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the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.

Posted: 09 Apr 2011, 14:20
by vallorn
basicly this is a general disscussion thread for those of us who play the best tabletop wargame in the world. talking about the video games based on the universe.

il start by saying Grey Knights are insanly good. maybe to the point of being broken.
thier basic troops for example get Storm Bolters, Nemesis Force Swords and Deep strike yet only cost 20 points per model? when Necrons cost 18 and Chaos Marines only a bit less than that you know somethings up.

Re: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.

Posted: 09 Apr 2011, 14:23
by Lord_Mountbatten
I love Dawn of War - best original IP ever! No idea where they got it from!

Re: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.

Posted: 09 Apr 2011, 14:25
by Wildwill002
im just gonna say one thing... Tyranids are just win!
he my lictor took out a baneblade in one turn!

Re: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.

Posted: 09 Apr 2011, 14:33
by vallorn
Wildwill002 wrote:im just gonna say one thing... Tyranids are just win!
he my lictor took out a baneblade in one turn!
heh. on the apocalypse release day i had Berzerker champion with a powerfist. he made it accross the board. punched a baneblade and somehow set of a nuclear blast that killed pretty much everything except him... i love to imagine him just standing there covered in soot and blinking in suprise like those old cartoons.

Re: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.

Posted: 09 Apr 2011, 15:37
by SachielOne
It must be nice to have enough time and money to actually play this game.

Re: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.

Posted: 09 Apr 2011, 16:39
by Sti_Jo_Lew
I don't want to even play the game, I just want to buy the models becuase they look so awesome! Tyranids are the coolest alien race by far in any game. Also, DoW is full of win.

Re: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.

Posted: 09 Apr 2011, 16:45
by Sadrack
I've only played the original DoW games but I have to say that out of all the races featured in it, the Necrons are probably my favorite. Then again I have some kind of unhealthy obsession towards the undead.

From a non-lore point of view, that's pretty much what the Necrons are, undead robots. Which is badass if you ask me.

Re: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.

Posted: 10 Apr 2011, 02:27
by vallorn
even looking at the Lore that sums up the Necrontyr pretty well. the Ctan are a different story. (Evil Space Gods :shock: )

ive always loved Chaos. its the sheer level of randomness and pure evil that i like.

Re: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.

Posted: 10 Apr 2011, 08:31
by Sadrack
vallorn wrote:even looking at the Lore that sums up the Necrontyr pretty well. the Ctan are a different story. (Evil Space Gods :shock: )

ive always loved Chaos. its the sheer level of randomness and pure evil that i like.
The Chaos were my favorite BEFORE I got around to the expansion that added the Necrons. And yeah I went and read the lore behind the Necrons/Necrontyr on the DoW wiki and I guess they ARE undead robots. :x

The Ork weren't too bad either, they have some kind of animalistic ferocity mixed with technology (at least in 40K) that made them quite interesting.

I've actually played that Warhammer MMORPG for a bit but I found that the 'medieval' setting of the warhammer universe doesn't really appeals to me, the 40K stuff just seems better somehow.

Re: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.

Posted: 10 Apr 2011, 11:59
by nart_21086
I started out Necrons, then converted to Black Templars for the sole purpose of perfecting an Empire's Champion. Then found out that most templars could have cqb weapons (chain swords and bolt pistols)
And when Apocalypse arrived, they could finally have razorwinds.

Re: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.

Posted: 11 Apr 2011, 10:34
by vallorn
when i can be arsed il take pictures of my best Chaos Marines and post em up here.
till then have some fanart i had saved on my hard drive for some reason (i was probably drunk)

(Mods feel free to take these off if you dont think thier suitable... it IS 40K so i cant realy be sure.)
624px-AngryMarine weilding guardsman.jpg

Re: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.

Posted: 12 Apr 2011, 19:47
by arogon343
Why havent i seen this thread before?? O.o
Fact is when it comes to it am a bit of a nerd with 40k :P
the necrons are cool, but when the update comes out for them they will be absolutley HORRID to fight....
I am however a chaos player ad apocylpse is my favorite part of 40k :twisted:
I have built many a scratch built war machine and if i can put some pictures up i certanly will.
The armies i possess at the moment are:
@: Chaos space marine (steel bretheren) (roughly 6000 points with super heavy's)
@: Empire army of hochland (fantasy) (4500 points?)
@: uruk-hai army (lord of the rings) (2000 points roughly in war of the ring)
@: i also have dablled in dark heresy and deathwatch and there pretty cools :D
Vall we should have a game sometime ! ....where u live? O.o
Oh and 40k isnt expensive per say, you just need to take it slow, buying it all at once will cost a fortune but in little bits its easily do-able.
Though to be quite fair...i ave a bloody lot of the stuff....i didnt mention the boxes of radom models i have in cubords.....i get allot of freebies :P

Re: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.

Posted: 12 Apr 2011, 21:22
by nart_21086
arogon343 wrote: the necrons are cool, but when the update comes out for them they will be absolutley HORRID to fight....
Somehow all I've heard from people that playing with necrons is impossibly hard with ver. 6 rules. One of the dudes that works at Games-Workshop HQ says he hasnt won a game with em since they came out. I have my own necron force, but haven't used em in a while.

Re: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.

Posted: 16 Apr 2011, 09:54
by arogon343
i havent played necrons much since 6th came out...though when i did i at thier army and spat out what was left so it could phase out.....but the rumours are that in the update they will cost slightly more, jhae more units and the necron warriors will be toughness 5 feel no pain and the gauss wepons will all have rending......0_0

Re: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.

Posted: 16 Apr 2011, 11:07
by vallorn
i hope Chaos Marines get redone soon... the current codex is one of the worst that Games Workshop has out.

Grey Knights on the other hand... insanely good. :o

Re: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.

Posted: 16 Apr 2011, 13:35
by Iron_Fang
I am guessing necrons are next with alot more troops. I am a space wolf player and eldar player. Which makes me very happy with the new imperial armour elder vs space wolves from forgeworld :)

Re: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.

Posted: 17 Apr 2011, 07:33
by arogon343
i agree chaos is surprisingly plain atm , there good but the armies are too similar, not enough diversity apart from the stats.

Re: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.

Posted: 17 Apr 2011, 08:09
by vallorn
arogon343 wrote:i agree chaos is surprisingly plain atm , there good but the armies are too similar, not enough diversity apart from the stats.
Chaos Spave Marines are less diverse and chaotic than Regular Space Marines. DOES NOT COMMPUTE!

Re: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.

Posted: 17 Apr 2011, 08:11
by arogon343
the only diffgerence we hget between units is possibly the weponry and a mark, all the choas marine army's just look the same and its a little dull, though we have new deamon prince models that are AWSOME

Re: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.

Posted: 18 Apr 2011, 04:22
by Juggernogg
I collect tau -1500p Army, Space marines- 1000p Army and High elves- 3000p Army =)

Re: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.

Posted: 18 Apr 2011, 05:16
by vallorn
Juggernogg wrote:I collect tau -1500p Army, Space marines- 1000p Army and High elves- 3000p Army =)
i think i collect the exact opposite of you.
Nids: unsure abut about 1000 points, Chaos Marines: havent checked recently but 1500 in independent characters and an old 2000 point Dark Elf army.

Re: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.

Posted: 18 Apr 2011, 06:30
by Juggernogg
i also have a chaos army of 750p yer not much but aye ;)

Re: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.

Posted: 18 Apr 2011, 15:51
by Sti_Jo_Lew
Ugh... I need a good PC so I can lose myself in DoW2 for 12 hours straight...

Re: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.

Posted: 18 Apr 2011, 16:37
by Iron_Fang
I have about 5.5K points of space wolves also can we start like adding army lists so others can try them out :D
I will one day beat you arogon Mark my words the heretics will die!
Also..... First ever games workshop model..... Discuss, mine was a old elder fire prism.

Re: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.

Posted: 18 Apr 2011, 18:13
by vallorn
mine was the last Dark Elf Hydra model... the metal one that needed Pinning to keep the heads from falling off...

also i built it using Epoxy Resin... not the best idea ive ever had... :oops:

Re: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 00:33
by Juggernogg
Hmmm.... Mine would be a Dark Angels Veteran Squad =) I love them guys =)

Re: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 10:24
by arogon343
my very uruk hai army.....first model itsel was an uruk hai pikemen.....with the long......breakable pikes (grits teeth)
and iron fang i have beaten you every time so far, i will be there at GW tomorrow i think, fancy a game? 3 or 4k?
and vall what you think of a game sometime?

Re: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 10:31
by vallorn
sure. im rusty as hell with the rules but i should be able to pick that up again quickly.

also: distance may be an issue...

Re: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 10:37
by arogon343
hmmm id love a game :D
where u live vall?

Re: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 11:09
by vallorn
arogon343 wrote:hmmm id love a game :D
where u live vall?
near Southhampton.