The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Skunk_Giant » 01 Aug 2011, 12:26

You've been healed to 70HP, but you should see a doctor to get higher health.
Oh hey, I have a signature now! 26/07/11

haxxorzd00d wrote:Keep talking, Skunk. Everybody likes you and you're stunningly handsome.

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Iron_Fang » 01 Aug 2011, 13:09

ok the cheap doc????

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Skunk_Giant » 01 Aug 2011, 14:26

Green... Green was good. Green was relaxing...
His suit... It was there too... And there was green... Everywhere...

But... People...
Holding him!
And his suit!
And taking him from the green!
Leaf couldn't stand for this! As he threw himself into 'combat mode', everything slowed down, and eventually came to a complete halt. He played everything through his mind. Five men. One man holding his left arm, one holding his right, one holding his left leg, and one holding his right. The fifth was walking ahead with a slight limp. Probably the easiest target. He looked older too.
The green, the green came from the car to his right. Now empty. No... One driver. No passengers.
The man in front held his phone and the three grenades he'd picked up. Definitely a priority target.
Everyone held a pistol, not for long.
He would pull his left foot back, tripping the man holding it. When he tilted on his left leg, he would put all his energy to pushing up and spinning, kicking the man holding his right foot in the face, and releasing his hands from the other two men.
Next, he would grab the gun from the man he kicked in the face, and shoot the two men that held his arms. By then, the older man would be running, so he'd grab him, not shoot him, as he was likely important. Keep him as a hostage, grab his things, and escape in the green car.
It worked in his head.

Things sped up, as Leaf put everything into action. He did step one as planned, tripping the first man. Next was step two, the jump and spin, before kicking the second man in the face. He almost stumbled, but it went relatively well. He grabbed the gun and shot for step three, but found the gun empty.
Swearing, he threw it at the third man and grabbed the first man's gun, which was loaded, thankfully. He quickly made a change of plans, shooting all four of the men that were holding him. He grabbed the older man, his phone and the grenades, before spying a sniper rifle.
The older man struggled to fight, but Luigi held him in a stable position as he checked the ammo on the rifle.
"Thanks for that," he said happily, knocking the man to the ground. He rushed off, the gun still steady on the older man, and jumped into the green vehicle, before realising he'd forgotten the driver, who's lap he was now sitting on.
The driver slammed Leaf's face against the dashboard three times (-20HP) before throwing him out of the car and pulling his own pistol out.
Leaf, needing to act quickly, and having put his new pistol away, fired the sniper rifle, not aiming at all. Amazingly, the shot went right through the driver's neck, killing him instantly. He pulled the body away from the car, stole the keys, and drove.
As he crashed through a set of expensive looking gates, he began to wonder who had captured him, and why...

Ol' Joe had plans to pay Lucia back. Of course. But with his shop now a pile of ruins, his weapons all taken by the police, and obviously no insurance, he couldn't really afford to pay anyone anything.
So, he decided to kill two birds with one stone.
He wanted revenge, of course he did, and he wanted money, needed money. So, why not find the bastard that destroyed his shop, and take his money?
And that had been the plan, but it only worked halfway.
Joe got a group of Lombardi's men that weren't involved in the kidnapping, and took him back to a secret location with the plans to steal everything he had, torture him, then kill him.
Well, he got the money, but then the asshole woke up, killed his guys, stole his car worth about $7000, and stole his sniper rifle, worth $5000. All that for the guy's wallet, that had nothing but $3200.
As Leaf sped away, Joe swore and threw his gun in the air. The asshole got away with his stuff again.

Alaitoc woke early, as he usually did. He needed to prepare for the job.
In a flash, he was at a weapons supplier he knew of, quickly buying the necesarry items. Next, he was off to Dr Pryale, a cheap doctor known by most criminals.
Pryale did a quick check up and patched him up slightly (+10), and then, Alaitoc was ready.
He waited patiently for the call from Xavier to signal that he was ready.
Oh hey, I have a signature now! 26/07/11

haxxorzd00d wrote:Keep talking, Skunk. Everybody likes you and you're stunningly handsome.

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Skunk_Giant » 01 Aug 2011, 22:05

Nearly at the finale, by the way. Just need a few more choices.
Oh hey, I have a signature now! 26/07/11

haxxorzd00d wrote:Keep talking, Skunk. Everybody likes you and you're stunningly handsome.

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Skunk_Giant » 02 Aug 2011, 16:11

Christian jumped back out of the room, firing towards the bed while Franks threw himself under the table, firing at the TV, mirroring his partner.
The first man working with Vincarto took cover behind the TV, looking up to fire at the bed, but receiving a bullet to the head instead.
The second man took cover behind the couch, also shooting around the bed.
Christian called for Franks to check he was OK, and Franks quickly made his way out of the room to Christian. He called for the cops he'd prepared for earlier, finding they were already on their way. They rushed into the house, smacking the other man down and arresting him.
Franks and Bormillio began searching desperately for Luigi, and finally found him breathing, tied up and gagged in a cupboard.
Bormillio set him free, while Franks spoke to another cop who'd been searching.
"Mr Lamborghini, can I speak to you for a moment?" he asked, stepping over to Luigi.
Bormillio stepped away and the two spoke in soft voices.
"You were driving illegal weapons, weren't you?"
"We know they're yours. Everything points to them being yours, and we can get the camera footage from this motel to prove it, can't we?"
Luigi knew he'd been found out.
"But I'm not gonna lock you up. I hear you're a bit of a bodyguard."
"Excuse me?"
"We need somebody on the inside. Word is, you were a friend of Nicolani's. That, and you're known by the criminals. Officialy, you're innocent, but I know a criminal when I see one."
"What are you saying?"
"You help us prevent the mayor's kidnapping, and you walk free. We'll pay you a bit, enough for you to start a new life."
Luigi thought for a moment.
"A new life, criminal free, if you wish. Move from Pandora. We can set you up in the witness protection program."
"And all I need to do is..."
"Protect the mayor. Take a bullet if you need to."
"Alright, I'm in."

Bormillio and Luigi walked out of the motel room, getting into their cars, Bormillio breaking the silence.
"I heard Franks' offer."
"That's nice..." Luigi muttered, not paying much attention.
"Keep in contact with me, during the event. I'm gonna be there," Bormilliop said quietly.
"I thought you were-"
"Yeah, I was suspended, but that's not gonna stop me."
"Oh, now I see what you mean."
"Just keep your phone on."
Bormillio ended the conversation and drove off. A few minutes later, his phone rang. It was Leaf.
"Leaf! Where the hell have you been?"
"Some assholes kidnapped me... I have no clue who, no clue why, but they're pretty big assholes."
"Shit, where are you? I'll send some cops over."
"Nah, I took care of them. Got a nice green car out of it too."
"Meet at my house ASAP. We need to get moving. The kindapping will occur soon, I'm sure of it."

Elias and Luis were preparing for the battle. They had their own men, they had hundreds of Nicolani's men... They were ready for the takeover.
"So are we clear on the strategy?" Elias asked one of the group leaders, Julian Davids.
"Yes, Mr Kindig. We take the back entrance, smoke the air vents, and keep them distracted until your group comes in, correct?"
"Correct. Vincarto will regret the day he did whatever it was to piss Lombardi off."

"Mr Vincarto?"
"Who is this?"
Eric smiled as he spoke into his phone. "My name's Eric Dakota. You don't know me, but I have an offer for you."
"Get to the shit, boy. What is it?"
"As I'm sure you know, Mr Lombardi is going to attempt a kidnapping on Steven Gaines, our mayor. I suggest we take this as an opportunity."
"How so?"
"We kidnap Gaines before Lombardi does, and we bid him off. See who wants to pay more, Lombardi, or the US Army."
On the other end, Vincarto chuckled slightly. "I like your thinking, boy, but there's a problem."
"Yeah, Lombardi's storming my place soon, with Nicolani and Kindig's men, hell some Turners are there too."
"I see..."
"How about this, boy? I'll give you the name of a friend of mine, a guy who you can work with. He hasn't been in big combat for a while, but he'll be fine. No hard feelings, but I don't trust a stranger on the phone to lead my men, so here's how this'll work. You get this guy, and I'll give you a nice amount of guys to help out. Then, you and I, we split the profit 60/40. I'll use my 60% to pay all my guys, you use your 40% to pay yourself and my friend."
Eric thought for a moment. "Alright... What's the guy's name?"
"Talbeno. Nicky Talbeno."

"Let's go!" Lucia yelled as she waited with Sergei in her car for Alaitoc and Xavier.
"So, let's go over the plan again," Sergei said, leaning back into the car. "What are you guys doing?"
"We're waiting a block away for the first set of explosions on the building," Alaitoc said, "then, we run in with the rest of Lombardi's men. Next, set all the fire alarms off and cut the power."
"Good, good. After that?"
"Smoke grenade into the emergency stairs, run up to the top," Xavier said with little expression.
"At the top?"
"Smoke grenade on the roof, and wait for our package," Alaitoc continued, "then we take down the choppers, grab the mayor."
"You're good to go. Get ready."
"Wait, why would the mayor still be in his office?" Max asked. "Seems strange."
"Strange?" Lucia question from the front.
"Well, word is, the police were tipped off by that James Alison guy, the one that was shot earlier," Alaitoc explained. "So why wouldn't they get the mayor out of there?"
Lucia spoke up. "It's important for the mayor to stay and appear confident in times like this. Nobody likes having the military patrol the streets of Pandora, but if the mayor were to run off in fear, everyone else would. There'd be riots, more crime, and a spread of crime to other American cities. He's gotta stay, he doesn't really even have a choice. Besides, his son is here for a tour for couple more weeks, so it'd look bad if he left him here."
"Got it... And you two..." Xavier began.
"'Will be in the building a few minutes after you guys," Lucia finished. "We just need to go to the back entrance and check on some of the explosives around the block.

"This is it," Franks said, as the car pulled over. He stepped out of the car and opened the door for Luigi, now dressed nicely, with a clean suit. Luigi leaned back in and pulled out one small suitcase, and one much larger one.
"What's that?" Franks asked nervously.
"Well, with all the money you gave me up front, I decided to prepare myself for the battle. No big deal, right?"
"What is it, Lamborghini?"
"A big gun and some other stuff. That's all. Trust me."
Detective Franks definitely didn't trust him, but it was nice to have someone with first hand experience with these guys.
"Alright Lamborghini, let's go, I have a feeling the bullets will be flying any minute now."
Above them, several Pandora Police and US Army choppers hovered, eyeing the ground. They watched as another car pulled up moments later, and out stepped two shady looking men.
Alaitoc and Max Xavier.

"Mr Talbeno?"
The man grunted in response, not turning his back from the large construction site.
Eric approached him. "I've been sent by Mr Vincarto."
At this, Talbeno turned. "Oh really? What does Freddy want now?"
"He wants you to help us with something. Some combat, stuff like that."
"Well you tell him that some fucktard burnt down my bloody factory, and I'm supervising its reconstruction. If he wants to spend a shitload on it so that it's built with professionals, unlike these lazy bastards, then he can go right ahead."
"We need your help though, it's against mafias, and it'll have a large payoff."
"Mafias eh? Which one? I heard Nicolani and Turner are out, so is it Lombardi?"
"Kind of. A new mafia has emerged. Lombardi transferred all of Nicolani's men to it, and most of the Turner's joined too."
"Turner? What a prick. So, who's working on this new mafia?"
"Two men, actually. Luis Alejandros and Elias Kindig."
"Fuck. I'm in, but only if I get to kill Kindig."
"I can't gurantee it, but sure, why not?"
"Lemme grab some equipment, I'll be back in a second."
"Alright. What's your problem with Kindig, by the way?"
"He's the asshole that burnt down my factory," Talbeno grunted and walked off to a small shack.
When he returned, he was armed with two pistols, a grenade launcher, a shotgun, which he passed to Eric, and some protective equipment.

Bormillio, Galitsky and Leaf pulled up a couple of blocks away and watched as two men emerged from the car in front of them. The car quickly sped off, and the two men walked over to a cafe a couple of blocks back.
"You know them?" Leaf asked.
"Nope... Just seem... strange. Keep an eye on them."
"Will do."
Leaf and Galitsky hopped out of the car, and Bormillio drove off to find an area to park it.
As he drove, he decided to follow the car that had housed the two mysterious men for a moment. It quickly sped off, but not before Bormillio took a glimpse of the people in there.
Sergei Kozlov, the man who'd been part of the attempted execution of Galitsky, and Luica 'Angel' Russo, the notorius woman that had shot Daniels back on the bridge after leading a number of crimes.
Deciding against following the two, Bormillio headed back to a small parking lot for Starbucks.

"See anything?" Galitsky asked Leaf, as he looked through his scope.
"Nope, but we should probably move."
The two had headed up to the roof of the building that stood across the road from the mayor's. They had managed to get behind an emergency door, but the choppers could see the rifle if they flew right over them, which they were about to do.
Leaf picked up the rifle and quickly moved with Galitsky down the emergency stairs on the side of the building.
When they were out of view of the choppers, Leaf took another look, and watched as two men, not the ones who'd stepped out of the car, but two new men, approached the building.
One, he recognised from the news as Talbeno, a man who's factory was burnt down earlier by Kindig, then in Turner's mafia. What would he be doing there though?
Talbeno had something attached to his back... was that... a grenade launcher?
"Galitsky, take a look at this," he whispered urgently.
The ex-cop did as asked.
"Well, looks to me like the party's about to start."
"Should I take him out?" Leaf asked, his finger ready on the trigger.
"Nah, we don't know for sure that they're here for the mayor. Maybe they're here to protect him or something.
Leaf panned his rifle up, searching for anything else, and found a face watching from inside the building.
"Shit! Someone saw me! He was looking right at me!"
"Don't be an idiot, from there, the gun would be invisible."
Leaf took another look back. The man was still watching... Wait... Was that... Luigi? What was he doing there?
"Galitsky, looks like Luigi's involved too..."
"Weird, Bormillio didn't mention him. Just keep a lookout for any shots. As soon as bullets begin racing, that's when we enter the fight. Speaking of Bormillio, he should be here soon."

Julian Davids crept silently through the air vent with the three other Kindigs in his team. Minutes earlier, they had silently taken out the Vincarto guard around the back entrance. A perfect job. But there were plenty within the complex. Finally, they reached a room that was suitable for jumping into. It was a small room, looked like a kitchen. One man was inside grabbing a bottle of water. He'd made the foolish mistake of placing his gun down... Wouldn't make a difference though. Either way, that man would be dead within seconds.
Julian pulled out his pistol and fired.
The man dropped to the ground, dead instantly, and Julian and his team dropped into the room, after setting of a large amount of smoke grenades in the vent.

Elias waited for the signal...
Three of the Vincartos noticed all the cars parked nearby the complex, and began walking over to the one that held Elias and Luis.
Finally, the smoke began floating out of one of the rooms in the complex.
Julian had completed his objective.
"GO!" Kindig yelled. Every Kindig, every Nicolani, every Turner, stormed Vincarto's place. Instantly, the area was transformed into a warzone.
"We don't have long! We'll have the military on our asses any second now!" Luis yelled to the men around him, "make this worth it!"
A bullet flew past his head, keeping Luis aware of his surroundings. In the chaos, he found himself split up from Elias, being pushed by the wave of bloodthirsty scumbags.

The pilot in the chopper knew little about what was happening. He knew that unless otherwise stated, he was to stay above the mayor's office. He didn't know why, and he didn't know for how long.
So when he heard over his radio of the massive gunfight taking place north east of where he was, he decided that there were enough choppers here, and headed off to the combat.
When he arrived, he knew he'd bitten off more than he could chew.

Hiding in his office, Vincarto grabbed his phone as his escape plan was readied.
"The military have arrived here. They're distracted with us. Now's the best time to take the mayor."
"Got it," Talbeno's voice came back.

Talbeno lead Eric into the building, his grenade launcher held high for all to see.
A number of office workers leaped to the ground, while fifteen soldiers opened fire. Talbeno shot three grenades into them, killing them.
"Let's move, Eric! We have a mayor to capture!" Talbeno grinned as he fired again and made his way to the elevator.

Leaf watched as the windows on the ground floor shattered, and the red glow that indicated fire appeared.
"Galitsky, we've got explosions!"
"I'm gone, just stay up here and cover me until you hear otherwise."
"Got it. What about Bormillio?"
"He'll be somewhere..."

Alaitoc and Max watched from a distance as the explosions began. Alaitoc turned to Max.
"Is that our signal? Are those our guys?"
"They... they don't look like our guys..." Max muttered slowly.
"Let's go anyway, I don't wanna make Lombardi mad.
The two rushed up to the building to find a wasteland of people.
"They got through the army pretty quickly..." Alaitoc said.
"No, Lombardi set explosions up all over the city. The army and police are distracted, they're trying to keep everyone calm... When they realise that al the explosions were to distract them, they'll be back. Let's make use of our time now."

Eric and Talbeno reached the top quickly, nearly fifty of Vincarto's spare men around them. They stormed the mayor's office quickly and took aim.
This was it. This was the moment they were waiting for.

Luigi didn't do much as he heard the gunfire below him. He knew the best choice was to stay ready, because any second now, they would blast through that door.
The mayor stood up, his bottom lip trembling.
Detective Franks made his way over to Luigi, while the mayor's two personal body guards waited by the main door.
"You're ready for this, Lamborghini?"
Luigi smiled and opened the small case. He pulled out five frag grenades and set them on a table before opening the big case.
Inside, lay a huge, ammo eating machine... The mini gun.
"Yes, Detective. I'm ready."
The estimated fifty men piled into the mayor's office, and were quickly ripped apart. The mayor was lead to the back window, as though he could parachute out. The truth was, they were trapped in the office.
One of Vincarto's men got a shot off at Luigi's hand. It didn't do much damage, but the shock caused him to drop the mini gun. Talbeno yelled for Vincarto's men to stop, and the remaining ten or so did as they were told. They kept their guns on the mayor, Luigi, Franks and the remaining body guard, the other had been shot out of the window.
"Dial the number," Talbeno whispered to Eric.
Eric quickly dialled Lombardi's phone number and put it on speaker phone.
"Mr Lombardi," Talbeno yelled. "I'm standing here, with my good friend, Steven Gaines, and a number of Fred Vincarto's men."
Lombardi stayed silent on the other line.
"Mr Gaines was not happy to hear you wanted to kidnap him, so I'm gonna make an offer. Maybe Gaines can get away alive." He nodded to Detective Franks. "You listen to this too, Detective." Franks stood silently, his gun raised towards Talbeno.
"Get on with it, Talbeno," Franks said.
"I love auctions, so Eric and I have decided to auction the mayor off. If Lombardi pays higher than the city of Pandora, he gets Gaines. If Pandora offers more, well, Gaines walks away free."
"We'll give you plenty," Gaines spat. "But you wont be able to use it, because you'll be rotting away in jail for three days before you're put to death!"
"I'm sorry you think that way, Mr Gaines," Talbeno responded. "So, Lombardi, what do you think?"
"I think nothing, Talbeno," Lombardi finally spoke.
"Excuse me?"
"I fail to see the issue for me here, Talbeno. Shoot the mayor, I don't give a shit."
Talbeno looked around nervously. "I will, Lombardi!"
"Then fucking do it!" Lombardi yelled. "I promise you this. I do not give a shit."
"You shoot me, and wont make it one more step," Gaines cried.
Luigi tried to edge forward to pick up the mini gun, but was spotted by Talbeno.
"Get the fuck away from the gun!"
Eric leaned to Talbeno. "Don't shoot him. We're not here to kill, we're here for the cash. Let him go."
"Eric, you gotta do, what you gotta do."
Eric jumped to tackle Talbeno as he fired. The bullet flew, but the remaining bodyguard tackled Gaines out of the way. Luigi grabbed the mini gun and launched into action, firing again, taking down all the other Vincarto's.
Franks took a shot to Talbeno, smacking him in the head, before hitting him again in the chest.
Eric, on the other hand, threw his arms up, yelling not to shoot.
Luigi decided to let him live, and he was quickly cuffed by Franks, before being thrown to the ground where he couldn't hurt anyone.

Lombardi sat patiently in his office. So, Talbeno and Eric had done the job for him. They had distracted the US Army, the Pandora Police. They had done him a favour. For he wasn't really after Steven Gaines.
No, that would be far too obvious. He had planned for the kidnapping of Gaines to fail all along, and all the people he hired to help were just there to take some bullets to the chest. He grinned and phoned up Lucia.
"Angel, how's it coming?"
"Nearly there."
"Vincarto tried to kidnap the mayor, so I've called off the attack with my men. They'll just relax with me here for now. Good luck."

Bormillio kicked the door down finding a burning lobby. He quickly rushed up the stairs to the top, reaching the two mysterious men from earlier on his way.
"Get the fuck out of my way!" he yelled, holding the gun steady.
Alaitoc turned at the voice and pulled his gun up.
Xavier smiled. "There are two of us, and one of you."
"Who are you?"
"Assasains, here to kidnap the mayor on behalf of Lombardi. I thought you might have known that. Now, put the gun down, and run away. You're outnumbered."
"Not quite." Galitsky stepped up the stairs, huffing, his gun raised.
"Galitsky? Second time you've saved my ass," Bormillio stated with a grin.
"Yeah, I'm getting tired of it." He pointed his gun to Xavier. "Let's come to an agreement. I haven't seen any other of Lombardi's men, just Vincarto's. So, how about we work together? We fight through Vincarto's men, and then at the end, we'll let you go..."
Alaitoc and Max, not knowing much about these men, but still looking for reinforcements after Lucia and Sergei disappeared, agreed.

The group of four leaped into the mayor's office to find they were too late. Gaines was already saved, Eric on the floor, cuffed, and a pile of Vincarto's men on the ground.
"Bormillio?" Franks was surprised to see the suspended detective.
"Franks, what happened?"
"I have no fucking clue. Instead of Lombardi's men, Vincarto's men showed up, and Lombardi said he didn't give a shit about what happened to the mayor."
"What? But... he..."
"I know... Maybe we were wrong," Franks suggested.
Bormilli swore. "That asshole James told me this was the plan! The bastard lied!"
"Don't talk about James like that!" Eric cried.
Bormillio stepped over to him. "So you're his friend, eh? What the fuck's going on?"
"I don't know... I thought Gaines was the target, that's what I was told."
"Wait a minute..." Bormillio stopped for a moment. Jesus Christ, it's so obvious! Gaines is the target!"
"I am?" Steven Gaines looked up.
"No, you're not, but Gaines is!" Bormillio remembered back to the note. "In a note from Lombardi, he wrote that Gaines would be in town for at least another month. You wouldn't be going anywhere though. It all makes sense now! Your son, he's here, in Pandora! Andrew Gaines! Gaines is the target! You, this, it was all a distraction!"
Franks gasped. "Of course... Lombardi set up those explosions to distract us... or so we thought. They were really there to make us confident. Make us feel that we'd evaded the distractions by preparing for this... But all along, it was Andrew Gaines who was the target. He'll hold Andrew hostage!"
"Hang on," Alaitoc spoke up, "we were sent here by Lombardi himself..."
"To kill you, don't you see?" Luigi said. "You were just there to take bullets, keep us all distracted.
"That sly son of a bitch..." Xavier muttered. "Then Lucia and Sergei, they're on the way to kidnap Andrew! They left us here..."
"Why should we believe you?" Franks asked, holding his gun up to imtimidate Xavier.
"Because they fucking left us here to die. Of course we want some revenge!"
Bormillio turned to Franks. "Yeah, I trust them. I think they want revenge, they want Lucia and Sergei dead just like we do."
"Arrest, Bormillio, we want them arrested."
"I'm not a cop anymore, I can be honest," Bormillio responded. He phoned up Leaf. "Leaf, meet us at the bottom of the building, we're leaving. Don't be late, or you're staying."
He hung up and turned to Luigi. "You coming?"
Franks smiled, "there'll be some more cash in it for you."
Luigi shrugged, "why not?"

"Luis!" Elias cried, searching for his partner. He stumbled across Alejandros lying on the floor, breathing quickly. "Shit..."
Luis had a large knife sticking out of his shoulder (-80HP). "Fuck, Elias, they stabbed me! Christ!"
"We're gonna get you out, Luis!"
Elias lifted his friend and carried him back through the complex.
Julian Davids' voice suddenly crackled in Elias's ear.
"Elias, Vincarto's escaped. No clue where to, but he's not in the complex."
Elias swore. "Alright, new objective. Do whatever you can to keep the military back. Luis has been stabbed."
He reached his van and quickly but carefully put Luis in the back, trying, but failing, to keep the blood from pouring out (-5HP).
They drove away at amazing speeds, covered in bullets from the military. Elias ordered a retreat, and within seconds, his one van had become a convoy. For now, they were hidden in the pack, and safe.

Bormillio, Galitsky and Leaf arrived in Bormillio's car, followed by Franks and Luigi in Franks' car, and Alaitoc and Xavier in a car provided by Franks.
The house that Andrew Gaines was living in was on the egde of a large cliff, with quite a high drop into the ocean. It would have been a beautiful view, but the group were more focussed on geting Gaines out of the house.
Five bodyguards lay dead already, marking the danger by the front door.
Bormillio stepped up to the door, ready to kick it in.
It was then that Lombardi's men showed up.

Instantly, the group went into cover, trading shots with the ten men that belonged to Lombardi.
Bormillio, who was hiding behind his car with Luigi, took the decision to crawl out of cover to the house, knowing that he had to.
Luigi, wanting to get away from the gunfire quickly followed Bormillio.

Bormillio kicked the front door in and took cover behind a wall. He took a look around the house, not finding any traces. Next was upstairs.
Luigi caught up with him quickly.
"Good to see you, Bormillio," he said with a grin.
"And you, Luigi. Now let's stay alert."
They burst into the bedroom, still finding nothing... Nothing, but a jacket on the balcony, covering something.
They rushed out to the balcony, which hung over the cliffside and pulled the jacket away, to find a sweating, tired Andrew Gaines.
"Fuck off..." he muttered.
"Mr Gaines, we're here to help you," Bormillio said. You need to tell me, is anyone in the house?"
"Yes, yes we are," Lucia's voice came from behind the two. Luigi and Bormillio spun to find Lucia and Sergei, guns raised. Bormillio turned back to Andrew, who was smiling.
"You're in on it..." Bormillio whispered in horror. Andrew continued to grin.
"Hey, if I get a cut of the ransom money, I'm happy..."
"There wont be any money, you idiot! Lombardi tricked you!" Luigi yelled. "They're holding you ransom for territory, not money! You're not going to get anything!"
Andrew turned to Lucia. "Sorry about that, Andrew. But hey, you were helpful, that's something!"
Andrew stood up slowly. "You assholes!" he cried.
Luigi spun his gun towards Andrew. "I will shoot you right now. I don't care if I die." Luigi whispered. "So you step away, you got outside. You hand yourself in to Detective Franks, and you live."
"Not likely," Sergei responded. "You shoot one of us, we shoot both of you."
Luigi looked around desperately. Then he realised.
"You can't ransom a dead man."
He spun back to Andrew, jumped up, and fired. Andrew fell, dead, as Lucia and Sergei fired.
Bormillio ducked down, tackling Sergei to the ground. Lucia fired at Luigi, hitting him in the foot, sending him backwards. Sergei pushed Bormillio off of him, and he and Lucia quickly ran off, escaping via a back door.

Bormillio leaped up and looked over the balcony that Luigi had fallen over. He watched Luigi fall, in horror; contrast to Luigi's smile.



Having scared Fred Vincarto out of town, Elias Kindig became a good friend of Lombardi's. The two became allies, as the remaining criminals of Pandora. Elias grew in power with Luis, and have managed to evade the police so far.

Christian 'The Snake' Bormillio stayed out of the police force, despite offers for his job back. After losing both Daniels and Luigi, he began to live a safer life. While he rarely has much criminal activity anymore, he still keeps in contact with Franks and other criminals.

Lucia 'Angel' Russo escaped the house with Sergei and got away with the whole event. To this day, she's still Lombardi's best 'man', and his constantly doing jobs for him.

Robert 'Leaf' Hacknhoff became good friends with Galitsky, and began to work with him. He still keeps in touch with Bormillio regularly. When he's not working with Galitsky, Leaf works as a hired assasain, keeping Ol' Joe's sniper rifle at all times.

Luis Alejandros was given immediate medical attention, and was looking bad. However, after hearing of Talbeno's death, he suddenly began getting better. He took his place back as head of the Kindig family with Elias, and has become known by criminals for being the first man to lead a mafia in America that isn't American or Italian.

Christian 'Terror' Galitsky is happy, working with Leaf. He has considered working for the law again, but always convinces himself not to. Instead, he and Leaf enforce the law on their own. He keeps in touch regularly with Bormillio, and sometimes Franks.

Eric 'Fedora' Dakota escaped prison, but was found by Lombardi. After negotiations, he's working for Lombardi, looking for Vincarto.

Alaitoc was 'forgotten' when Franks was getting all the criminals rounded up into prison. He has continued his job as an assasain, but works mainly with Max. He has worked once or twice with Leaf, but only when the target is a scumbag that deserves it.

Sergei Kozlov escaped with Lucia, and now works with her and Lombardi. While Lombardi trusts Lucia more, he still holds Sergei as one of his top men.

Max Xavier still works with Alaitoc, and has begun an agency for assasains. So far, the agency is small, but it's growing quickly.

Alfred Turner was facing life in prison, but was broken out by an unkown group of men. Many assume it to be the Kindig family. Turner is now missing.

Fred Vincarto has been missing ever since his base was stormed.

Frank Lombardi remains the most powerful criminal, and unfocially, the most powerful man in Pandora.

Ted Smith remained happily married with Lisa Smith, but Jeremy Smith is yet to be found. After trying for weeks to call Luigi Lamborghini, he was informed of what had happened, and suffered from depression for weeks. He considered suicide, but realised he had a brilliant wife, and decided against it.

Fred gave up crime for good after the scare with Nicolani and Luigi. He has since started his own shipping company.

Detective Franks was given a huge raise after the failed kidnapping attempt. He still vows to fight crime as long as it lasts, but turns a blind eye to any of Bormillio's criminal friends.

Pandora's crime died down a bit, and the US Army left. A large number of police were hired though, and crime still remains a problem.

Luigi Lamborghini remains missing, presumed dead. Bormillio, the only person who saw Lugi hit the water, never saw him emerge. Chances are he died, but there's a possiblity that he survived, as he would still have all the cash that the city of Pandora paid him to protect Steven Gaines.

End of 'The Family'
Last edited by Skunk_Giant on 14 Aug 2011, 02:26, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Skunk_Giant » 02 Aug 2011, 16:14

God... that took a long time to write, and my fingers are rather sore now, so I'll be quick.
First off, I hope you guys enjoyed this, and I hope to see most of you, if not all of you in the next installment, which I'll begin soon.
Second, I wanna talk about the choices. Originally, I had planned for some more choices, but I decided against them for the following reasons -
I was eager to write the finale.
I'm going away for a week, starting Monday, so I wanted to finish this before then.
I felt that the finale needed to be one big thing, not broken up into little parts like everything else.
I hope you guys were happy with that choice.

Finally, please let me know what you thought!

Thanks so much for playing guys, I hoped you loved this as much as I did! :D
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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Iron_Fang » 02 Aug 2011, 16:28

O M G, EPIC! is that all for the family???? i thought there was 2 more acts

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by arogon343 » 02 Aug 2011, 16:51

Bravo sir.
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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by aflycon » 02 Aug 2011, 16:58


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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Skunk_Giant » 02 Aug 2011, 18:07

Looks like I'm getting some positive reactions! :D
Iron, this isn't the end, but I dunno how much more there'll be. It all depends on how long you guys want to continue, I guess.
This is the end for 'The Family' but there will be a sequel, which will be 'The Family - Act II'.
I've decided it may be better to make a new thread. That way, I can change some of the gameplay, make room for more characters, and just make things run smoother.
That might be a couple of weeks though, as I plan on doing some work on The Prophecy, Clear Skies, and Z-Apocalypse.
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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Skunk_Giant » 02 Aug 2011, 18:37

Herp de derp... Forgot to add the epilogue bit for Luigi.

Luigi Lamborghini remains missing, presumed dead. Bormillio, the only person who saw Lugi hit the water, never saw him emerge. Chances are he died, but there's a possiblity that he survived, as he would still have all the cash that the city of Pandora paid him to protect Steven Gaines.
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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Blank_Kold » 02 Aug 2011, 19:53

Dat post.

Nice skunk. Time to get clear skies moving :)

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Blackadder51 » 02 Aug 2011, 21:40

Nice post =D :) but no badge :(

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Skunk_Giant » 02 Aug 2011, 22:57

Well, you've been offered many times, so in the sequel, you might get the chance to become a cop again if you want.
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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Iron_Fang » 03 Aug 2011, 02:15

here adder =p lol

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by 697134002 » 03 Aug 2011, 02:17

I uhh uhh what the...
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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by random980 » 03 Aug 2011, 03:16

Luigi's ending was AWESOME! You even remembered the mini-gun :D, but no night vision goggles :( , when you said the other mafia was going to cut the power i thought HA!, i prepared for this!, but you didn't include it!?

Odd how Luigi AND chef have suffered almost the exact same fate...
When you get round to start The Family II, Ill make a new character!
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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Skunk_Giant » 03 Aug 2011, 08:53

Yeah, you didn't really need them. The power cutting was just to mess up things, not for darkness. Every floor has a ton of windows, and it was midday roughly when this all happened, so nightvision was fine. :D
Now, I'm going to offer you guys yet another choice.

I'm gonna be away from Monday to about Saturday next week, soooo...
We could start Act II now, and have a break for a week, or we can just wait.
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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by random980 » 03 Aug 2011, 08:56

we can wait and in the meantime participate in this: ... f=5&t=3888
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Sti_Jo_Lew wrote:Random just won the thread. We should all just give up.

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Skunk_Giant » 05 Aug 2011, 08:49

OK, the thread is up, it's just called 'The Family - Act II'. You can put your characters in now, but I wont start the story for about a week.
Also, I noticed Random has a thread that needs players... The Wicked West
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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by EricSmarties » 05 Aug 2011, 09:36

OMG that was NOT what i wanted Q_Q how do i always screw up!
Skunk you sent me a pm about lombardis plans and there it said not the mayor why do i go and get him though goddammmit! Q_Q oh well i guess it wasnt that bad...

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Skunk_Giant » 05 Aug 2011, 09:44

Well, Lucia said a couple of posts back that there was a change of plans.
Besides, at least now you work for Lombardi.
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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by EricSmarties » 05 Aug 2011, 10:51

Skunk_Giant wrote:Well, Lucia said a couple of posts back that there was a change of plans.
Besides, at least now you work for Lombardi.
i thought he hated me?

oh could you update my character sheet i have like 2 double pistols and stuff and liked by lombardi now :P

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Skunk_Giant » 05 Aug 2011, 10:58

He did, but as I said in the epilogue section, he negotiated with you. Since Vincarto trusts you, he hired you to find Vincarto.
As for the updating, I'll do that as soon as you put your character in Act II, assuming you want to.
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haxxorzd00d wrote:Keep talking, Skunk. Everybody likes you and you're stunningly handsome.

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