The Flash Game Review

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The Flash Game Review

Post by andy25100 » 24 Sep 2011, 14:49

I've been thinking about doing this for a while and since i can't find anything like it i'll begin,

The Flash Game Review - Balloon In A Wasteland

I'm planning to once a week if this first review does well so feedback good or bad is encouraged, My first game i'm doing is Balloon in a Wasteland, a wave defence game with time & money management features added in with the basic objective of repairing your damaged hot air balloon in the middle of a hostile wasteland full of slimes that would like to kill you. The game starts of simple you with the standard pistol & your damaged balloon, press button repair balloon, shoot slimes, wave ends, "where is the upgrade screen?" you might say, well for that you'll need to wait as upgrades come at irregular intervals and that nice new machine gun you wanted might not come around for another two waves, this is the major management feature, not buying something you want now as you nearly have enough for a currently non-expected trader with that thing you saw last time he showed up.
Along with Killer Slimes that follow the usual path of getting slowly stronger and traders that come and go whenever they feel like you've got a lot to do, tiring work as if you don't sleep every couple of hours you start losing accuracy this may sound minor but if you don't, you + -30% accuracy = suicide. I do have some problems witht his game a my main one is that as soon as you build yourself a fort you can easily skip any fighting because as soon as a wave starts it's easier to run and hide than to actually fight, though a deterrent of this is a small achievements list that gives you something to aim for while playing with them all being nice and easy to complete being the usual kill a certain number of enemies sort of style.
Balloon in a Wasteland is fun and simple shooter with some nice elements you don't see that often that takes about 20 minutes to complete, so if your're interested in something fun to waste some time on give it a shot you might enjoy it.

Thanks for reading i hope you enjoyed it and the game, please comment on what you thought about it and think i should do another.
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"They'll tear you apart, bone by bone... ...and build with you a human throne. Their buck- toothed king will sit upon What once was you, but now is gone. This key unlocks the gates of Hell. Steady traveler, use it well." - Grim Fandango - Poem of the Flaming Demon Beavers

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Re: The Flash Game Review

Post by UndeadJesus » 24 Sep 2011, 21:52

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Re: The Flash Game Review

Post by Wildwill002 » 25 Sep 2011, 04:58

Nothing says fun like infecting the world and killing everyone!
Spoiler! :

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Re: The Flash Game Review

Post by andy25100 » 25 Sep 2011, 15:07

Will do
"They'll tear you apart, bone by bone... ...and build with you a human throne. Their buck- toothed king will sit upon What once was you, but now is gone. This key unlocks the gates of Hell. Steady traveler, use it well." - Grim Fandango - Poem of the Flaming Demon Beavers

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Re: The Flash Game Review

Post by andy25100 » 05 Oct 2011, 13:49

The Flash Game Review - Infectonator : World Dominator

After already messing this up i will continue regardless, following Undead's suggestion i am doing infectonator world dominator, which has a rather novel concept, what if the zombies were under your control, for some inexplicable reason your trying to eliminate the worlds population, starting in africa you work your way up gaining bonuses for destruction as you work your way up. As you gain money for your nefarious deeds you can make your zombie horde more deadly, increasing stats named by ronseal as they are what you expect them to be which is nice compared to other games i have played whos upgrade screen needed a manual to understand.
infect 1.jpg
In the game your zombies come in two types normal and special, the special is much more interesting and to not spoil any of it, i'll only hint about one of them, to gain this one you will need to kill a human that rymes with ambo, then you'll unlock a special unit that is though to kill. My main gripe about this game is the AI which though works fine most of the time, you can oftensee a zombie just running round a tree while the military shows up and starts shooting, as well as this the difficulty ramps up significantly after the first few towns as by the time most of africa was in flames i couldn't do anything never as much anywhere else.
infect 2.jpg
To finish this rushed review of, infectonator is a good game to start of with but soon turns into a grindfest but it is something you can quickly play while bored as in the words of WildWill "Nothing says fun like infecting the world and killing everyone!", so give it a few minutes while i sort out my organisational skills, thanks for reading. :D
infect 3.jpg
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"They'll tear you apart, bone by bone... ...and build with you a human throne. Their buck- toothed king will sit upon What once was you, but now is gone. This key unlocks the gates of Hell. Steady traveler, use it well." - Grim Fandango - Poem of the Flaming Demon Beavers

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Re: The Flash Game Review

Post by aflycon » 16 Oct 2011, 22:20

Moved to the new Game Review forum.

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