Z-Apocalypse - M for Coarse Language - More Members Wanted

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Z-Apocalypse - M for Coarse Language - More Members Wanted

Post by Skunk_Giant » 05 Apr 2011, 06:28

This is almost completely copied from a friend of mine on another forum, so don't give too much credit to me. :D
I've tweaked one or two things, and the story is different, but it's the same sort of concept.

Don't worry, it looks complicated, but it's quite simple to play.

This game will begin with only five people, but as it goes on, I will introduce more character spots (if people wanna play, that is).

The main idea, is I write something, and at the end, I leave you with a number of choices. You need to make a choice for your character. Make sure you make the right choices, or you could end up dead, or worse, one of them.


It's the year 2014. After a scientific military attempt to make super soldiers go wrong, well, you know, zombies eat people. Now, five people have banded together together to survive, as the world is taken over by zombies...

Character Creation

I will allow the first five people to sign up to play, as long as they are dedicated to post back and check frequently for story updates. To sign up, just fill out the form below (please make sure it's a serious character, this isn't one of those 'silly' games).

Name: (First and last name)
Age: (Preferably 18 or older)
Appearance: (Provide info on clothing and physical looks)
Personality: (What kind of person is your character?)
Background: (Some background info on your character's life, history and any other information you'd like to include)
Profession: (See 'Professions')

Strength: (See 'Stats')
Stamina: (See 'Stats')
Speed: (See 'Stats')
Senses: (See 'Stats')
Smarts: (See 'Stats')


Otherwise known as the 5 S's, these are your character's skills.
Strength is obviously your character's brute strength.
Stamina is how much of a beating your character can take. Every point adds 10 points to your characters hp.
Speed is your character's movement speed and agility.
Senses is how well you character can see, hear, smell etc.
Smarts is your character's intelligence.

You have 30 points to spend between these 5 stats, some good comes from being good at things, some bad comes from being bad at certain things. All stats must have atleast 1 and a maximum of 10

Each character will also start with 100 hp. Making bad choices will get you hurt. Depletion to zero will kill your character (or turn him, depending on the circumstance)


Each character in this story has their own job. When you are creating yours, please choose one that relates to one of the following. Only one person can have each job, so early bird gets the worm. Having certain jobs can automatically give the 'good' option for certain choices. One job will obviously be left over as there are 6 jobs and 5 players.


Please note that the characters (soldiers as well) will not have weapons at the start, and will find them throughout the storyline.

So, start posting your characters!
Last edited by Skunk_Giant on 29 Apr 2011, 16:17, edited 2 times in total.
Oh hey, I have a signature now! 26/07/11

haxxorzd00d wrote:Keep talking, Skunk. Everybody likes you and you're stunningly handsome.

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Post by Skunk_Giant » 05 Apr 2011, 06:30

Player One - MKindy - 145HP

Name: David Wiley

Age: 35

Appearance: Short and stocky, with short prematurely-greying hair. Shaves sporadically, so always has a five-o'clock (or maybe it's a ten-o'clock, depending on how long since he last shaved) shadow. His clothes lack any branding, logos, pictures, or words, as he's always somewhat neurotically been opposed to such; what few he has are mostly heavy cotton or linen, with a wool set for when things get really cold, all in muted colors, all tucked into the huge backpack that got him through university. He wears a pair of no-rim glasses with the bendy, titanium-linkages that he is certain will someday break and in this post-apocalyptic nightmare he will never be able to have another pair... though he keeps a spare in his backpack. He walks with a cane, though he doesn't really need it, and has taken up smoking recently.

Personality: Quiet, and when he does talk, gruff. Rather a mean sort generally, but nice to his friends and to waiters & waitresses.

Background: Worked his ass off to get through pharmacy school of his own accord so that he could be generous to friends he's lost contact with, children he never had, and a wife he discovered cheating on him a year before the zombie invasion, which itself was the final straw that pushed him into the existential quandary that makes him the bastard he now is.

Profession: Pharmacist

Strength: 6
Stamina: 9
Speed: 5
Senses: 5
Smarts: 11
Sass, putting up with: -37267

Weapon Skill:

Gun - 2

Player Two - Vallorn - 140HP

Name: Vallorn Lorimer

Age: 19

Appearance: prefers lightwieght, dark coloured clothes as he relies on speed and agility. blond hair, lightly tanned, Sharp facial features and green eyes. medium height and thin but decently muscled.

Personality: Vall' is intensly loyal to his friends. he has a cowardly streak which takes over if he has to think about things so he prefers to act on impulse to reduce this. he acts fast and thinks faster as his mind constntly runs down tangents to the topic at hand. likes to tinker with machines and upgrade weapons.

Background: Vallorn grew up mostly alone. this led to him forming a very strong atachment to his friends which has stuck to this day. he also did well in his science study's which combined with his hyperactivity to give him a love of tinkering. during the crisis he has survived thus far by running faster than the zombies and using his skills to lay traps.

Profession: Mechanic

Senses: 11
Smarts: 14

Weapon Skill:

Gun - 3

Player Three - Blackadder - 155HP

Name : Adder Pants

Age: 19

Appearance: Fit, fantastic wavey blonde hair, has a dark worn brown leather coat with matching pants, alcoholic - ie never really sober, rugged. unkempt facial hair, few teeth, bad BO, gives the impression of a hobo at first glance.

Personalty: Egotistic, obnoxious, loud, massive chip on shoulder, rude, funny, paranoid, almost psychotic. In other words his a bastard who has gone off the deep end.

Background : Adder, was born in 1992 to a street gutter in a bad neighbourhood. He grew up with an older lady who passed away when Adder was 7. By the age of 8 he had already broken a man's arm over a bottle of whiskey. By age 13 he had joined the local gang and started to rise through the ranks, it was here that he learned to fly a small farm plane for "fertilizing" purposes at the age of 16. Arrested for breaking and entering, theft, assault, drunkness in public, indecent exposure, jaywalking and many other crimes. He was sent to a detention centre at the age of 17 when he set up, whilst doing a job. Funnily enough he did better in there then in the "real world" controlling the market of drugs, booze and other goods. Never sober and always hateful, Adder is always looking for the next fight and he looks like he got one with this zombie thing.....

Profession: Pilot


Strength : 10

Stamina 8

Speed 10

Senses 6

Smarts 6

Weapon Skill:

Gun 2

Knife - 1

Player Four - Random980 - ???HP

Name: Chef Nom (pronounced with a french accent)

Age: 24

Sex: yes please Male

Profession: chef

Looks: Tall and lanky, about 6 ft 2, hasnt bothered to shave since the outbreak and has a mangy beard/facial hair because of it. He has a leather jacket he took off a dead biker and wheres a grey 'hard rock' shirt and has dark blue denim jeans and a fluffy chef hat. He is always seen with a large blood stained, black frying pan he named 'conker' ( get the reference?) and he has size 11 nike air's on his feet.

Personality: Annoying, funny, and normally nice. Always enjoys the little things and is overly cautious when it comes to exploring new places, despite this his decisions are usually random. He also likes Metallica, video games and english style comedy.

Back story: Australian, Had to beat to death his own sister who turned into a zombie then with his parents tried to escape to the Australian country side only to be in a horrific car crash that only he survived. He had a C average through school apart from his high grades in food tech classes.

Strength: 7
Stamina: 13
Speed: 6
Senses: 9
Smarts: 5

Weapon Skill:

Player Five - Sadrack - 130HP

Name: Sergeant Gustave Black (Though he just refers to himself as Sarge)

Age: 68

Appearance: Short cut gray hair (he cuts it himself with a knife), has a short beard (knife treatment here too), he wears a short brown vest with a white undershirt, dark-green jeans and black running shoes, though that's only temporary, he usually just grabs any clothes he can find that are not too cumbersome. Still has all of his teeth despite them being yellowed by years of smoking. (Actually always carries a toothbrush and toothpaste in his pocket, kind of obsessive about dental hygiene, ironically)

Personalty: Cold hearted, charismatic (has that 'war veteran' feel to him), quick witted and calculated, prone to yelling orders and trying to keep people in line, can be abusive to people. (physically and mentally)

Background: Sarge was born what now seems like ages ago, he had seen his fair share of war, in fact to him the war had never ended, even when he had ended up in a retirement home he kept training himself in various numbers of ways. He didn't take any medication and and was widely known back then for having held a nurse whom had tried to take away his smokes in a headlock, he was a compulsive smoker though he managed to keep his coughing fits in check. When the zombie apocalypse started, he felt a sense of purpose, like the war had begun once again, he had quickly left the retirement home and had been wandering since then. He always carried around his old war knife that he kept sharpened on pretty much anything he could find. (even stones were good sharpening tools) He had met survivors several times, but as the way of the Z apocalypse would have it, they eventually died or he had to leave them behind, he lived, either by sheer luck or due to his training, he actually wasn't sure which one it was. The last few days he had been holed up in a small home that he had barricaded to hell and back, he kept it dimly lit and was silent at all times so the Z left him alone, but supplies were running low, all that was left in the home was two cans of Alphaggeti. He reached for a smoke but found his pack empty. ''Yep, it's about time to get out old man, this war ain't gonna fight itself.''

Profession: Soldier (War veteran)

Strength: 12
Stamina: 9
Speed: 5
Senses: 9
Smarts: 6

Weapon Skills:

Knife - 2
Gun - 4

Player Six - Sir Luke - 140HP

Name: Luke Derringer

Age: 18

Appearance: Torn digital camouflage pants, green shirt, tan boots, very dirty or scrapped, blue eyes, short messy hair, and he always seems to have a frown on his face.

Personality: He does not seem to be a peaceful person, but Luke has never actually killed somebody. Born ready for the Zombie invasion, he hopes to save mankind (or himself) from certain death at all cost. He enjoys friends, and guns.

Background: Luke grew up in the southern part of America. He always enjoyed hunting with his father and playing video games. When he turned 18 he joined the United States army and became a pilot of a AH-9. He served for many years in 5 countries, now he finds himself in the middle of the Zombie Apocalypse.

Profession: Pilot

Senses: 9
Smarts: 9

Weapon Skills:

Player Seven - Arogon - 130HP

Name: James Joseph Harry Glennon

Age: 32

Appearance: gaunt looking. slim in build 6 foot 2, lab coat and shirt with formal trousers?

Personality: quick thinking and ingenious. easily paniced. brave when backed into a corner. likes to help solve problems.

Background: was working on a genetics lab when the infection broke out. Locked himself in his lab. after running ut of food he returns home to find his family dead so goes in search of help. will leave rest up to you since you may have to weave him into the narrative. (but an idea could be that they find him stranded at a peterol station or somethng)

Profession: scientist

Strength: 6
Stamina: 8
Speed: 6
Senses: 4
Smarts: 12

Weapon Skill:

Player Eight - The Bum - 150HP

Name: Pilchard Pete

Age: 24

Appearance: Average height and Build. Wears a suit , hat, sunglasses, and broken timex digital watch at all times.

Personality: Quiet at some times, loud at others, he is as varied as the music he plays.

Background: Orphaned at birth, Pete grew up in a inner city Catholic orphanage in Calgumet, Illinois. By age 5 he had become fast friends with another orphan named Steam boat Willie, the Zombies killed him, and Pete is out for revenge. Before Willie died, they were travailing musicians, going from place to place, often singing for their supper. Due to their vagrant life style, they encountered some rough characters, and understood the necessity to be armed. This puts Pete in a good position when it comes to weapon skills.

Profession: Musician


Strength: 6

Stamina: 5

Speed: 7

Senses: 5

Smarts: 8

Weapon skill:

Gun: 4

Knife: 2

Player Nine - KaousuHamoni - 140HP

Name: First Lieutenant Eli Harrow

Age: 34

Appearance: Slightly unshaven. Longish, dark brown hair. Diagonal scar across mouth, from where he was slashed in an attempted mugging. About 5"10, with broad shoulders, muscularly built. Wears steel-toed work boots, ripped, baggy jeans, a breathable, white cotton t-shirt, and fingerless, leather gauntlets with plate metal running along the top of the forearm.

Personality: Irritable, quick-thinking, and intelligent. Enjoys a good laugh, but is quick to turn, should someone take it too far. Chastises others frequently, however, half the time he's joking, just trying to scare someone.

Backstory: His wife was the first victim of the virus he saw. He came home, to her throwing up blood into the toilet, losing teeth as she went. He rushed her to the hospital so that he could treat her, but halfway there, she turned. As she lunged at him, her mouth aimed squarely at his jugular, he crashed the car into a wall. He knew she'd turned, he'd seen the news reports, and, as she flew through the windscreen, he unholstered his pistol. Firing two shots into her head, tears streamed down his face. Howls came from a nearby alley, and, as he hotwired a nearby car, he realised that the city had finally fallen. He just hoped it wasn't too late.

It was. As he ran up the steps to his twin daughters school, a trickle of blood, dripped down the balcony. He looked up, and recognized Eve's head. Head. He looked down, and was greeted by a mob of primary school killers, and, in the swarm of faces, he saw Rebecca. Firing his third round of the day, he removed her from this lifetime of death, and jumped back in the car.

He'd already decided to hole up back in the apartment. He had a stock of food, weapons, and medical supplies, in anticipation of this very day. He'd be safe there...

Getting there, now that's a whole different story...

Profession: Marksman, served in the Marines for 12 years.

Strength: 6
Stamina: 4
Speed: 7
Senses: 6
Smarts: 7
Last edited by Skunk_Giant on 11 Jun 2011, 05:11, edited 16 times in total.
Oh hey, I have a signature now! 26/07/11

haxxorzd00d wrote:Keep talking, Skunk. Everybody likes you and you're stunningly handsome.

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Post by Skunk_Giant » 05 Apr 2011, 06:30

Prologue -

As David Wiley struggled through the streets of his neighbourhood, he couldn't help but feel the old walking stick he constantly walked with was useless, that he'd be better off throwing it away, but he wouldn't. It was the principal. God had put him in the situation where he needed it, and now, after Wiley had spent fifty dollars on the piece of wood, he didn't need it any more. Well, David wasn't going to let God win this time. He would keep this stick with him, and he'd be proud to keep it.
A rattling.

Wiley turned behind him, his stick swinging out in front. Another rattle. A flipped car was resting against a house, ready to roll down the hill... and something was behind it.

David knew what to do...

He took a deep breath, and ran.


Vallorn Lorimer sat patiently, thinking, a rope tied around his waist. He was standing on top of one of the largest buildings in the city. He could hear them scurrying up the emergency stairs, they would be here within moments. He had set up a mechanism that relied on pulleys. If he had calculated properly, he could step off the edge and land safely on the bottom, right by one of the still operational cars. If he hadn't, he would smack into the wall a few times. It wouldn't kill him, but it'd hurt like hell and could slow him down in the long run. He had rushed the system, so there was a high chance of the latter. Of course, the other option, would be to try and hold 'em off as long as possible while he re-calculated...


Flash slammed the door shut and kicked the fridge, knocking it over. He knocked every empty bottle by the sink to the ground, the glass shattering. He was out of alcohol. For the past three days, he had been hiding out in the old abandoned bar, drinking to his heart's content. Now, he was out. Nothing left. But his problems were about to get a lot worse. The nails on his boarded up doors rattled loosely. One popped out.
Flash searched frantically for a weapon...


David ran. He knew the area well, but he didn't know where, if anywhere, there would be safety from these, these beasts.
The zombie grabbed his leg. (-5 HP). David kicked his free foot back and smacked it with the stick, slowing the zombie down. He got up and ran again, checking his leg. There wasn't any blood, he hadn't been bitten.
He took a back alley, he could hear the thing chasing after him, hungry, desperate. In his mind, he was a street ahead. He knew nearly every part of the city, next up was a bar, the back entrance. He needed a breath, it'd be easy to defend, and by the looks of it, someone had nailed up the back door, so he could easily put it back, then again, there could be zombies in from the front door... He needed to make a decision fast.


Adder through the cupboard doors open. No gun. Damn. Another nail rattled. He kept searching... Something caught Adder's eye. A cutting knife. It wasn't ideal, but it was better than glass. He grabbed the knife and rushed at the bar's front door.


David struggled with the door, the zombie madly jumping somewhere behind him. He didn't look back. The door flew open, and David flew through it, leaping and landing under a chair, which he lifted with all his strength and swung, knocking the head off of one of the zombies.

Adder charged at the door and with all his power, stabbed the knife through the wood. His arm stopped suddenly, and he called out in pain, but kept going. The knife pushed through into the eye of the zombie out the front. He turned it for a moment and pulled it back.
Adder, relieved he had made it, sat down. A severed zombie head rolled in front of him. He turned to see an old man standing there.


He jumped, his body flying through the air, saved only by the thin rope around his waist... But it worked... Kind of.
Vallorn landed, but he landed hard, it hadn't slowed in time. (-10HP).
Vallorn got up with an ache, but continued on. He pulled the door open of the nearest car, pushed the dead driver out, and checked if it worked. When he turned the keys, it gave a strong sound, and Vallorn let out a sigh of relief. He pushed is foot to the accelerator, smacking into a zombie in front of him, and took a nice joyride through the city.
Suddenly, up ahead, an army of them. About 50 of the zombies stood there, feasting on a bus load of dead. This car was strong, and he could probably smack right through them, killing the majority, but if he failed to...


Chef Nom wasn't your average chef. Not many chefs (well, none that were still alive) could say they had beaten their sister to death with a frying pan, but Chef could. In fact, he had beaten MANY people to death with his frying pan, and named it Conker, and in most scenarios, a man like this would looked as a mental patient by the public, but these days, not many people were 100% sane, and Chef felt he was one of the few.
As he walked through the broken roads, Chef watched the high rises, and more specifically, he watched in horror as a man on top leaped off the edge. Chef supposed he just couldn't take the pressure any more, but then, strangely enough, he watched as the man stood up on the ground all those floors below and started up a car.


Sarge pulled out his lighter and a few bottles of God-knows-what from the fridge. Pouring it throughout the house, he finally stepped out the front door and lit the house up. It was in full flames within a minute. The way Sarge saw it, this was the only way to go, he wouldn't want to leave his scent behind.
So, where to next? He thought to himself, sharpening his knife against a rock.


"Put the knife down, young'n. The names David, and I've just invited myself to stay with you."
Adder eyed the older man cautiously. "You got booze?" Adder asked hopefully.
"Well, that answers my question." David responded before taking a seat on a nearby bar stool. He held his stick out to Adder. "Hold this for a moment."
Adder grabbed the stick and examined it. "There isn't some secret compartment of some sort of drink in here, is there?"
"Stay quiet." David responded, unzipping his waist bag. It was small, but it held basic medical items. He quickly patched up his leg, he'd be able to run a bit more now. He then snatched the walking stick back from Adder. Suddenly, a groan at the back door.
David hadn't fully blocked it up again yet!
Another groan. Another. There had to be at least ten of them out there, maybe even twenty. Adder and David looked around in panic. They could try escaping through one of the windows, but the glass could do some damage, and it'd be near impossible to outrun the zombies.


Sarge arrived at the boarded up mall relatively unscathed. He looked around, and with his strength, managed to kick a side door open. He quickly pushed it back into place and moved some furniture in front of it.
"So, I assume you're not one of them?" The voice made Sarge jump. It came from behind him, back in the mall. Sarge slowly turned to find a man in camouflage clothes with a frown on his face.
"I just want a place to stay for a bit, I wont be long." Sarge said, reaching for his knife.
"Now now, there's no need for that. We're all friends here. The name's Derringer, Luke. I stumbled over here a few days ago. There's another bloke upstairs, sleeping. I'm on guard duty."
"Good to meet you Luke. The name's Sarge, that's all."

Sarge went to shake Luke's outstretched hand, when another, colder hand, broke through the door and grabbed his shoulder, shrieking.
"S***!" He screamed, stabbing his knife into the wrist of the zombie. He jumped from the grip and pulled his knife back out before looking through the hole the zombie had made. There was about fifteen of them outside. He turned to Luke. "C'mon, I've been here before, we can get out of the mall through another exit nearby!"
"Wait, the other guy, he's upstairs!"


Nom made his way through broken houses, around the boarded up ones, listening for the car's engine. When he heard a swerve, he rushed ahead onto the closest road.

Vall accelerated at the zombies, speeding towards them at top speed. The creatures jumped out of his way, but not before he turned and took the left road. The car swerved, the back smacking into the corner of a building. Vall felt the car lurch forward as he went slightly air born going down the hill. He braced for impact and hit the ground hard, but the wheels kept going.
In front of him, a figure stood, holding a frying pan in front of them to block the blinding car lights.

The car kept moving at a high speed. The figure waited a moment and jumped out of the way as Vallorn screeched to a halt. He opened the door when he was sure the figure wasn't a zombie.
"You getting in?"
"Sure... I guess it's safer in then out of the car..." Nom replied.
The pair drove off quickly, the screams of zombies behind them.
"My name's Chef, Chef Nom. You?"
"Vallorn." The driver responded blankly.
"Where are we heading?" Chef asked.
"We'll need more supplies. I've seen smoke coming from the mall, there could be some survivors there..." Vallorn suggested, speeding down the road.
Chef clutched the handle of the door tightly, his knuckles red, as Vallorn calmly sped through the city.

They arrived at the mall to find zombies clawing at a side door.
"There must be people inside if those things are that desperate to get in." Chef commented.
They both knew what to do...
"Keep me defended!" Chef yelled, jumping out of the car. He charged at the nearest zombie and knocked it across the head with Conker. Vallorn slammed his foot down and drove the car into the zombies, knocking most to the ground. One clawed and Chef's face (-8HP). Chef responded to this by introducing the zombie to Conker.


Adder rushed to the door, pushing it back and attempting to shut it. He couldn't do it on his own.
"David, get over here! I can't do this on my own!" He yelled, but there was no response. The door was creaking open. "DAVID!" Adder turned. Nobody was here... David had escaped through the window.
"S***!" Adder kept pushing on the door, and hand reaching out. It clawed at his arm, and Adder fell back in pain (-10HP).
The door flew open and the first zombie jumped onto Adder, who quickly stabbed it in the neck. He quickly crawled back, but another zombie lunged at his leg (-10 HP). Adder stabbed it as well and managed to climb up through the window in time. He began running, his leg aching, and was quickly tackled by another zombie. This looked like the end...
A wooden stick knocked the head off of the creature, and David pulled Black up. "C'mon, let's go! If we get to the hospital, I can use the equipment to help you. I found a car with keys a block away! Oh, and, I'm... I'm sorry for leaving you."
"Yeah, well, make it up to me later, old man..." Adder responded. The two rushed around the corner where they found a tour bus. "Jesus Christ! This isn't a bloody car, it's a zombie killing machine!"
David started driving with Adder on the top keeping watch.


Vallorn and Chef rushed into the mall. There were zombies scattered around the place, it was massive. About four floors up, there was a pharmacy.
"C'mon, Chef, let's move! You're bleeding, you need a bandage or something!"
Chef followed along clutching his face. It was true, he was bleeding fast (-3HP).
Finally, they reached the pharmacy. Just before they stepped in, they noticed a zombie inside. Within a moment, it was hidden.
Vallorn went to rush inside, but Chef pushed him back. "You'll be killed if you go in there... There could be more hiding in the shelves.
Chef smashed Conker against the doorway and pushed Vallorn back around the corner. They waited, Chef wielding his frying pan. Attracted to the sound, the zombie came rushing out and met Conker, face to face. Another came, and another. Finally, when he was sure they were safe, Chef and Vallorn made their way into the pharmacy. They grabbed the supplies they needed and rushed out, only to find the entire mall was infested with the things... They were coming up from the ground floor.

The two rushed up to the roof, having taken supplies from some other stores for Vallorn. He began setting up a contraption similar to what he used earlier while Chef held Conker close by the door, waiting for the zombies to arrive.


The bus reached the mall, zombies surrounding it. David and Adder both knew there would be people in there... Survivors and supplies, the two most important things in a zombie apocalypse.


Luke rushed upstairs, pulling Sarge with him. They reached the room, only to find the other survivor, pale and green, bloodied, and leaping at them.
Sarge grabbed his knife, sending it straight between the zombie's eyes. The creature fell back, but it wasn't done yet. Charging up again, it pulled Sarge to the floor, clawing at his face, the knife slipping away. Luke kicked at the creature, but it kept clawing Sarge.
Noticing the shining metal, Luke rushed towards the knife on the floor, stabbing it straight through the zombie's head.

The zombie was finally done, but Sarge was injured badly (-20HP). Luke handed the knife back to him.

Suddenly, a crash down stairs. Luke rushed to the balcony, Sarge limping behind him. Below them, a bus, with survivors, had smashed through the biggest window in the mall.

Adder had luckily come down moments before David smashed through the window. Had he not, he'd be in quite a bit more pain now.
David pushed every button he could, trying to make sounds. After one push, the bus made a loud, low beeping, almost like a siren. While it may or may not have got the survivor's attention, it got the zombies. They began jumping and clawing to get to the bus.
The zombies were crowding them, the two would be killed any moment! "Adder, how's it going down the side?" David yelled.
"We're in trouble!" Adder yelled, fending off another clawing hand. Suddenly, Adder was tackled to the ground. A zombie reach at his nose, cutting his nostril (-5HP), but quickly fell back, David's wooden stick poking through its head. The two looked up and found the zombies coming in from the roof.


Vallorn finished the last bit of the contraption. They were ready to jump when he saw two other survivors rushing to the roof.

"We need to go up! There's no way we could get down there!" Sarge yelled. Knowing Sarge would never survive on his own, Luke followed the man, helping him up the stairs. A floor up, there was a sky window showing the roof. Through the window, they could see two men, one holding off zombies, the other working on some form of contraption to get them down safely. If they went up another way, they could get past the zombies to the two men who might be able to help them down.


Conker smacked into another mouth, the teeth flying off the roof, down to the road. Chef was being overrun, but he stood by with pride, keeping Vallorn protected. He would wait, no matter what. If Vallorn chose to redo the contraption for the two survivors further down, Nom would wait, if he chose to jump, Nom would wait.
Vallorn, had of course, chosen to help the two survivors. He redid the entire thing. It'd take longer, but he had to help them. Besides, helping them, meant two less zombies to kill.

Luke and Sarge reached the roof via emergency stairs, the footsteps of the rushing zombies behind them struggling to keep up with the fast paced beating of their hearts.
"Please, help us!" Luke yelled, attracting the attention of Nom. The chef turned to see the two survivors rushing up... a horrible mistake. He was tackled to the ground by a zombie, Conker sliding out of his hand to the edge of the roof.
Vallorn turned to see his friend under attack and dropped the rope he was holding, rushing to Nom's aid.
Luke was the next to fall, a zombie from their entrance coming up from behind him. Sarge grabbed the knife by his side, leaping to his new friend's aid despite his own injuries. He stabbed the zombie four times, killing it, and leaped onto another, madly stabbing at it. A third came at him, but Luke pulled him back from the zombie, slamming the door and pushing it back.
Meanwhile, Vallorn was struggling to pull the zombie off Chef, but to no avail. Sarge and Luke rushed to help after boarding their door up with some supplies near Vallorns contraption. Luke boarded the other door up while Sarge helped Vallorn pull the zombie off Chef. Sarge finally managed to get the knife in, killing the zombie, but not before it took a small chunk out of Chef's leg.

Nom screamed as they lifted him to the contraption. Vallorn tried to calm him with some medication they'd take from the pharmacist, and it worked, but it'd be temporary. There was a high chance Nom would be infected too, but Vall wasn't going to leave him... Not yet anyway.
He explained how the contraption worked, and the four jumped off the roof as hundreds of zombies broke through the doors onto the roof.


Adder and David still fought madly, zombies pouring in from the roof and desperately trying to break in the doors. David grabbed a nearby fire extinguisher, knocking a zombie back, but there were too many. David was overrun, they were tackling him back. Black used his knife to reach David and pull him to safety, but they couldn't stay any longer.

He knew what to do. The survivors hadn't arrived yet, they were probably dead by now. He reached for the wheel and reversed over a group of zombies, out of the mall. There he saw them... Four survivors, using some sort of system to leap from the roof of the mall. It'd be dangerous though. There were hundreds of zombies waiting for them below. He checked David who was unconscious after he 'accidentally' knocked him with the fire extinguisher. He felt a bit guilty for it, but those extinguishers are bad... He just hoped he didn't hurt David any more with what he'd do next. He drove madly, smacking into the zombies waiting hungrily, killing the majority and screeched to a halt. The four survivors landed on the bus roof safely, and Adder rushed up to let them in.

When they finally thought they were safe, more zombies than any of them had seen in one place leaped off the roof onto the bus. Black slammed his foot on the accelerator, escaping the waterfall of zombies from the roof.
Now, they were safe.

And so, the six brave men travelled onwards. They wanted a life in peace, and they'd find a way for that, but for now, they needed to find help for poor Chef. He was growing pale, and even though the medication would slow it down, within a couple of weeks, probably less, he could become... one of them.

Chapter One

Last Time

Our heroes are introduced in their own ways, some coming from abandoned pubs, others from skyscraper roofs, but they're all drawn together at the mall. As Adder and David made a spectacular entrance at the mall in an attempt to rescue any survivors, the others escaped via the roof with help from Vallorn and his contraptions.
Unfortunately, in the madness, Chef Nom was attacked and bitten, losing a small part of his arm. David quickly gave him medical treatment to slow the infection, but this is only temporary and will leave Nom with little movement in his left arm.
Now our heroes must travel in search of a cure for Chef...

After the six had introduced themselves to each other, Adder began driving out of the city. They had been driving for a day now while David checked everyone for injuries. Besides Nom, everyone seemed fine.

The highways were dangerous, hell every road was dangerous now. They had left the city, which meant less hazards, but outside of the city, they were surrounded by nothing but forests, forests where zombies could hide.
Adder made sure they stayed on the road. If they ever pulled over, it'd be as close to the middle of the road as possible. If they ever were to stop or crash on the side, things could get ugly.
Unfortunately, on the second night, that's exactly what happened.

Adder was tired, and hadn't been watching the road, but neither had the other driver. When the spotlights finally blinded Adder, it was too late. In front of him was a small van going heading in their direction, also on the middle of the road. Black swerved in shock, spinning off the road and into the forest to the side. The bus rolled madly down a steep dirt hill, coming to a stop half buried in mud.
Adder jumped up and checked that everyone was alright, but was quickly tackled by Vallorn.
"Stay out of sight..." Vallorn whispered. The two were lying down the bus aisle.
Adder watched as everyone else hid under chairs, tables, anything in the bus that would keep them from the windows. It made sense, the zombies might not care if they thought the bus was empty. They weren't the brightest bunch, after all.

Moments passed like hours as the six tried not to breath. Then, a tap on the window. David looked up in horror to see a disfigured face pressed against the window, its eyes rolling up and down, searching for food, until it came to a stop on him.
Within seconds, hundreds of zombies were rocking the van, their screeches deafening. They couldn't break through the windows, but they could through the doors, which weren't boarded up as much.

Adder sprung into action, leaping back to the driver's seat and slamming his foot onto the pedal heroically... He received a groan from the bus, and nothing more.
Adder uttered a few words under his breath and jumped away from the windows, but it was too late, a zombie reached in from the front and pulled him back, smacking his face on the wheel (-10HP).
He reached for the kitchen behind him and tried to grab a knife, but instead got a spoon.
"GOD DAMNIT!" Adder cried, shoving the spoon into the zombies mouth and out the other side.

David lunged at the front door, the only one which was in danger of breaking. He pushed at it with all his strength, but knew it wouldn't be enough. He needed others to come help...

They were breaking through the doors, and the first idea would be to block the door, but Vall had other ideas. If he could get some help from someone, he could make a small contraption which increases the strength of the doors, making it impossible temporarily, for a zombie to break in.
He grabbed his ropes and began working madly. "I need some help over here, I'm not strong enough on my own!"

Luke helped David with the door, but it was no use, the zombies were braking through... They still needed more strength!

Chef and Sarge rushed over to Vallorn's aid, both helping. With their strengths combined, they could make the contraption, but not before the two at the door were thrown back, zombies crowding them (-15HP each). They quickly set the contraption in motion stopping any zombies from braking through.

The zombies were rocking the bus now, and the 6 were worried they'd break in any moment now, when suddenly... The same blinding light appeared, then another, and another!

From the sky too, blinding lights everywhere. Gunfire rang outside, the zombies screams in harmony with it, and within minutes, there was peace again. A knock on the door, an armed man was waiting outside... The six needed to choose what they'd do.

David was the first to respond. A quick glance around the room showed that everyone shared his opinion. He opened the door cautiously.

"Evening, the name's Dennis, thought you might need a hand," he began with a grin, knocking David aside and stepping in the bus. "Attention, you scrawny bastards, you're now travelling with me. I'm a soldier in the military, and I'll be your captain for tonight," he continued, chuckling to himself. Suddenly, the grin turned to a steel face. "Off the bus, the lotta ya."

The six piled their supplies and knives into their bags and did as they were told.
Sarge grunted and whispered to Adder.
"The bastards lyin'. The military ain't doing anything. They were one of the first... 'businesses' to go. Heck, they started the whole damn thing. I read up on this stuff...
"Lying? What are you talking about? Look at the equipment they've got..." Adder responded.
"Stolen. They've taken a military base back from the zombies, and suddenly they're the military. All I'm saying, if we wake up missing some items... or limbs... Know who to blame."
"Well how do we escape?" Adder asked.
"The others are in front of us... We could pull back now and take off, but that'd leave the rest of them behind... Decisions like this make your character." Sarge whispered.
Adder looked at him, expecting something. "Well? What do you think?"
"Personally, I like my character as it is, so I'll leave this decision to you. I'll go where you go, but then, I guess that says a bit about me anyway. Make yer choice, Adder."
"I'm not leaving them... No way."
"Good, didn't want that on my conscience..." Sarge responded.

The six were piled into a chopper with two mounted gunners watching them. The chopper flew off with Dennis and landed some hours later at a military base.
Some soldiers rushed out to grab the six and directed them to their rooms with Dennis.
It was true, hundreds of armed men looking very militaristic, but they all still believed this was wrong... This couldn't be the military... They wouldn't just stand by while the city was overrun...

Each of the six had their own rooms assigned, and after they had put their things away, they were ordered to leave the building. Dennis was ordered to take them on a tour of the area, showing them areas like the target practice room, the guard towers, the cafeteria and even bathrooms. He grunted as they arrived at the cafeteria and walked off, leaving them to find a table and sit down. Around them, soldiers and other survivors ate cheerfully, so they thought it best to do the same.

They took a seat by a scrawny, tall guy in a lab coat and long trousers. He didn't look up from his meal as they sat down, and there were some moments of awkward silence.
"So you're the new guys?" The stranger asked, finally, in a soft voice.
"Yeah... We... We're glad to be here..." David responded with a fake smile.
"Don't be. Get out now. These guys aren't the real military, look at 'em! Rumour has it they took control of the base after it was overrun. Most of 'em have military training, but not the right values. It's all about them. They don't care about us..."
"If this place is so bad, why dont you leave?" David asked the stranger.
"Heh, leave? Only way I'm getting out of here is with a gun and some help. As you can see, I'm not entirely capable of putting up a good fight."
It was true, he looked pretty scrawny.
"Why can't you leave? What do you do?" Vallorn asked.
"I'm a scientist, but it's not just because of that. Nobody's allowed to leave. These guys have some weird fantasy of leading the world after this all."
"My name's James by the way. James Joseph Harry Glennon. Anyway, you should eat up. Keep your friend eating too, if they find out he's been bitten, they'll probably kick him out or experiment on him. The untrained I couldn't tell, but I've dealt with infected before... People don't seem to understand, there's a way to cure them. I discovered that there must be. What this way is, I don't know..."
David looked around at Chef and the others. "What if we got you out?"
James looked up from his meal. "Excuse me?"
"Yeah, could you help Chef if we got you out?" Luke asked.
"I... I... if you're willing to... I mean, it'd be dangerous, but I can hack most of the security codes" James warned.
"We'll do it. Tonight, we meet at the dorms, be ready to leave." Adder concluded as the seven left.

After everyone left to their rooms, Dennis caught up with the six. "By the way, we'd appreciate it if you stayed the night... We don't want people running out on us without us recording it."
The six shared looks... they knew what this meant... Dennis was gonna be extra cautious with them. Before they could talk, they were sent to their rooms which consisted of nothing but a toilet - with a curtain to cover it - an uncomfortable looking bed, a table and a couch.

As the seven lay in their beds that night, they didn't know what to do... Should they try escaping? What were the others going to do?

Dennis whistled to himself as he made his way through the dark hallways, checking each door. The entire building was pitch black, minus the spot of light from his torch.
As he went through his nightly job of checking each room, Dennis couldn't help but think to himself that he deserved more. He had been here in the first set up, he had saved lives... he deserved something better, he deserved authority.
Dennis opened the next door, the cold metal knob squeaking as he turned it. The bed was empty. "Ello?"
He spun quickly, but it was too late. The door had slammed shut and locked on him. As Dennis scrambled for his keys, he heard other doors opening, more footsteps. "FU**!" he screamed as he reached for his radio.
"This is Dennis, we got some assholes going for a midnight snack... They locked me in one of their rooms, the bastards!"

James made his way out of the lab, quietly, his coat trailing behind him. Tonight was the night, he was gonna get out of here, but he might need a weapon.

The six met up at the planned meeting spot.
"Alright," Adder began, "we're here early, but the scientist, James, is in the building next door, so we should wait a while for him. If we're lucky, he'll be here within five minutes or so. Besides, we should be fine, I locked Dennis up..."
With that, a siren screamed, blinding red lights showing up throughout the building.
"You sure we'll be fine?"

"We've got to wait for James! We can't just break the plan! We just need to find somewhere to plan!" Adder yelled to the group.
"No, that's madness! We stay here, we die, simple as that. These guys are crazy, we all saw the look in Dennis's eye when he told us to stay put." Luke argued, looking to the rest of the group.
"I agree with Luke, we need weapons, how do we even know this guy will show up?" Vallorn added. Adder, dismayed, turned to the others, his eyes pleading.
"Sorry bud... but... guns." Sarge added.
"David? What do you think?" Adder asked the man. David sighed.
"Sorry Adder... but... We've gotta go."
The group got up to leave, but paused when a soft voice came up. A soft, sick voice. "I'm not going." Chef, pale and weak, was refusing to go with them. "We promised this guy we'd help him. I'm not leaving him. You can all leave, but I'm staying."
Adder turned to Chef. "Alright, hide. Do not come out until we're here. If you hear us in trouble, run. Don't put yourself in danger at all. We'll grab guns and get back here ASAP. I'll grab something for you too."

And with that, the five headed off, Nom hiding in a small room.

James knew he needed a weapon to survive. He rushed across a dark courtyard, hearing alarms start off around the complex. He swore silently.
Within moments, soldiers were rushing by, James escaping capture only by hiding in dark areas.
Finally, after what felt like an hour, but was truly only a couple of minutes, James arrived at the Shooting Range. He quickly picked up a small pistol, too weak to handle anything larger. He took a shot at a target to double check the recoil. When he finally reached the exit, he heard voices on the other side. James rushed behind a corner, his finger caressing the trigger.
The door opened and James spun around and shot.

The bullet flew pass David's head, just missing him, and Adder leaped forward, tackling the gunman to the ground. When he realised it was James, Adder screamed, "SHIT!"
James was shocked, the gun by his side, his lab coat grey with dirt. Black got off of him in fury. "GOD DAMN IT! WHY THE HELL AREN'T YOU AT THE DORMS?"
"Me? What about you? You told me you'd wait there!" James defended.
"There's a weak man waiting for you, and he's in a shitload of danger now!"
"OK, don't worry. You guys grab some guns and head back, I'll go after your friend! I'm not gonna let you down!"

Arogon rushed off, his pistol, in his hand while the others quickly searched for guns. It was then that the voice played across the loudspeakers. A thick, older voice.
"Attention escapees. We have your friend, and we are coming for you. So please, make our job easier, and search for him. You will only find my soldiers. I urge you to surrender to save yourself going through the pain that your friend now will. Thank you, goodbye."
"Get the hell off of him!" Luke screamed. "You fuckin' assholes! If you touch Chef, I'll kill you all!" He rushed out of the room, rifle in hand, and a struggle was heard.
Five soldiers walked in the room, dragging Luke's unconscious body behind them. They had smacked him over the head with their guns.

James was the next to fall as more soldiers poured in.
Last edited by Skunk_Giant on 29 Apr 2011, 16:19, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Post by Blackadder51 » 05 Apr 2011, 06:32

Name : Adder Pants

Age: 19

Appearance: Fit, fantastic wavey blonde hair, has a dark worn brown leather coat with matching pants, alcoholic - ie never really sober, rugged. unkempt facial hair, few teeth, bad BO, gives the impression of a hobo at first glance.

Personalty: Egotistic, obnoxious, loud, massive chip on shoulder, rude, funny, paranoid, almost psychotic. In other words his a bastard who has gone off the deep end.

Background : Adder, was born in 1992 to a street gutter in a bad neighbourhood. He grew up with an older lady who passed away when Adder was 7. By the age of 8 he had already broken a man's arm over a bottle of whiskey. By age 13 he had joined the local gang and started to rise through the ranks, it was here that he learned to fly a small farm plane for "fertilizing" purposes at the age of 16. Arrested for breaking and entering, theft, assault, drunkness in public, indecent exposure, jaywalking and many other crimes. He was sent to a detention centre at the age of 17 when he set up, whilst doing a job. Funnily enough he did better in there then in the "real world" controlling the market of drugs, booze and other goods. Never sober and always hateful, Adder is always looking for the next fight and he looks like he got one with this zombie thing.....

Profession: Pilot


Strength : 7

Stamina 7

Speed 5

Senses 6

Smarts 5

This what you after Skunk?

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Post by vallorn » 05 Apr 2011, 06:34

il help to build anything we need (im a tinkerer) :geek:

Lord_Mountbatten wrote:I didn't quite hear you over the sound of my eyebrow shooting into the sky.

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Post by Skunk_Giant » 05 Apr 2011, 06:35

Yay! I'll post your character's introductions when you've put your profiles up and you can start on the game tonight if you like! :D
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Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Post by MKindy » 05 Apr 2011, 06:41

This sounds fun! Here are my options:
Name: David Wiley
Age: 35
Appearance: Short and stocky, with short prematurely-greying hair. Shaves sporadically, so always has a five-o'clock (or maybe it's a ten-o'clock, depending on how long since he last shaved) shadow. His clothes lack any branding, logos, pictures, or words, as he's always somewhat neurotically been opposed to such; what few he has are mostly heavy cotton or linen, with a wool set for when things get really cold, all in muted colors, all tucked into the huge backpack that got him through university. He wears a pair of no-rim glasses with the bendy, titanium-linkages that he is certain will someday break and in this post-apocalyptic nightmare he will never be able to have another pair... though he keeps a spare in his backpack. He walks with a cane, though he doesn't really need it, and has taken up smoking recently.
Personality: Quiet, and when he does talk, gruff. Rather a mean sort generally, but nice to his friends and to waiters & waitresses.
Background: Worked his ass off to get through medical school of his own accord so that he could be fiscally generous to friends he's lost contact with, children he never had, and a wife he discovered cheating on him a year before the zombie invasion, which itself was the final straw that pushed him into the existential quandary that makes him the bastard he now is.
Profession: Doctor

Strength: 5
Stamina: 7
Speed: 3
Senses: 5
Smarts: 10
Sass, putting up with: -37267
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Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Post by Skunk_Giant » 05 Apr 2011, 06:46

Awesome! One thing, you're actually meant to choose from one of the professions up there, but I guess I can fit pharmacist into the story if I maybe make him the medic, I mean, he's the closest to it.
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Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Post by MKindy » 05 Apr 2011, 06:49

Skunk Giant wrote:Awesome! One thing, you're actually meant to choose from one of the professions up there, but I guess I can fit pharmacist into the story if I maybe make him the medic, I mean, he's the closest to it.
Oh, gotcha! I misinterpreted that as selecting a job "being like" one of the listed jobs. I'll edit accordingly. :D

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Post by vallorn » 05 Apr 2011, 06:52

Name: Vallorn Lorimer

Age: 19

Appearance: prefers lightwieght, dark coloured clothes as he relies on speed and agility. blond hair, lightly tanned, Sharp facial features and green eyes. medium height and thin but decently muscled.

Personality: Vall' is intensly loyal to his friends. he has a cowardly streak which takes over if he has to think about things so he prefers to act on impulse to reduce this. he acts fast and thinks faster as his mind constntly runs down tangents to the topic at hand. likes to tinker with machines and upgrade weapons.

Background: Vallorn grew up mostly alone. this led to him forming a very strong atachment to his friends which has stuck to this day. he also did well in his science study's which combined with his hyperactivity to give him a love of tinkering. during the crisis he has survived thus far by running faster than the zombies and using his skills to lay traps.

Profession: Mechanic

Senses: 6
Smarts: 8
Lord_Mountbatten wrote:I didn't quite hear you over the sound of my eyebrow shooting into the sky.

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Post by Skunk_Giant » 05 Apr 2011, 06:53

So, you all start off separate, as you don't know each other, so I'll write MKindy's up now. :)

As David Wiley struggled through the streets of his neighbourhood, he couldn't help but feel the old walking stick he constantly walked with was useless, that he'd be better off throwing it away, but he wouldn't. It was the principal. God had put him in the situation where he needed it, and now, after Wiley had spent fifty dollars on the piece of wood, he didn't need it any more. Well, David wasn't going to let God win this time. He would keep this stick with him, and he'd be proud to keep it.
A rattling.

Wiley turned behind him, his stick swinging out in front. Another rattle. A flipped car was resting against a house, ready to roll down the hill... and something was behind it.

David knew what to do...

a) Check behind the car, it could be a civilian!

b) Hide around a street corner with your stick ready. When the zombie comes, you'll swing the stick out and knock it down.

c) Run, you might be able to outrun it!

Now, remember MKindy, your stats will depend on how well you go with your choice. Also, at this point, I'll make it so the consequences are low. You cannot die now as you have full health and the game has just begun, but you can still lose health or something else.
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Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Post by MKindy » 05 Apr 2011, 06:56

Question: Are these zombies the shambling, only-really-dangerous-in-large-numbers kind, or the spritely, intelligent kind?

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Post by Skunk_Giant » 05 Apr 2011, 06:58

Alright, updated the characters, they're all good! I've just changed one thing, you now get an extra ten points for every stamina point, instead of every one after 5. I hope you're all fine with that. :)

Oh, and MKindy, these zombies are quite fast and agile, but not very intelligent. Think I Am Legend style.
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Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Post by vallorn » 05 Apr 2011, 06:58

MKindy wrote:Question: Are these zombies the shambling, only-really-dangerous-in-large-numbers kind, or the spritely, intelligent kind?
why dont you find out?
Lord_Mountbatten wrote:I didn't quite hear you over the sound of my eyebrow shooting into the sky.

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Post by MKindy » 05 Apr 2011, 07:09

Skunk Giant wrote:c) Run, you might be able to outrun it!
Familiar with my tropes, and also because I don't care much for the possibility of there being someone behind the care without the courtesy to announce themselves, I decide not to stick around and investigate. Even if it is a person wounded but unbitten, I do not have the means to care for them as a doctor now.

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Post by Skunk_Giant » 05 Apr 2011, 07:17

Vall, Black, here are your intros -

Vallorn -

Vallorn Lorimer sat patiently, thinking, a rope tied around his waist. He was standing on top of one of the largest buildings in the city. He could hear them scurrying up the emergency stairs, they would be here within moments. He had set up a mechanism that relied on pulleys. If he had calculated properly, he could step off the edge and land safely on the bottom, right by one of the still operational cars. If he hadn't, he would smack into the wall a few times. It wouldn't kill him, but it'd hurt like hell and could slow him down in the long run. He had rushed the system, so there was a high chance of the latter. Of course, the other option, would be to try and hold 'em off as long as possible while he re-calculated...

a) Jump. You might land next to the car and get away.

b) Hold them off... If you succeed, you could re-calculate so you're sure of your plan.

Blackadder -

Flash slammed the door shut and kicked the fridge, knocking it over. He knocked every empty bottle by the sink to the ground, the glass shattering. He was out of alcohol. For the past three days, he had been hiding out in the old abandoned bar, drinking to his heart's content. Now, he was out. Nothing left. But his problems were about to get a lot worse. The nails on his boarded up doors rattled loosely. One popped out.

a) Search for a weapon. Every good bartender has one, right?

b) Use the glass to protect yourself.

c) Look for a way to escape before they break through...
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Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Post by Blackadder51 » 05 Apr 2011, 07:20

Skunk Giant wrote: a) Search for a weapon. Every good bartender has one, right?

I chose A)

Also, um i changed my dude to from Flash to Adder.... sorry

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Post by Skunk_Giant » 05 Apr 2011, 07:21

No problem. :D I'll post responses in a second.
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Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Post by MKindy » 05 Apr 2011, 07:24

Skunk Giant wrote:No problem. :D I'll post responses in a second.
I also picked "Doctor" so you don't have to modify wherever you were going with your story writing.

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Post by Skunk_Giant » 05 Apr 2011, 07:29

MKindy - David ran. He knew the area well, but he didn't know where, if anywhere, there would be safety from these, these beasts.
The zombie grabbed his leg. (-5 HP). David kicked his free foot back and smacked it with the stick, slowing the zombie down. He got up and ran again, checking his leg. There wasn't any blood, he hadn't been bitten.
He took a back alley, he could hear the thing chasing after him, hungry, desperate. In his mind, he was a street ahead. He knew nearly every part of the city, next up was a bar, the back entrance. He needed a breath, it'd be easy to defend, and by the looks of it, someone had nailed up the back door, so he could easily put it back, then again, there could be zombies in from the front door... He needed to make a decision fast.

a) Open the door, it's too complicated for a zombie. You'll get a rest if you get in properly.

b) Keep moving. You'll need to find another safe area.

Blackadder -

Adder through the cupboard doors open. No gun. Damn. Another nail rattled. He kept searching... Something caught Adder's eye. A cutting knife. It wasn't ideal, but it was better than glass. He grabbed the knife and rushed at the bar's front door.

a) Throw the knife through the window and take out the zombie on the other side.

b) Try and stab the knife through the door. If you succeed, the zombie will be killed and you'll keep the knife.

c) Stab through the window. It'll be easier to kill the zombie, but the glass is gonna hurt.
Oh hey, I have a signature now! 26/07/11

haxxorzd00d wrote:Keep talking, Skunk. Everybody likes you and you're stunningly handsome.

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Post by MKindy » 05 Apr 2011, 07:35

Skunk Giant wrote:a) Open the door, it's too complicated for a zombie. You'll get a rest if you get in properly.
There might be things inside I can use, too, though it is probably not the safest place to hide.

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Post by Skunk_Giant » 05 Apr 2011, 07:39

So you ARE going in? Also, I'm off for the night. I'll post tomorrow. Thanks for taking part in the game guys, it'll start getting interesting when you're all together and we have team choices (where it only turns out well if you all choose the same choice and PM me or something like that). :D
Oh hey, I have a signature now! 26/07/11

haxxorzd00d wrote:Keep talking, Skunk. Everybody likes you and you're stunningly handsome.

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Post by Blackadder51 » 05 Apr 2011, 07:46

I choose (B

Stab the shit out of the zombie threw a door =D

Btw this is really fun :)

The Building of The Imperial City
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Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Post by MKindy » 05 Apr 2011, 07:52

Skunk Giant wrote:So you ARE going in? Also, I'm off for the night. I'll post tomorrow. Thanks for taking part in the game guys, it'll start getting interesting when you're all together and we have team choices (where it only turns out well if you all choose the same choice and PM me or something like that). :D
Oh, yes. :) Whichever choice I quote is the one I intend to do. :D

Have a good night!

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Post by random980 » 05 Apr 2011, 08:14

Name: Chef Nom (pronounced with a french accent)
Age: 24
Sex: yes please Male
Profession: chef
Looks: Tall and lanky, about 6 ft 2, hasnt bothered to shave since the outbreak and has a mangy beard/facial hair because of it. This makes him look like a bit of a nut-case. He has a leather jacket he took off a dead biker and wears a grey 'hard rock' shirt and has dark blue denim jeans and a fluffy chef hat. He is always seen with a large blood stained, black frying pan he named 'conker' ( :lol: get the reference?) and he has size 11 nike air's on his feet.
Personality: Annoying, funny, and acts a bit insane at first glance but really, he knows what he is doing. He is usually a nice bloke. Always enjoys the little things and is overly cautious when it comes to exploring new places, despite this his decisions are usually random. He also likes Metallica, video games and english style comedy. When he is angry he stays angry for a while and takes it out on the first thing he sees (lately zombies) Food calms him down quick.
Back story: Australian. Comes from a poor family which taught him not to be wasteful. When the Outbreak started he had to beat to death his own sister who had turned into a zombie, then with his parents, tried to escape to the Australian country side only to be in a horrific car crash that only he survived. He had a C average through high school apart from his high grades in food tech classes.
Strength: 4
Stamina: 8
Speed: 6
Senses: 7
Smarts: 5
HP: 180
Favorite cuisine: Mexican
(i realise the fry-pan is a starting weapon, so can i have it written in!? :D )
EDIT: added a bit more on to his personality and back story and a bit more to his looks to.
Last edited by random980 on 06 Apr 2011, 01:33, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Post by Sadrack » 05 Apr 2011, 08:25

Name: Sergeant Gustave Black (Though he just refers to himself as Sarge)

Age: 68

Appearance: Short cut gray hair (he cuts it himself with a knife), has a short beard (knife treatment here too), he wears a short brown vest with a white undershirt, dark-green jeans and black running shoes, though that's only temporary, he usually just grabs any clothes he can find that are not too cumbersome. Still has all of his teeth despite them being yellowed by years of smoking. (Actually always carries a toothbrush and toothpaste in his pocket, kind of obsessive about dental hygiene, ironically)

Personalty: Cold hearted, charismatic (has that 'war veteran' feel to him), quick witted and calculated, prone to yelling orders and trying to keep people in line, can be abusive to people. (physically and mentally)

Background: Sarge was born what now seems like ages ago, he had seen his fair share of war, in fact to him the war had never ended, even when he had ended up in a retirement home he kept training himself in various numbers of ways. He didn't take any medication and and was widely known back then for having held a nurse whom had tried to take away his smokes in a headlock, he was a compulsive smoker though he managed to keep his coughing fits in check. When the zombie apocalypse started, he felt a sense of purpose, like the war had begun once again, he had quickly left the retirement home and had been wandering since then. He always carried around his old war knife that he kept sharpened on pretty much anything he could find. (even stones were good sharpening tools) He had met survivors several times, but as the way of the Z apocalypse would have it, they eventually died or he had to leave them behind, he lived, either by sheer luck or due to his training, he actually wasn't sure which one it was. The last few days he had been holed up in a small home that he had barricaded to hell and back, he kept it dimly lit and was silent at all times so the Z left him alone, but supplies were running low, all that was left in the home was two cans of Alphaggeti. He reached for a smoke but found his pack empty. ''Yep, it's about time to get out old man, this war ain't gonna fight itself.''

Profession: Soldier (War veteran)

Strength: 9
Stamina: 3
Speed: 4
Senses: 8
Smarts: 6

(Hope this is fine, I took some liberties with my starting location and equipment, but it's pretty standard stuff, nothing that would give me an unfair advantage.)
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Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Post by vallorn » 05 Apr 2011, 09:12

lets jump off the roof... :lol:
Lord_Mountbatten wrote:I didn't quite hear you over the sound of my eyebrow shooting into the sky.

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Post by Skunk_Giant » 05 Apr 2011, 16:34

All spots are filled up now! If you're interested in joining, PM me.

Black and MKindy

David struggled with the door, the zombie madly jumping somewhere behind him. He didn't look back. The door flew open, and David flew through it, leaping and landing under a chair, which he lifted with all his strength and swung, knocking the head off of one of the zombies.


Adder charged at the door and with all his power, stabbed the knife through the wood. His arm stopped suddenly, and he called out in pain, but kept going. The knife pushed through into the eye of the zombie out the front. He turned it for a moment and pulled it back.
Adder, relieved he had made it, sat down. A severed zombie head rolled in front of him. He turned to see an old man standing there.

Adder -

a) Leave the bar quietly. This old guy could mean trouble.

b) Help him, he looks like he has a bad leg.

MKindy -

a) Leave now. This young'n smells of booze.

b) Stay, it might help to have someone a bit more fit on the team.


He jumped, his body flying through the air, saved only by the thin rope around his waist... But it worked... Kind of.
Vallorn landed, but he landed hard, it hadn't slowed in time. (-10HP).
Vallorn got up with an ache, but continued on. He pulled the door open of the nearest car, pushed the dead driver out, and checked if it worked. When he turned the keys, it gave a strong sound, and Vallorn let out a sigh of relief. He pushed is foot to the accelerator, smacking into a zombie in front of him, and took a nice joyride through the city.
Suddenly, up ahead, an army of them. About 50 of the zombies stood there, feasting on a bus load of dead. This car was strong, and he could probably smack right through them, killing the majority, but if he failed to...

a) Accelerate into them. This is your only way out of the city.

b) Take the turn on your right, it's safer.

Meatroid -

Chef Nom wasn't your average chef. Not many chefs (well, none that were still alive) could say they had beaten their sister to death with a frying pan, but Chef could. In fact, he had beaten MANY people to death with his frying pan, and named it Conker, and in most scenarios, a man like this would looked as a mental patient by the public, but these days, not many people were 100% sane, and Chef felt he was one of the few.
As he walked through the broken roads, Chef watched the high rises, and more specifically, he watched in horror as a man on top leaped off the edge. Chef supposed he just couldn't take the pressure any more, but then, strangely enough, he watched as the man stood up on the ground all those floors below and started up a car.

a) Chase after him. You know this part of the city well, you could easily be in front of him soon and then you'd have someone to help you.

b) Ignore him and move on.

Sadrack -

Sarge pulled out his lighter and a few bottles of God-knows-what from the fridge. Pouring it throughout the house, he finally stepped out the front door and lit the house up. It was in full flames within a minute. The way Sarge saw it, this was the only way to go, he wouldn't want to leave his scent behind.
So, where to next? He thought to himself, sharpening his knife against a rock.

a) The mall. It's pretty damn far away, but it would probably have cigarettes and maybe even survivors.

b) Get out of the city at all costs, there's more open area out there, less chance of being attacked unknowingly.

c) Just wonder. Don't stick to a plan. Not for now, anyway.
Oh hey, I have a signature now! 26/07/11

haxxorzd00d wrote:Keep talking, Skunk. Everybody likes you and you're stunningly handsome.

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Post by vallorn » 05 Apr 2011, 16:41

turn turn TURN! :shock:
Lord_Mountbatten wrote:I didn't quite hear you over the sound of my eyebrow shooting into the sky.

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Post by Blackadder51 » 05 Apr 2011, 17:04


I chose to help the dude, he might have booze.

The Building of The Imperial City
| The Blackadder Booze Fund

We're in the stickiest situation since Sticky the Stick Insect got stuck on a sticky bun.
-Captain Edmund Blackadder.

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