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King Arthur's Gold!

Posted: 06 Nov 2011, 21:37
by Volstag9
Hey Everyone! I just found a indie game that you might all enjoy.

It's called King Arthur's Gold. Its sort of like a competitive multiplayer Terraria with classes. I guess i'll give a quick overview.

As far as i can tell the only game mode is Capture the Flag crossed with Conquest from Battlefield. You can win a match one of two ways. Kill opponents until their tickets run out or capture their flag. There are three classes in the game. The knight who has a sword and shield and can used as sort of a mobile platform for others to jump on. The Archer who is fairly self explanatory and lastly, the builder. He can build a base to defend the flag, mine to gather resources or dig tunnels to flank the other team, and build traps and war machines to help.

Anyway, it looks pretty interesting and i don't think many have heard of it. I only found through Totalbiscut's WTF-a-thon a few days ago. I showed it to a few people on this site and they seemed to like it.

Here's a video

and the site :

Re: King Arthur's Gold!

Posted: 06 Nov 2011, 21:39
by Sti_Jo_Lew
Ooooh... shiny. Ok, I'll give it a go.

Re: King Arthur's Gold!

Posted: 09 Nov 2011, 10:55
by Pinmissile
It's a cool game, but there are way too many hackers.