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Re: RP: Adventures in a mansion.

Posted: 03 Sep 2012, 15:30
by vallorn
Two mechanical wooden arms emerge from hidden apertures in the floor and punch you both in the balls.

Re: RP: Adventures in a mansion.

Posted: 03 Sep 2012, 15:43
by Wildwill002
"What in blue blazes was that! Look, clearly someones watching us... so just give me back Gerald and then we can start this little meeting over. Alright? Windy's the name, by the way"

Re: RP: Adventures in a mansion.

Posted: 03 Sep 2012, 22:06
by LS13
Rook continues through the maze of halls and stairs, without his precious ball of yarn. "Wow how can this get any worse, nothing to hunt, I'm hungry, my yarn burned up, and I'm lost..."

Re: RP: Adventures in a mansion.

Posted: 03 Sep 2012, 22:28
by MrWhales
Thomas stands up, now covered in seagull bites, scorch marks, splinters, and scratches. "My b-blubber protected me from m-m-most of it, sir. A-Are you still there?" He stares up through the whale-sized hole in the floor above, it is the only other light in the basement

Re: RP: Adventures in a mansion.

Posted: 03 Sep 2012, 23:09
by VoidIntruder
Evan moves next to the hole, "Yes." Dam policies forcing me to answer questions.

Re: RP: Adventures in a mansion.

Posted: 04 Sep 2012, 03:55
by Skunk_Giant
Bruce makes his way over cautiously after hearing Windy yell at someone... or something.
He hears another noise, a cry of pain, and then Windy introducing himself.
"What' going on here?" Bruce asks, stepping into the room.

Re: RP: Adventures in a mansion.

Posted: 04 Sep 2012, 06:35
by Wildwill002
Derpages be here

Re: RP: Adventures in a mansion.

Posted: 04 Sep 2012, 17:27
by Skunk_Giant
I was assuming Bruce didn't follow you at first into the glowing room.

Re: RP: Adventures in a mansion.

Posted: 05 Sep 2012, 08:53
by Wildwill002
Err ignore that last part with bruce then. Got confused with the avatars XD

Re: RP: Adventures in a mansion.

Posted: 06 Sep 2012, 19:49
by vallorn
@Fang, Bruce, Gerald, Windmill.

The floor beneath you suddenly drops away. you land upon a slippery slop and before you know it you are at the bottom where you find amongst a pile of rubble, Whales.

Re: RP: Adventures in a mansion.

Posted: 06 Sep 2012, 22:39
by LS13
Rook continues on still lost. Nothing odd has happened to him as far as he can tell, but the halls could be moving on him again and he would never know. He hears the rumbling in the distance again and heads towards it.

Re: RP: Adventures in a mansion.

Posted: 07 Sep 2012, 01:27
by Iron_Fang
"Woah, what happened," Fang said as he got back to his feet. He notices rotten wood and bricks on the floor.

Re: RP: Adventures in a mansion.

Posted: 07 Sep 2012, 02:06
by Skunk_Giant
"What the hell?" Bruce whispers. "Is that a whale? I guess this is the thing that caused the big mess earlier."
Bruce pokes it. "Do you think it's alive? We should probably find some water if it is."

Re: RP: Adventures in a mansion.

Posted: 07 Sep 2012, 10:12
by Wildwill002
"It looks alive. Sort of. Hang on, I've got some krill, maybe that'll perk it up!"

*Windy takes out the krill and places it about a meter in front of the whales mouth*

Re: RP: Adventures in a mansion.

Posted: 07 Sep 2012, 19:47
by VoidIntruder
Evan was eavesdropping on their conversation. Looks like I got lucky for once.

Re: RP: Adventures in a mansion.

Posted: 11 Sep 2012, 02:44
by Skunk_Giant
Bruce waits, hoping his story wont end here...

Re: RP: Adventures in a mansion.

Posted: 11 Sep 2012, 02:47
by vallorn
Rook. you notice that there is a lot of noise coming from the hallway at the end of the corridor and left.

It sounds like a bunch of people talking loudly.

Re: RP: Adventures in a mansion.

Posted: 11 Sep 2012, 19:21
by LS13
"I wonder what that could be. Maybe the others are there! I could finally hunt that giant fish thing!"
Rook heads towards the voices.

Re: RP: Adventures in a mansion.

Posted: 11 Sep 2012, 19:43
by Spyboticsguy
I want join.

Re: RP: Adventures in a mansion.

Posted: 11 Sep 2012, 21:17
by vallorn
Spyboticsguy wrote:I want join.


Re: RP: Adventures in a mansion.

Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 17:22
by vallorn
are you lot gonna let this die?

Re: RP: Adventures in a mansion.

Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 17:32
by Wildwill002
I blame whales since I think I'm waiting for him and he's the one that's not posted the longest :P

Re: RP: Adventures in a mansion.

Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 19:51
by LS13
Well I said something and then nothing happened ._.

Re: RP: Adventures in a mansion.

Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 21:14
by VoidIntruder
I barely have a purpose in this story

Re: RP: Adventures in a mansion.

Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 21:56
by Invunarble
My application was rejected. :( I was looking forward to hitting someone with a chicken wing.

Re: RP: Adventures in a mansion.

Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 22:27
by vallorn
VoidIntruder wrote:I barely have a purpose in this story
then give yourself a purpose.

Re: RP: Adventures in a mansion.

Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 23:37
by Invunarble
I say we all transfer over to afly's sexy cowboy RP thread :D

Re: RP: Adventures in a mansion.

Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 23:54
by LS13
Please dont try derailing a thread by getting everyone else to go to another thread. And vall, if u do something interesting to rook i can start back up

Re: RP: Adventures in a mansion.

Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 23:55
by Invunarble
LS13 wrote:Please dont try derailing a thread by getting everyone else to go to another thread. And vall, if u do something interesting to rook i can start back up
Er... I didn't put much effort into trying to derail this, sorry anyways >.<

Re: RP: Adventures in a mansion.

Posted: 16 Sep 2012, 12:58
by MrWhales
Thomas woke from his unexpected slumber in the dark. Something was amiss, he has crashed through stairs and a floor, yet through the dim light, he could see none of the debris. He wondered if there were just really active termites, or if he had moved, but what could move him?

As his eyes adjusted, he could make out a wall of portraits of the others in the house.

[Void, say something to do with the lights flickering, a dragging sound, and the lights coming back on with no other sounds from below.]