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Re: Break a wish!

Posted: 21 Mar 2012, 08:08
by minnerthecat
Granted, you design a redstone contraption so elaborate that it causes the host computer to overheat from the processing power required. The computer is fried and escapia is lost forever.

I wish I had more coffee.

Re: Break a wish!

Posted: 21 Mar 2012, 08:23
by Milo_Windby

I wish I could forget that video now >.>

Re: Break a wish!

Posted: 09 Jul 2012, 18:34
by SirrusSamiyaza
Milo_Windby wrote:Granted

I wish I could forget that video now >.>
You forget the video, and everything else you ever knew.

You forget how to breath as well, dieing in minutes.

I wish that these wishes actually happened.

Re: Break a wish!

Posted: 09 Jul 2012, 20:49
by MrWhales
They all happen but are broken by the Broken-Wish king who rules over this thread destroying wishes.

I wish I had a pet whale named Vallorn who is not crushed to death by his own girth(look up beaching)

Re: Break a wish!

Posted: 09 Jul 2012, 21:58
by Invunarble
Granted, but he ends up crushing you to death with HIS weight, therefore no longer making him your pet.

I wish Lord_Mountbatten would hire me into CUT... >:)

Re: Break a wish!

Posted: 09 Jul 2012, 22:15
by MrWhales
You clean the floors of the lobby with your toothbrush everyday from 9 to 5 then sleep outside on a bench.

I wish I could have wishes that don't get broken.

Re: Break a wish!

Posted: 10 Jul 2012, 00:32
by Invunarble
Granted, but then it's your legs that become broken, and you are confined to a wheelchair for the rest of your life.

I wish Zinrius would come back to EC :(

Re: Break a wish!

Posted: 10 Jul 2012, 02:33
by J4Numbers
Zinrius comes back to Escapecraft and traps you in his death machines forever more.

I wish that College was already finished for the summer

Re: Break a wish!

Posted: 10 Jul 2012, 02:58
by tanisjihanis
A meteor hits the site of your college classes. It's over for the summer, but you lose the credit hours you've worked for so far as all evidence of them went with the building.

I wish that I had a nice leather overshoulder carrying bag for books and whatnot.

Re: Break a wish!

Posted: 10 Jul 2012, 03:16
by Invunarble
Granted, but the bag ends up weighing over 9000 pounds, and you can't pick it up. It also smells bad.

I wish that the tekkit launcher wasn't so derpy.

Re: Break a wish!

Posted: 10 Jul 2012, 23:36
by aeroeng15
The tekkit launcher runs so smoothly that it is the only thing your computer can run.

I wish that a civilization on Mars was set up by the human race for the advancement of science.

Re: Break a wish!

Posted: 11 Jul 2012, 09:08
by random980
aeroeng15 wrote:The tekkit launcher runs so smoothly that it is the only thing your computer can run.

I wish that a civilization on Mars was set up by the human race for the advancement of science.
Granted, but they advance in science so much that they begin to think earth humans are a lower life form and kill us off with there knew sciencey super weapons. Someone called derek was meant to test these weapons and didnt, so they backfire and blow up the mars settlement too. Now every human is dead.

I wish this self contained statement (not refering to the statement i made about aeroeng's wish) was false.
paradox time!
YES ive used this many times before but im still unhappy with any of the answers its been given, someone answer this properly, PLEASE

Re: Break a wish!

Posted: 11 Jul 2012, 16:57
by aeroeng15
Granted, but they advance in science so much that they begin to think earth humans are a lower life form and kill us off with there knew sciencey super weapons. Someone called derek was meant to test these weapons and didnt, so they backfire and blow up the mars settlement too. Now every human is dead.

I wish this self contained statement (not refering to the statement i made about aeroeng's wish) was false.
paradox time!
YES ive used this many times before but im still unhappy with any of the answers its been given, someone answer this properly, PLEASE
An advanced AI computer used by the government picks up a hit on "self contained" and proceeds to read this post. Being confused, it draws on the resources of other computers, but is still unable to determine the answer. Spreading like a wild fire in the American west, all computers online in the world are "requisitioned" to try to figure it out. Having no more resources and no answer, the computers crash/blow up in spectacular fashion, but civilization as we know it collapses into chaos.

I wish that life was as simple as peanut butter and jelly.

Re: Break a wish!

Posted: 11 Jul 2012, 18:21
by Wildwill002
Life become so simple that you really do become PB&J and then get eaten

I wish I could have infinite chocolate milk.

Re: Break a wish!

Posted: 12 Jul 2012, 00:38
by random980
Wildwill002 wrote:Life become so simple that you really do become PB&J and then get eaten

I wish I could have infinite chocolate milk.
You get a bottle of chocolate milk that never runs out, but its expired...
Seeing as aeroeng didnt grant my wish and only responded the phrase 'self contained' i will have to ask again.

I wish this (referring to itself) statement was false...

Re: Break a wish!

Posted: 12 Jul 2012, 01:05
by Invunarble
The statement becomes false, but as you make more and more statements, you notice that more and more of them are becoming false. Soon, everything you say becomes false and no question, statement, or exclamation you say or type is false. You are trapped in a state of falsetivity.

I wish my goddamn solar panel factory would WORK PROPERLY!!!

Re: Break a wish!

Posted: 12 Jul 2012, 11:10
by J4Numbers
On becoming the most efficient and best solar factory on the server, it has turned into the sun to suit it's needs. You are now burning on the sun, but hey, you have more power than ever.

I wish that I could get past my current writers block.

Re: Break a wish!

Posted: 12 Jul 2012, 12:14
by Wildwill002
You manage to think of something new and awesome. Something involving bacon. But then, when you come to write it down your pen breaks and you have no others. When you try to type on a computer you fingers mysteriously break.

I wish I had the power to become invisible and then visible again at will

Re: Break a wish!

Posted: 13 Jul 2012, 15:44
by MKindy
You can alternate between visibility and invisibility, but only to people named Will, including yourself.

I wish I had l33t animation skills.

Re: Break a wish!

Posted: 13 Jul 2012, 15:53
by haxxorzd00d
Your animation skills are so l33t that you're kidnapped and forced to work in a Korean animation sweatshop drawing crappy children's cartoons... frame by frame.

I wish I had a lovable pet unicorn that can fly and shoot rainbows from its horn.

Re: Break a wish!

Posted: 13 Jul 2012, 16:08
by Invunarble
You get a unicorn that can fly and shoot rainbows, but one day it accidentally shoots rainbows at you, not only making you eternally blind, but making your body become abnormally bright, and glowing to everyone within 2km of you. This also causes other people to become permanently blind by looking at you. After all this, the unicorn flies away from your ownership.

I wish I had some goddamn carbon plates.

Re: Break a wish!

Posted: 13 Jul 2012, 16:16
by Wildwill002
You get your carbon plates but because they've been damned by god there virtually unusable.

I wish I could speed up and slow down time whenever I wanted

Re: Break a wish!

Posted: 14 Jul 2012, 04:56
by J4Numbers
You can speed up and slow down time, but it always does the opposite of what you want it to do, everything good lasts less than a second, and everything bad takes the equivalent of a millennium, without ageing of course.

I wish that Vallorn would stay still while I try to headshot him in tf2

Re: Break a wish!

Posted: 14 Jul 2012, 06:51
by RobipodSupreme
He stays still, but this means that everybody else can shoot him, so you never get any points, as you wait for the perfect moment, only to have someone else shoot him.

I wish I would grow to a nice height of 6ft, maybe 5'11" - 6'3", without any bad side effects.

Re: Break a wish!

Posted: 14 Jul 2012, 07:04
by Invunarble
RobipodSupreme wrote:He stays still, but this means that everybody else can shoot him, so you never get any points, as you wait for the perfect moment, only to have someone else shoot him.

I wish I would grow to a nice height of 6ft, maybe 5'11" - 6'3", without any bad side effects.
You don't grow at all and you fall into a deep hole that is filled with pressure plated TNT traps causing you and the entire surrounding area to explode.

I wish Trovo didn't log out for large periods of time with other people's armor.

Re: Break a wish!

Posted: 14 Jul 2012, 16:18
by Wildwill002
Trovo stays on but suddenly has the unlimited health glitch and is unable to throw away his inventory. He also heard you insulting his family.

Also M4 how would the ability be able to tell if what I was doing was good or bad? I said whenever I wanted, could be for trivial stuff

I wish I had more money for the steam summer sales :3

Re: Break a wish!

Posted: 15 Jul 2012, 15:51
by haxxorzd00d
You get a penny more for the summer sales. Have fun with that.

I wish I could grow or shrink to any size.

Re: Break a wish!

Posted: 01 Aug 2012, 06:09
by MKindy
Not only CAN you shrink/grow to any size, but you are now constantly fluctuating in size.

I wish a green-haired girl I know in Portland lived closer to Arkansas. >:/

Re: Break a wish!

Posted: 01 Aug 2012, 07:09
by haxxorzd00d
She moves into a new house a hundred yards closer to Arkansas.

I wish people would pay me to NOT go to work.

Re: Break a wish!

Posted: 01 Aug 2012, 07:16
by MKindy
People pay you not to go to work, but you do such a lousy job of it that you are fired.

I wish my car would continue functioning at full capacity for 500,000 miles.