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Space Marine Review

Posted: 17 Sep 2011, 05:55
by vallorn
well Space Marine. a title based off of the classic Warhammer 40,000 franchise made by Relic Entertainment who have also made the Dawn Of War games that are also based off the franchise. this experience with the 40K universe bleeds through in everything in the game but is merged excellently with retro and modern gameplay.

well then lets look at the facets of this game on more depth then, il begin with the story. its decent but nothing utterly memorable. it serves well to give some backdrop to the gameplay and it succeeds in creating an attachment to the characters which is never a bad thing. it also does well at painting the 40K universe with all the mixtures of intrigue, horror, aliens, daemons and war on a massive scale that Games Workshop (the creators of the 40K universe) can think up. overall its good but nothing special you will most likely forget it soon after playing.

okay next lets look at the graphics. i played it on PS3 and they were awesome. from the sheen coming off Captain Titus's power armor to the spray of shiny glistening blood when you put a chainsword/power axe/ thunder hammer through the face of an ork. now if you look closely then there is some copypasting of effects (especially with the later enemies) however it never gets too over the top. the cutscenes feel slightly stylized like the rest of the game and the use of lighting works great in these scenes.

next is the Aesthetic of the game. it is a perfect representation of the 40k universe insofar as it bleeds a gothic future full of horror and death. there is a slight yellow-brown tint over everything which feels slightly out of place but works well when in combat where all the glowing weapon effects, blood spray and explosions burst on this slightly dull background. the size of everything is also interesting as it makes you feel slightly insignificant even as this huge power armored death machine, to quote their own blurb "Everything is larger than life".

finally lets look at the gameplay. its meaty there's no doubt about it but its very easy to get pulled into melee combos and get stuck in them while a big Nob hits you in the face with a hammer. there's a sense of weight to everything which makes it somewhat difficult to control when you need speed more than anything. however it never breaks the experience especially when you get a jetpack. there are a few boss fights which are rather tough but extremely satisfying.
the melee weapons have some nice varity and the guns are excelent, especialy when fired they sound and feel like these huge weapons of destruction that they are.

overall the game is a perfect representation of the warhammer 40,000 universe for better or worse. as a game its very fun to not cower behind cover all the time and just get stuck in but the way of regaining health in combat takes some getting used to. i would recommend it to anyone who either likes 40k or just wants a good third person game. theres nothing groundbreaking but its still a very good game.

il post a review of the multiplayer at some point in this thread.

Re: Space Marine Review

Posted: 17 Sep 2011, 06:09
by Iron_Fang
=D i find it great and who else has the PC version? :D

Re: Space Marine Review

Posted: 21 Sep 2011, 11:21
by vallorn

now that Relic have fixed the PS3's matchmaking (now takes 35 seconds rather than 35 mins to find a game) i feel up to reviewing this:

Classes: three of em;
Assault have CloseCombat weapons, pistols and a jump pack. they are the fastest class in the game but tend to attract a lot of firepower.

Tactical have the most choce in weapons from the standard Bolter to Meltaguns, Storm Bolters and even Sticky Grenade Lawn Chairs. they are slower than Assualts but because they stay on the ground they attract less bullets.

Devestators have the heavy weapons. they are the slowest class but have the most health and more perks to boost armor and health. they attract Assaults like flies because of their slow speed.

Maps: not many of em. they are all pretty much symmetrical with some aesthetic changes depending on the side. they are well balenced with multiple paths for each class and take into account the assaults extra maneuverability and the Devs need for long LoS at the same time.

GameTypes: there are 2 at the moment but more may be released soon enough. Ahnihilation is your basic Team Deathmatch and is fairly boring but Seize Ground is exceedingly fun. Capping points while your team cover you is a brilliant experience.

Customiser: im gonna say its big... its huge... its everything a 40K fan could ever want and more. it even goes to the lengths of using the GW standard colors including thier names when coloring each bit of armour.
there are a couple of bits missing that chould have been in there including Thousand Sons/ World Eater Helmets but thats fine.

Gameplay: very balenced and frantic without being too hectic. it paces itself perfectly as you move into position to attack then pull off a kill then retreat before they knew you were there. or you could take a heavy bolter Dev and lock down a section of the map with hails of bolt rounds. or you could drop from the sky and ram a giant hammer through peoples chests... the possibilities are near endless and are almost all fun.

one more thing on Gameplay the amount of punishment a Speec MAreen can take is rather large changing the game style from He Who Shoots First Wins to He Who Can Track Foes Effectively Wins.

Connectivity: pretty decent roughly a quater of the games i get into have some small amount of lag but its nothing major. although if you live outside of the US or UK its apparently quite a bit worse.

overall: its well paced fun but lacks variety in the maps and gametypes. i havnt got bored of it yet though...

Re: Space Marine Review

Posted: 21 Sep 2011, 11:56
by EricSmarties
Was at aros and he was like to delphi 'Pleh teh spesh marines' and the character was so overpowered D: i mean a blunt sword in one hand with which you can beat the f*** out of everything and a gun in the other that shoots blue balls that explode (your gonna love my nuts) That was the demo :L

Re: Space Marine Review

Posted: 21 Sep 2011, 11:58
by Sti_Jo_Lew
Pretty close representation of a Space Marine, that is. Think of it as an entire army of Arnold Terminator's. With swords.

Re: Space Marine Review

Posted: 21 Sep 2011, 12:28
by vallorn
EricSmarties wrote:Was at aros and he was like to delphi 'Pleh teh spesh marines' and the character was so overpowered D: i mean a blunt sword in one hand with which you can beat the f*** out of everything and a gun in the other that shoots blue balls that explode (your gonna love my nuts) That was the demo :L
its not blunt. its a CHAINSAW SWORD. the block bit holds all the teeth!

and... plasma pistol? because those are teh shizhammer :)

by the way eric

"Pleh teh spesh marines!!!"

Re: Space Marine Review

Posted: 21 Sep 2011, 13:21
by EricSmarties
vallorn wrote:its a CHAINSAW SWORD.

and... plasma pistol? because those are teh shizhammer :)

by the way eric

"Pleh teh spesh marines!!!"
Gears of war rip off... ;D

it shot blue balls at green orcs


Re: Space Marine Review

Posted: 21 Sep 2011, 13:24
by Lord_Mountbatten
Can we go one day without kids trying to impress everyone with talk of alcohol?


Re: Space Marine Review

Posted: 21 Sep 2011, 14:37
by Sti_Jo_Lew
EricSmarties wrote: Gears of war rip off... ;D

it shot blue balls at green orcs

.... I should kill you for saying that.

Re: Space Marine Review

Posted: 21 Sep 2011, 15:03
by Aenir_bEPU
Sti_Jo_Lew wrote:
EricSmarties wrote: Gears of war rip off... ;D

it shot blue balls at green orcs

.... I should kill you for saying that.
Warhammer 40k started in 1987.
The first Gears of War game came out in 2006.

Re: Space Marine Review

Posted: 21 Sep 2011, 15:13
by vallorn
EricSmarties wrote: Gears of war rip off... ;D
i now reserve the right to beat you with the mightiest weapon in the galaxy!
Spoiler! :

(Hint: the book probably weighs more than your head)
Edit: you know? this argument reminds me of something... oh yeah
Spoiler! :
Warhammer is srs bsns.jpg

Re: Space Marine Review

Posted: 21 Sep 2011, 17:27
by Iron_Fang
What val said, but totalhalibut style
Also I was thinking, maybe we could have a comp for best escapecraft clan armour for chaos and for the imperium, with which armour and colours ect, till the 1st of October, post your armours and ect then we could have a poll!!!

Re: Space Marine Review

Posted: 21 Sep 2011, 18:02
by vallorn
i run Pre Herasy Thousand Sons for my Space Marine model and Post Herasy TS for Chaos.

i wonder what army i play ;)

Re: Space Marine Review

Posted: 22 Sep 2011, 09:35
by SachielOne
vallorn wrote: Edit: you know? this argument reminds me of something... oh yeah
Spoiler! :
Warhammer is srs bsns.jpg
What that strip doesn't mention is that the situation described is an average Tuesday in the 40K universe.

I believe that the armor of certain chapters and legions were retailer-exclusive preorder DLC, which is why there are components that seem to be missing.

Re: Space Marine Review

Posted: 22 Sep 2011, 15:56
by Darktaint
if you two don't stop it I'll slap you both with forum warning, this is just silly.

Re: Space Marine Review

Posted: 22 Sep 2011, 16:21
by vallorn
Darktaint wrote:if you two don't stop it I'll slap you both with forum warning, this is just silly.
yeah it got out of hand realy fast sorry taint. would you mind deleting the flame posts? they're detracting from the thread now :(