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The Frag Cake Challenge

Posted: 06 Jan 2013, 13:17
by Iron_Fang
Found this awesome challenge from reddit for steam games if you need motivation playing them, here's the description of it
Spoiler! :
My steam library is probably pretty typical. Years of steam sales, daily deals, and humble bundles left my library of games bloated. Most of them I haven't touched and I will probably never play them in a normal situation. After the THQ Humble Bundle my first thought was, "Oh hey, more games that I can play... some day." I thought that was tragedy, people slaved over games we bought for us to enjoy. However most of us have become collectors hoarders we almost get a weird high from looking our ever growing library of games that we only played an hour or two and that's if we get around to installing them. From this I decided to challenge my self and everyone else here to play these misfit games.

There is no time limit. It's all about the journey and the challenge folks.

This isn't just about getting our money's worth from these games, it's also means broadening our horizons because we all have games in our libraries for one reason or another bought that's not exactly your cup of tea. It probably was in a bundle, you probably made a drunken purchase or buying that one game came with a hat. For whatever reason you are all going to play them all.
There is also a group for it and rules here:

I am going to start after the exams of January but good luck all those who try it :)

Re: The Frag Cake Challenge

Posted: 06 Jan 2013, 13:20
by Invunarble
I don't get it. Does this challenge just involve playing every single steam game you have sitting in your library? Or am I missing something?

Re: The Frag Cake Challenge

Posted: 06 Jan 2013, 13:26
by Iron_Fang
That is what the rules say >:) Includes totally completing Amnesia!

Re: The Frag Cake Challenge

Posted: 06 Jan 2013, 13:27
by Wildwill002
Fun fact! I have no horror games in my steam library.

Cakewalk hoooo~!

Re: The Frag Cake Challenge

Posted: 06 Jan 2013, 13:28
by Invunarble
Doesn't really seem to qualify as "challenge" material to me, seems more like a motivational request if anything. Who are you supposed to compete against for this "challenge" anyways?

Re: The Frag Cake Challenge

Posted: 06 Jan 2013, 14:32
by Iron_Fang
It is not a competition..

Re: The Frag Cake Challenge

Posted: 06 Jan 2013, 14:35
by Wildwill002
Heres your challenge invun, do all your games on hardest difficulty first time with 100% completion. You fail once, you fail em all

Re: The Frag Cake Challenge

Posted: 06 Jan 2013, 15:52
by Invunarble
Well, I have a whopping total of 7 games already, which include FTL, TF2, Arma 2, Arma 2 OA, Empire Total War, and two other games that sirrus gave me for free.

TF2 doesn't really have a difficulty, and it's taken me multiple playthroughs to finish FTL and Arma 2 & OA, so I've probably already failed the challenge. :(

Re: The Frag Cake Challenge

Posted: 06 Jan 2013, 17:02
by Lord_Mountbatten
Yeah, can't say I get it either. This is already what I'm doing, and I'm doing it by keeping track of my games on that backloggery website.

Re: The Frag Cake Challenge

Posted: 07 Jan 2013, 01:25
by LS13
I use arma solely for DayZ, so I'm considering it DayZ, which never ends. My hardest one is going to be The Secret World, which is an mmo and its taking forever just to finish the first level.