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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 14 Mar 2013, 19:13
by ozzymod
-absolute rubbish snipped-

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 14 Mar 2013, 20:00
by Spyboticsguy
aw man

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 15 Mar 2013, 09:31
by Invunarble
I guess tek wasn't as far as even decided to even want go look see do more like today...
That wacky mod chat place wrote:Mar 15 10:22:35 <Tekno> And hey wokka
Mar 15 10:22:47 <Tekno> Ohh guess what :3
Mar 15 10:26:53 <wokka> ?
Mar 15 10:27:33 <Tekno> My new school has cups that they don't use an if any take as many of them and the monitors as I please
Mar 15 10:28:15 <Tekno> *pc
Mar 15 10:28:48 <Invun> wat

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 15 Mar 2013, 11:41
by RobipodSupreme
They have CPUs they don't use, and you can take as many of them and the monitors as you need?

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 15 Mar 2013, 13:16
by Iron_Fang
Take them all, get separate parts, ????, PROFIT

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 15 Mar 2013, 13:55
by Invunarble
RobipodSupreme wrote:They have CPUs they don't use, and you can take as many of them and the monitors as you need?
Quickly! Take all the cups before someone else does!

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 16 Mar 2013, 06:57
Invunarble wrote:I guess tek wasn't as far as even decided to even want go look see do more like today...
That wacky mod chat place wrote:Mar 15 10:22:35 <Tekno> And hey wokka
Mar 15 10:22:47 <Tekno> Ohh guess what :3
Mar 15 10:26:53 <wokka> ?
Mar 15 10:27:33 <Tekno> My new school has cups that they don't use an if any take as many of them and the monitors as I please
Mar 15 10:28:15 <Tekno> *pc
Mar 15 10:28:48 <Invun> wat
I hate you, but yes i get as may as I want.

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 16 Mar 2013, 11:12
by RobipodSupreme
u get as may as you have be want?

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 16 Mar 2013, 12:57
by Invunarble
Can I also get has as may as I be want as well?

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 16 Mar 2013, 13:09
by RobipodSupreme
you is be an not that may cup monitor.

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 16 Mar 2013, 13:25
by Invunarble
I don't think you understand that I be is not that may as I be want a may cup monitor, robi.

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 16 Mar 2013, 22:54
by Sti_Jo_Lew
Oh god, my brain.

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 17 Mar 2013, 05:30
by RobipodSupreme
your brian is are be cup monitor of tree at want be to?

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 17 Mar 2013, 13:56
by Invunarble
I think his brain is that be at may to are cup is your monitor of tree at to are is of at, so be careful.

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 17 Mar 2013, 15:17
by LS13
We done yet? :/

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 17 Mar 2013, 16:21
by RobipodSupreme
we have done be not finish cups in monitor of invun's tek, LS.

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 17 Mar 2013, 16:37
by Invunarble
Yeah, we're quite far from done be in cups at may not of monitor to are so be of at that may so of finish may as I want.

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 23 Mar 2013, 04:44
by haxxorzd00d
Too much noise in this thread, good thing I'm here to save the day with two posts about poop!

First up, oli4uk isn't quite "dung" with his home improvements.
Then Modocam explains why his week's been such a "strain".

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 23 Mar 2013, 06:48
by RobipodSupreme
Invun, you might like this one.

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 23 Mar 2013, 08:10
by MrWhales
RobipodSupreme wrote:Invun, you might like this one.

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 23 Mar 2013, 14:06
by Invunarble
RobipodSupreme wrote:Invun, you might like this one.
y dose temp sever no updaet !1!1!!11!!11!1!1!!!11!!!!!!11!!1!!1one!!1!!!!11!1!!!!1!!111

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 23 Mar 2013, 18:30
by RobipodSupreme
I meant Modocam's bit -.-

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 27 Mar 2013, 20:38
by Tehbeard
This is why I have and love irc logs:
<Lord_Mountbatten> Watch out kids, it's an Austrian
<Lord_Mountbatten> Now an Austrian seems like a German, but don't touch
<Lord_Mountbatten> Germans are fine to touch and are in fact beneficial to a toucher
<Lord_Mountbatten> But Austrians aren't
<SurvivalBot> [m] MKindy: I'd like to touch me some Germans
<Lord_Mountbatten> How to tell an Austrian from a German
<Lord_Mountbatten> 1) Camp accent
<Lord_Mountbatten> 2) Seems more stereotypically German
<Lord_Mountbatten> 3) You are in Austria and meet people there
<Lord_Mountbatten> With these helpful tips, you should now be able to more easily sift the Austrians from the Germans and have your touching experiences unsoiled
<Lord_Mountbatten> Don't believe me? Just watch an Arnold Scwarzenegger film and see how many of the people he touches end up having horrible fates
<Lord_Mountbatten> This can be up to and inluding death, dismemberment, sadness, accidental crushing, and traumatic memories
<Lord_Mountbatten> Do your duty, and don't touch Austrians, today!

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 27 Mar 2013, 21:11
by Invunarble
Well, of course I guess that is better then having him end up stuck in dev chat, where he's firing all of his ship's crew because he thought that the ship had force fields. :lol:

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 02 Apr 2013, 18:00
by Serubin323

Code: Select all

18:54 <eggster> RED BLUE PURPLE
18:54 <eggster> Red is the hard core survival thing
18:54 <Serubin323> YELLOW GREEN BROWN
18:55 <eggster> Blue is the "feature" version
18:55 <Serubin323> Yellow is the sun
18:55 <eggster> Purple is a mix of both
18:55 <eggster> haha
18:55 <Serubin323> Green is the grass
18:55 <Serubin323> and brown is a piece of shit
18:55 <Serubin323> Now what on earth are you talking about?

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 05 Apr 2013, 04:06
by Sti_Jo_Lew
Jesus, chat got weird after I left...

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 05 Apr 2013, 06:08
by TyrasEngineer
Coming soon to a cinema near you, directed by Tyrese, Haxx and Daemon...
Spoiler! :
<Haxx> I swear they just have a list of badass creatures and just squish two together
<Daemon> Hm? Is that not how people make stuff?
<Haxx> "So for our next movie... Squidrhino!"
<Tyrese> Look out for my upcoming film, RAPTORWASP
<Haxx> I would watch Raptorwasp
<Tyrese> It'll be a hit
<Daemon> That's the sequel. :3
<Haxx> I hear there's a lot of buzz about it
<Tyrese> Oho
<Tyrese> Zing
<Daemon> XD
<Haxx> You'll be enraptored
<Tyrese> "Invading YOUR picnics in Summer 2014... Raptorwasp"
<tehbeard> hmm
<Daemon> ARHAHAHRAHRAHAH! My face!
<Daemon> 奥特曼的特效都已经这么好了 Oh noes wat du?
<Tyrese> I think we need to get Lord to voice a trailer
<Daemon> Yes...
<Haxx> I'm envisioning a giant crappy CGI wasp, possibly with fangs and claws
<Tyrese> I'll do a quick artists impression
<Daemon> Altman's effects are already so well... Wait...
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: hello
<Tyrese> Hello Iron.
<Daemon> Wait... Altman...
<Tyrese> Would you watch a film called RAPTORWASP?
<Daemon> Crazy... Dead space people...
<Daemon> The film's name is in all caps...
<Haxx> "Gee Brett, Makeout Point sure was a great place for a picnic!" "Yeah Stacey, you're right! I'm glad there's no-one around to BUG us..."
<Daemon> I would watch it. :3
<Daemon> DUN... DUN... DUN...
<Haxx> "Like, what's that buzzing sound?"
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: Haxx
<Daemon> "How far would go?....."
<Haxx> "I dunno babe, lemme go check in the bushes."
<SurvivalBot> [m] Hytro: Bahahha, my full auto hopper collector is almost perfect now
<Tyrese> *Jaws music*
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: so less lag hytro
<Daemon> "To... Kill a RAPTOR... That's also a wasp..."
<Haxx> "Oh it's cool, it was just my cell phone!"
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: time to auto my furnace
<Haxx> "HAHAHAHA!"
<Daemon> We need to make this movie...
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: The Haxx movie
<Daemon> Lord will voice the trailer...
<Daemon> No. It's RAPTORWASP
<Haxx> *Ride of the Valkyries plays as Raptorwasp approaches*
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: guest stars?
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: I wanna be in it
<Daemon> I shall be... Someone!
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: OMG
<Haxx> "Willickers! That wasp is HUGE!"
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: A MAGPIE FLEW INTO THE WINDOW
<Haxx> But it wasn't a was raptorwasp
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: No
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: it is twitching on the floor
<Haxx> It's a clever ruse, watch out for Raptorwasp
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: It looks dead
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: another magpie
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: omg this is horrible
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: It's eating the other magpie
<Daemon> ! I shall be the badass ex-military guy that like "So... There's a raptor on the loose?" "No... It's a... RAPTORWASP..." "Ma gawd... This will be my most difficult mission yet... I want moar money!"
<Daemon> And I die at the end... And give brett my knife.
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: We must mourn this dead magpie
<Daemon> And he kills it...
<Tyrese> I don't thnk you're going to be able to handle my amazing artists impression
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: I kill it
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: with an axe in the face
<Haxx> Raptorwasp eventually evolves and grows arms and legs
<Daemon> XD
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: XD
<Haxx> That is... brilliant
<Daemon> Congratz... RAPTORWASP is now my desktop...
<Tyrese> I'll clearly be employed to do the official poster
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: link again plz
<Haxx> We'll save the evolved Raptorwasp for the sequel: "Raptorwasp 2.0: Let's Get Ready to Raptor"
<Daemon> XD
<Haxx> He gets hands and thus can use guns
<Tyrese> And he fires two guns whilst jumping through the air
<Haxx> Oh and a motorcycle
<Tyrese> It means he can now wear cool shades
<Daemon> Well, now I want this to be a real movie... And your photo of RAPTORWASP Tyrese has beat my photo of a bowl of cereal. :P
<Tyrese> I am honoured
<Daemon> I had a really high res photo of a bowl of cereal for my desktop. XD
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: I think TardCat needs to be in the movie
<Haxx> I might just make a trailer for this using stock photos for characters
<Daemon> DO EET!
<Haxx> Brett will be "generic possibly bare-chested douchebag"
<Daemon> I want to be the ex-military badass that is destined to die. XD
<Tyrese> We just need to collect photos of the Escapecraft staff wearing cool shades for your trailer
<Daemon> Haxx just use a photo of solid snake for me. XD
<Haxx> Heh
<Daemon> Or this. ... baacb8.jpg
<Daemon> A real solid snake. XD
<Haxx> That's a Raptorwasp shit
<Daemon> XD
* Hytro has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
<Daemon> ... ure-49.jpg Better...
<Haxx> Even his droppings are badass
<Daemon> Yus... I like that idea more...
<Daemon> RAPTORWASP craps snakes!
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: MOTHER OF GOD
<Haxx> Snakes have nothing to do with either raptors or wasps so it makes perfect sense
<Tyrese> What if, in the sequel, there's been a hive built under Manhattan? And a crack multiracial team of special forces has to take it out with a nuclear device, allowing lots of landmark destruction
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: I WANT TARD CAT <3
<Daemon> Tyrese... Yus...
<Haxx> The mother of god guy will definitely be in the trailer
<Haxx> Bad CGI explosions!
<Tyrese> I really want to see this now
<Daemon> I thought manhatten said mountbatten. XD
<Haxx> Raptorwasp sits in the hive on his throne of human skulls
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: And I kill it
<Tyrese> Who would voice Raptorwasp?
<Haxx> Oh and he has a minigun that shoots wasps
<Daemon> ^^ Lord.
<Haxx> Cos y'know
<Tyrese> LASER wasps
<Haxx> Yus
<Daemon> "Oh, I say! I'm a RAPTORWASP... Now die."
<Daemon> *Shoots lazer wasps at people.*
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: Guys
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: I found the escaped cow
<Daemon> *Everyone is dead* "Good show! My chaps!"
<Daemon> Did RAPTORWASP get it?
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: Heis in the corner trapped >:)
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: I has a half built library
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: he fell in it
<Daemon> Haxx! Make trailer!
<Haxx> First scene in the movie, RAPTORWASP flies down and steals a cow from a redneck's field
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: Haxx hasn't even done the server quest yet ._.
<Daemon> Pfft! Raptorwasp is moar important!
<Tyrese> It's not Raptorwasp, it's RAPTORWASP
<Tyrese> It's a government project/conspiracy so it's also an acronym for something
<Haxx> He shoots at him but RAPTORWASP is like "OH HELL NAW" and flies back and RIPS HIS HEAD OFF
<Daemon> Derp. Forgot the caps. .-.
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: Why doesn't wheat make bread by putting it in a furnace o_O
<Daemon> ... -wasp.html
<Daemon> I didn't know RAPTORWASP ride a quad...
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: rode?
<Daemon> s*
<Tyrese> That's when he turns into human form to assassinate the president and take control of America
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: ahhh
<Haxx> He does whatever the hell he wants, he's goddamn RAPTORWASP
<Daemon> I thought it would be when he grows legs and arms...
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: the president is Lord and RAPTORWASP is the IRA?
<Tyrese> He crashes through the Oval Office window and releases a swarm which takes out the bodyguards
<Daemon> A swarm of snakes!
<Haxx> They should fight the snakes on a plain
<Daemon> Is that where the cow is?
<Haxx> Of course
<Daemon> Ah. Makes so much sense...
<Haxx> The CIA go to investigate the RAPTORWASP sighting
<Haxx> And get attacked by his poop-snakes
<Daemon> Here comes the RAPTORWASP. doo um doo doo
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: what have you guys been smokin
<Daemon> They're striped yellow and black. :3
<Haxx> Pure imagination
<Daemon> We have been smoking imagination maaan...
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: that has got to be quite the stuff
<Daemon> Maaan... What? Maaan...
<Tyrese> So after the redneck's been taken out, it cuts to a police autopsy with a man with cool shades
<Tyrese> "Who could have done this?!"
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: Batman
<Tyrese> "There's only one thing that could have done this..."
<Tyrese> *Title sequence*
<Daemon> I demand inception music in the trailer!
<Daemon> I like how we have different musics. XD
<Haxx> Naw, RAPTORWASP gets a cheesy Saturday morning cartoon theme song
<Daemon> XD
<Daemon> Well, then I want the D&D music. :I
* Tekno ( has joined #mods
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: game of thrones music
<Haxx> "He's a big scary bug, with an ugly mug, RAPTORWASP!"
<Tekno> Haxx
<Tekno> Your on...?
<Haxx> "He's all over the place, he'll eat up your face! RAPTORWASP!"
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: Tek
<Daemon> Well, now looking at this... There's really no music in it...
<Tekno> Sup?
<Daemon> Ah. well...
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: we have had hours of this
<SurvivalBot> [m] Iron_Fang: they be smokin Imagination
<Tyrese> Tekno, would you watch a film called RAPTORWASP?
<Tekno> I know HAXX
<Tyrese> Exactly
<Tyrese> stunned into silence
<Tekno> yES
<Tekno> HAXX mate, we have planning to do.
<Daemon> Planning will have to wait! RAPTORWASP calls!
<Haxx> "Ain't no bug spray gon' bring down this bad-ass mutha... RAPTORWASP!"
<Daemon> XD
<Haxx> Nah, he should totally have a funky theme like Shaft

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 05 Apr 2013, 22:58
by Gannondorf1000
When is chat never weird?

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 10 Apr 2013, 11:17
by J4Numbers
Welcome to modchat, a bastion of maturity and seriousness.
Spoiler! :
<M477> Haxx is Tj, we can't trust him anymore.
<Tjololo12> >.>
<SurvivalBot> [m] TEKNOVIRUS: Hey Haxx.
<Haxx> I'm TJ?
<Haxx> Awesome
<Tjololo12> I thought I was haxx
* Tjololo12 is now known as Tjaxxorzdololod
<Tjaxxorzdololod> >.>
<SurvivalBot> [m] TEKNOVIRUS: ....
* Haxx is now known as haxxorzd0l0l012
<Tjaxxorzdololod> XD
<M477> ... That looks like a HaxxNumbers
<Modo> Lol
<M477> Well, this only leaves one viable answer
* You are now known as M4ololololol
<M4ololololol> The circle is complete
<Tjaxxorzdololod> yisssss
<haxxorzd0l0l012> We are legion
<Tjaxxorzdololod> I like that they're the same number of characters XD
* haxxorzd0l0l012 is now known as M4xxorzd0l0l01012
<M4xxorzd0l0l01012> Symbiosis complete
<M4xxorzd0l0l01012> It hurts
<Tjaxxorzdololod> XD
<M4xxorzd0l0l01012> Please kill me
* Tjaxxorzdololod is now known as Tjololo12
* You are now known as M477
<Tjololo12> I felt weird not being my normal nick :/
<M477> I feel less somehow
<Tjololo12> Lol m4

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 10 Apr 2013, 11:20
And people think we do progressive normal things in Modchat XD AHAHAHAHA.
I mean umm.....nevermind, Carry on.