Let's Play Escapecraft - An Adventure Back Into Minecraft

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Let's Play Escapecraft - An Adventure Back Into Minecraft

Post by SneakyPie » 08 Mar 2012, 18:38

Let's Play Escapecraft - An Adventure Back Into Minecraft
With SneakyPie

So it's been several months since I last logged on to the server or really played Minecraft at all. I've heard that there are quite a few changes to the game and the server so I thought I would take the initiative to go back in and essentially relearn Minecraft from the ground up.

I have several intentions with this. One of them is to play like a common player. While I do have access to commands that even Lord Mountbatten would be jealous of, I do not intend to use them and play legit only. I will go out into the world, starting with nothing, and subdue it as best I can, while being a newb to all the recent changes. Survival at its finest.

So! Let's get started!

March 8
Okay, first things first. It took me awhile to find my game client which for some reason I had stuffed in the My Documents folder. I placed it back in my Task Bar and once opened, I examined all the update changes.

This is going to be fun. A great refresher of the game that inspired me to create the server and the community in the first place.
Alright, I new I was going to need to update. Haven't played in literally months. Update process went relatively quickly and without error. So far, so good.
Ooooo, fancy. I really dig the new title screen. A lot better than the older versions that I'm used to. I quicklly went through my options and turned all my graphic settings to max as well as up the FOV to 90. Personally, I hate the Minecraft music so I turned that all the way off. I never really got into those tunes at all.
I made sure to install and use the Official Escapcraft Texture Pack that I made forever ago. I got it updated too. It was originally made for Version 4, or Interra as it was later named. I've always been of fan of Painterly as it's one of the few consistently updated packs out there right now and I dig the swanky art style. If you would also like to use it, you will need to also use MC Patcher.

Once I got all my options squared away, it was time to connect to Escapecraft! I was giddy with anticipation as I worked my way through the new Multiplayer menu and saw that it had kept my old server information. All that was left to do was to click the "Connect" button and I would be off to begin a new adventure.
God dammit.

So... uh, when's the server going to be updated?

March 9
Thanks to the magic of MC Nostalgia (thanks for the suggestions!) I managed to bring my MC client back down to 1.1. Once everything was situated I connected back to Escapecraft.
I decided to go ahead and skip the tutorial. I don't think there was really anything new there that I hadn't seen before (at least I hope not), and immediately spawned at the Hub.
I noticed some changes to the Hub such as the addition of the second floor, and after exploring all the new stuff I decided to make my way down the corridor marked with a "B." I didn't read the sign for the name of the world, so I'll just call it Biggleston.

After getting through the corridor I took a moment to admire the lovely steam ship. Lovely work. Not sure who built that, but really well done.
Once I stepped aboard the steam ship and arrived in Biggleston, I went around and explored the spawn city of Nystra (t least I think that's what it's called). Once again, I have to express how beautiful and crafted it was. Clearly a lot of hard work went into the creation of this city and it shows. We have some talented builders on staff.
Alright enough gawking! As much as I wanted to stay an explore the city, I needed to get a move on and find a suitable area to begin my new adventure. I made my way to the tram station and from there headed out East. All good things are out east. I hopped in my minecart and smacked the button and I was on my way.
Oh dear. I haven't even made it to a stop yet and it's night already?! Sigh. Not wanting to venture out in the world of Biggleston essentially naked at night, I decided to ride the rail for a few more stops. I eventually come across what look to be a rather rural are with nary a player's structure in sight.
Yeah, this was looking pretty good. Night wasn't yet half-way over so I decided to stay in the light of the rails until sunrise. I had already spied out a few trees so I could begin harvesting and start getting some equipment together.

Unfortunately, a lot of my screenshots and got borked and weirdly duplicated, so I can't show you my first day. Once sunrise hit I punched some trees and got plenty of wood to craft some tools. I accidently fell down a hole, but that minor incident proved to be quite a miner's boon. I fell into a small tunnel system littered with a large amount of coal and a generous supply of iron. Not bad for the first day.

At the end of it all I ended up with roughly 50ish coal and 30ish iron. I spent that night smelting my new treasure into ingots. I was hesitant to craft anything out of the iron just yet. I wasn't ready to go mining, but instead only interested in finding a place to establish a base of operations. I was going to have probably travel a good distance out as there were hardly any trees.
This wasn't looking good. These were the first trees I encountered since falling down into the hole. Still, it was the only wood I could find at the moment so I wasn't going to get picky. After harvesting the precious wood, I made my over a small ridge. Things are looking pretty bleak.
Oh my. Praise SneakyPie! This is what I'm talking about. Literally trees in almost every directions as far as Far Rendering distance can go! I make my way through the forest and stumble upon a river cutting through the trees. A water source will be valuable in determining a location for my HQ. Water provides a natural defense and slows down mobs. If I can find a easily defensible area, I'll be in business.
But first, I need to kill me some piggies. The only food I've managed to find have been apples. I'm going to need something a tad more substantial once I begin mining. Unfortunately, I only managed to get one Bacon despite slaughtering four pigs. Ah well. I decided to take my frustration on a chicken who happened to be at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and I was pleasantly surprised that their deaths yielded food. A chicken massacre followed this discovery.
Night was coming again. I swear, day time was cut shorter since I last played. Thankfully, me panicking and running wildly in a random direction paid off and I happened upon a small island in the middle of a wider part of the river. This site would become my HQ. I hastily set about placing some torches around the perimeter of the island. I took a look at my inventory and decided that while waiting for morning, I would cook what food I had acquired already and chop down the few trees on the island.
Things are looking pretty good. A I have a decent amount of food, or at least enough to keep me going for a few days, and I managed to harvest some seeds from some nearby grass. I do plan on planting a small wheat and reed farm on the banks of the island which should yield a consistent food source.
One morning arrives, I begin construction on a simple shack to get me buy shelter-wise. Nothing fancy, just a wood house which will hold the essentials and provide protection from mobs. Once I murder some sheep, I'll craft a bed, even though I think it's useless due to being online.
Yeah, kind of a boring looking shack, but it'll do. I would say this is a great start. So far three days have passed and I have adequate supplies, a defensible HQ in a prime location, and plenty of moxie. It will be interesting to see what the future will hold in Escapecraft.
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Re: Let's Play Escapecraft - An Adventure Back Into Minecraf

Post by SneakyPie » 09 Mar 2012, 21:46

And... we're back! I was hoping to get to this update sooner but real life projects coupled with Mass Effect 3 put this project on the back burner. But here's your latest update on my adventure in Biggleston.

We last left off with me finalized a decent HQ. It's in a great location, easily defensible and located in a rather dense forest area. Oh, it's also right in the middle of a stupidly long river, and I have yet to find the end of it. Basically, plenty of resources for my survival needs and a prime location for my adventuring needs.
First thing I needed to do was get a better bearing of my surroundings. I gathered what tools and weapons I had (ie just a stone sword) and set off out wards only to meet a friend.
It didn't end well. While I thought myself to be safe after the first Creeper, I was pleasantly surprised to meet another and his explosive personality. It could have been worse and I only lost about half of my health. Thankfully, health now automagically regenerates depending on your food level. In a matter of seconds, I was good to go and continue exploring. I hopped around for some time, killing more unsuspecting chickens for their delicious sustenance, and I then suddenly heard some barking. I had found a wolf. Every adventurer needs a friend and I knew this one would be mine.
LOOK AT HIM AND HIS CUTE, RED BANDANNA! Upon seeing him look at me with those puppy dog eyes I knew, the now named, Dee-Oh-Gee and I were always meant to be together forever and go on many adventures. We went off again, this time exploring until the sun began to set. We followed the massive river and eventually came upon an interesting sight.
Snow in a desert. This was when I noticed that Dee-Oh-Gee wasn't the brightest dog of the pack and it probably explains why he was alone. Clearly he had been shunned by his pack due to his... dense behavior. He was content to hop up against the cacti despite it obviously hurting him and would have continued to do so had I not intervened. He was now constantly whimpering from his wounds and like and good friend, I wanted to make him learn his lesson by not offering any form of medical care.

Eventually the whimpering became so annoying that I then wrestled with the implications of feeding him my collection of rotting meat. Would he develop a taste for human flesh? Would I create a monster that would only now have a taste for blood?

Eh, screw it. I fed Dee-Oh-Gee the rotten flesh and soon enough he was in high spirits again. I decided we had to get back to our shelter before it got too late and with a courageous determination to get to safety, I typed "/home"
During the night, I once again noticed I did not have a bed. It was mentioned that upon death, I would respawn at the bed of my choosing and I thought it would be a good idea to have one just in case Dee-Oh-Gee got me killed.

After a duration of time I'm embarrassed to admit, I discovered how to make some shears so I could begin getting all the precious wool I would need. While I was in the crafting mood, I decided to go ahead and make some more iron equipment and armor. For now, all I needed was a sword a breast plate.
Precious, precious sheep.
Upon getting all the wool I needed, and taking yet another stupid amount of time figuring out how to make a bed, I succeeded in making myself a spawn point and looking rather swank as well. I now had all my safeguards in place and was once again ready to explore my surroundings. This time I decided to go in the opposite direction and after only a short amount of time, I happened upon something rather huge.
While the image only shows one, I found two massive, parallel crevices in the ground. It was then I knew that this would be where my first adventure would take place. I would need to prepare. My present supplies were not yet sufficient for me to delve into the ground. I would need full armor as well as plenty of tools and torches. I was okay on food thanks to the many chickens, but to be on the safe side, I packed all of my food.
With plenty of gear, food, torches, and other supplies, I was ready to delve into the ground for the first time. Dee-Oh-Gee would have to stay behind as he would surely jump to his death. I would have to venture into the unknown alone.
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Re: Let's Play Escapecraft - An Adventure Back Into Minecraf

Post by SneakyPie » 09 Mar 2012, 21:54

Spot reserved.

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Re: Let's Play Escapecraft - An Adventure Back Into Minecraf

Post by SneakyPie » 09 Mar 2012, 21:54

And... holy update, Batman.

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Re: Let's Play Escapecraft - An Adventure Back Into Minecraf

Post by vallorn » 10 Mar 2012, 06:42

Nice Shack. And we shall rename World B to Biggleston in your honour. ;)
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Re: Let's Play Escapecraft - An Adventure Back Into Minecraf

Post by random980 » 10 Mar 2012, 08:04

'Lol' defines this thread quite well.
Also beds are not utterly useless, they act as a spawn point if you die (set it by right clicking on the bed twice i think)

Also i think now is a good time as any to tell you i once pushed you into the nether when you were idle, it was funny.
Eekum Bokum
Sti_Jo_Lew wrote:Random just won the thread. We should all just give up.

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Re: Let's Play Escapecraft - An Adventure Back Into Minecraf

Post by Invunarble » 11 Mar 2012, 15:04

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Re: Let's Play Escapecraft - An Adventure Back Into Minecraf

Post by haxxorzd00d » 12 Mar 2012, 11:25

SneakyPie wrote:So far three days have passed and I have adequate supplies, a defensible HQ in a prime location, and plenty of moxie.
I'll trade you some gumption for some of that moxie.

Also, this Minecraft thing looks kinda fun, I'll have to try it. Is there somewhere I can get it without paying? And can I break stuff?

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Re: Let's Play Escapecraft - An Adventure Back Into Minecraf

Post by SneakyPie » 23 Mar 2012, 13:01


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Re: Let's Play Escapecraft - An Adventure Back Into Minecraf

Post by wokka1 » 23 Mar 2012, 16:13

Great update!

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Re: Let's Play Escapecraft - An Adventure Back Into Minecraf

Post by XxGhOsTxReCoNxX » 23 Mar 2012, 16:56

I think I explored those ravines before that :O Might not be as much iron...

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Re: Let's Play Escapecraft - An Adventure Back Into Minecraf

Post by Godavari » 23 Mar 2012, 21:42


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