12

Aye, B it is. The return of two Australians and the random Canadian!

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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Post by random980 » 03 Feb 2013, 08:47

Speaking of random. I wouldnt be surprised if i ended up in joining the resistance after what has just happened. Although it seems obvious looking back on it, i wasnt actually expecting ReCUT to be the resistance, nice one Skunk.
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Post by LS13 » 03 Feb 2013, 15:53

Skunkles you promised me ma bow ;_;
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Post by Skunk_Giant » 04 Feb 2013, 04:15

LS13 wrote:Skunkles you promised me ma bow ;_;
All in good time, my friend. All in good time.
Oh hey, I have a signature now! 26/07/11

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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Post by LS13 » 04 Feb 2013, 18:14

Skunk_Giant wrote:All in good time, my friend. All in good time.
Im so vulnerable without some insanely overpowering advantage like ice powers...
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Post by Invunarble » 04 Feb 2013, 19:10

LS13 wrote:
Skunk_Giant wrote:All in good time, my friend. All in good time.
Im so vulnerable without some insanely overpowering advantage like ice powers...
So if you're vulnerable now, does that make me invulnerable? Or am I still Invunarble? :?
"The roses are red, but Invunarble is blue. Hit him with a puma." - Vallorn
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Post by LS13 » 04 Feb 2013, 21:22

Still Invunarble cause you have no epic powers.
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Post by Victini998 » 08 Feb 2013, 21:07

Cmon Skunk don't let this die D: Also, be sure to include that almost any sword I use has Fire Aspect on it >:)
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Post by LS13 » 08 Feb 2013, 22:13

Everyone meet Myth Maker, my bow that skunk says I will eventually get:
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Post by Victini998 » 09 Feb 2013, 01:38

Lol, that completely legit! XD And also, you said you were going to post today Skunk! Y U No Post?!?
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Post by LS13 » 09 Feb 2013, 02:35

Victini998 wrote:Lol, that completely legit! XD And also, you said you were going to post today Skunk! Y U No Post?!?
Patience young one, the skunk must not be rushed.
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Post by Someguy42 » 09 Feb 2013, 08:13

Or else the skunk will fart in your face.

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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Post by minnerthecat » 09 Feb 2013, 14:38

Don't worry Vic, Skunk isn't about to let PoE die. Trust me, it's gone a LOT longer without an update before, just be patient, a great work takes time :)
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Post by Victini998 » 09 Feb 2013, 15:28

But...he told me.... Oh alright.
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Post by LS13 » 09 Feb 2013, 17:57

minnerthecat wrote:Don't worry Vic, Skunk isn't about to let PoE die. Trust me, it's gone a LOT longer without an update before, just be patient, a great work takes time :)
As in months at a time ;_; skunk please dont go for a couple months again...
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Post by Skunk_Giant » 09 Feb 2013, 19:06

The sun had just finished setting when Zinrius stepped outside. The rain was getting heavy now, but not yet pouring. As he expected, Mountbatten was waiting outside.
"Have you nothing better to do, Louis?" he chuckled.
"I'll have you know I just left an important meeting with Wokka and-" Mountbatten cut himself short. "How are the interrogations coming?"
"Why don't you see?" Zin said with a smile.
Louis followed him into the chambers nervously. "Zin, I hope I don't need to remind you that these interrogations are the key to finding Milo and whoever's bring the Griefers together. If they fail, we fail."
Louis stepped up to the observing platform with a look of contempt. Towler was hanging by his legs, his head only just above the reach of the ten zombies that waited below. Proz was nowhere to be seen. "What the hell are you doing?" he cried. He rushed to the control panel where Zin stood, confused at Mountbatten's sudden change in mood.
"What do you mean? I would have thought you of all people would agree that Towler deserves-"
"It's not about what he deserves!" Louis cried. "If he and Proz die, we lose our only hope of finding Milo and the people responsible for the attacks!"
Zin chuckled. "Don't you worry about that, Louis. This is all carefully measured. The zombs cant touch him. To make sure his blood flows properly, he's tipped the right way up every twenty seconds. Trust me on this."
"Where's Proz?"
"He's in a similar room. Towler believes Proz is dead, and vice-versa."
"So you think this'll work? You think they'll talk?" Mountbatten asked.
"Oh, it already has. I was just having some fun with them."
"They spoke?" Mountbatten asked, surprised.
"Yeah, yeah. Quite a bit too. They didn't say who was leading this, but I'm not sure if they know. Proz doesn't know much at all, which makes sense, since he was locked up for a while before this started. If they were planning anything, they wouldn't want him to be able to break under torture. Towler on the hand had a bit to say. He says the Griefers were behind the Notch and Zin impersonations, and suggested something rather unsettling. The Griefers have people in Mojang."
"What? That's ridiculous!"
"Well, here's the scary part. They might not actually be working with Mojang. They might actually be using..."
Zin nodded solemnly. "Turns out there are some left."
"So when Mojang completely disabled the Hackbots all that time ago-"
"Some slipped through the cracks. That, or Mojang are working with the Griefers. I'm not sure what's worse, to be honest. On a lighter note, Towler gave me the locations of several Griefer bases that may contain Milo. He doesn't much about them. Some may no longer even exist, but if we act now, we might have a shot."
Mountbatten's face went white. Suddenly, it was all for nothing. The failed rebellion to bring back trust in the Escapian Empire was no longer needed. If they could find Milo, people would understand that all the lies, all the secrets added up to something in the end... But if the rebellion went ahead, the Escapian Army would be split between defending the Empire and travelling to Futuria. There would be no way they could send anyone to find Milo. On top of that, they would need all the strength they could get if there really were more Hackbots out there.
"Louis? You alright?"
Mountbatten swallowed nervously. "No... I... I have to go. Don't tell anyone a word of this. The Hackbots, Milo, it all needs to stay classified!"

"What do you mean 'cancel the rebellion'?" Sneaky asked.
"We've got no choice! We need to find Milo! We need to build up our army to defend in case of an attack by the Griefers. With the Hackbots, they'll be able to take on our Leaders!" Mountbatten cried.
"How do you know for sure that the Griefers have Hackbots in Mojang?" Wokka asked.
"It's either that, or Mojang is working with them. Either way, we need to be ready for an attack at any moment!" said Mountbatten. "As soon as the storm passes, we need to get the Escapian Navy back here. We need the entire Escapian population ready for battle."
"The storm could stay like this for weeks, maybe more," said Wokka.
"More importantly, the rebellion has already begun. I can't cancel it now."
"You're leading it, Sneaky!"
"Nevertheless, it's out of my control. They've got a thirst for revolution now. They'll rebel now, regardless of how I lead them. With most of the Army and Navy on their way to Futuria, the rebels will have a high chance of success even if I try to mislead them. If we try to go back on this now, Louis, we will lose, I assure you that."
"So what, we just-"
"We just continue with the plan. NOTHING has changed! If Towler's telling the truth, the Hackbots have been around since before he was arrested. They haven't struck yet, we just need to hope they don't strike any time soon." Sneaky made his way for the exit. "No more standing around and waiting. The rebellion begins now!"

Spy leaped aboard the unknown ship, sword ready. Behind him, Inv and Derek followed. Invun had armoured up with a full iron suit while Derek wore a bucket over his head, cutting off the top half of his sight. Back on Spy's vessel, several Escapian soldiers stood cautiously, bows ready to fire.
The unknown ship was silent. Nobody stood on the top deck. Spy motioned for Inv and Derek to follow him further into the vessel. They approached a locked door leading to the lower decks.
"This is Spybotics of the Escapian Empire. Identify yourselves immediately!"
After a long wait, a sailor appeared at the door. "Spybotics, was it?" he opened the door and offered a handshake. "The name's Walker, and I think you and I might have a common enemy."

"Are you sure this is safe?" Minnerthecat yelled to Skunk.
"Sorta," Skunk replied. "I mean, I'm 90% sure the ship is safe for stormy weather!" At that moment, a wave crashed against the ship, tipping it slightly and sending the crew to their feet. "80%!"
Daemon pulled himself to his feet and stumbled to Skunk through the rain. "Are you sure inviting that Minner fellow was safe? I mean, we're harbouring a fugitive still. He could be an informant for CUT."
"I trust him," Skunk yelled through the heavy rain. "This ship needs at least four people. Hell, it should have twenty. He's a sailor, and I'm semi-sure he isn't an informant. Besides, he has booze to share!"
Stalke pulled himself across the rocking ship looking ill. "Skunk, maybe we should turn back!"
"Now why would we do that? Adventure, lad!"
"Because this storm is too strong! If we aren't killed in a shipwreck, we'll just die out here without any help. The Escapians don't know we're here! Hell, if they did, they wouldn't risk their own people to help us if they knew I was on board!"
"Pfft, we'll be FIIIIINE!" Skunk cried. With that, a wave lifted the front of the vessel high up, sending the four sailors sliding into the back of the ship. "Keep the spirits high, sailors!"

LS sat down heavily on his bed and shut his eyes. It had been a long time since he had been power-less. He stretched his arm out and grabbed his bow from his night table. He was powerless, sure, but that wouldn't stop him from using his enchanted Myth Maker bow. He opened his eyes and stood up. Now was no time to rest. Now was a time to for answers. He would get his powers back, even if it meant hunting those responsible to the ends of Craftmine.
As he packed a bag, a knocking came at his door. LS put the bag and bow under his bed and called out, "Come in!"
Zinrius stepped into the house, scanning the room for anyone else. "Are we alone?"
"Yeah... what's up?" LS asked.
"I think I have a way to get our powers back... But you can't tell anyone about this conversation, OK?"
"I'm listening..."
Zin took a seat and quietly told him the whole story. Everything Towler had told him about the possible moles or Hackbots in Mojang.
"And you think the Griefers used the Hackbots to take away our powers?" LS asked.
"Maybe... I don't know. Probably."
LS mulled it over. "I don't think so... They made it clear to me that they weren't Griefers. Sure, they could have been lying, but I don't think so. They seemed... worse."
"Well that's not the point, LS. These Hackbots, if they truly do still exist... They have the power to turn the lowest Griefer into an ultimate being. Something to rival even Wokka. A Modifier."
"But the last time the Griefers tried that, Notch wiped them all out. He banished all the Modifiers, stripped them of any powers and disabled every Hackbot. Well, at least we thought it was every Hackbot. The point is, the Griefers aren't going to try that again. They'll just face the same attacks from Mojang."
"Last time, the Griefers didn't have Hackbots within Mojang itself. With those, they could create Modifiers that are unaffected by Mojang's attacks. Notch wouldn't be able to stop them. But that's not the point. No matter how you look at this, there is a huge threat, and you and I need to be ready to fight the best we can."
"What, without our powers? We're powerless Leaders. What can we do?" LS asked.
"If a Hackbot can turn a Griefer into a Modifier, it can give us our powers back. This might just sound a little bit crazy," whispered Zin. "But what if we broke into Mojang's HQ, found one of the Hackbots, and stole it from the Griefers themselves?"

"What do you mean a common enemy?" Spy asked, holding his sword steadily. "Why are you here?"
"Spy, can I call you that?" Walker didn't wait for a reply. "Spy, quite a while ago, a town was attacked. Thankfully, the town was deserted, but it was a masterpiece regardless. That town was New Central, Escapia's old land. A fleet approached it and began bombarding it. It is now rubble."
Inv stepped forward, shocked. "New Central was attacked?"
Walker nodded. "By the very same people that are now in occupation of Futuria, the land that you once owned."
"Wait, that doesn't make sense. Why would they destroy a deserted town?"
Walker shrugged. "The only theory we have is that they believed it was populated still. These 'Agents', as they call themselves, want war. We believe the attack against New Central was planned as a surprise attack against your Empire. After they realised it was deserted, they sailed to Futuria, where I now think they are preparing to attack. As soon as this storm passes, the sail back to your Empire will be a quick one, and they'll strike powerfully... Unless you and I stop them now."

Demon grabbed a sword from the table and admired it. He had a lot of friends in Escapia, and he hoped he wouldn't have to use this... But he would be ready to.
"Demon, we're all ready," said Vic, approaching him. "On your call, ReCUT strikes."
Demon nodded. "Revolution!" he yelled.
The rebels echoed his call and stormed out of the bunker.

They were in the streets quickly, crying out of the tyranny CUT had brought to Escapia. From his office, Mountbatten watched painfully. Any minute now, someone would burst through his door to tell him the news, and he would have no choice but to act shocked. Surprised. Hurt, even. Everything was going to plan, and that was the worst part.
And so, on that fateful night, the Empire of Escapia began to fall.

Spy, Inv
a) Agree to work with Walker and his crew
b) Refuse to work with Walker

a) Go with Zin to Mojang HQ to get the Hackbot
b) Do something else (state what)
Oh hey, I have a signature now! 26/07/11

haxxorzd00d wrote:Keep talking, Skunk. Everybody likes you and you're stunningly handsome.

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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Post by LS13 » 09 Feb 2013, 19:14

I'll go with zin :D
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Post by Invunarble » 09 Feb 2013, 19:22

Ooooh! A choice! :D

I'm a bit unsure about what to do, though. Could I pick a third option of asking Walker what exactly he will do for us?
"The roses are red, but Invunarble is blue. Hit him with a puma." - Vallorn
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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Post by Skunk_Giant » 09 Feb 2013, 19:42

Well Walker's deal is that if you help he and his crew take down the Agents, that'll eliminate any threat they pose to Escapia.
Oh hey, I have a signature now! 26/07/11

haxxorzd00d wrote:Keep talking, Skunk. Everybody likes you and you're stunningly handsome.

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