New Lands (Ooh, an RPG) Make some characters!

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New Lands (Ooh, an RPG) Make some characters!

Post by 697134002 » 30 Dec 2011, 03:07

So, due to both boredom and the "death" of the other RPGs, I'm starting one. Players are wanted dead or alive. (Alive would be better, since dead people can't really play)

A group of pilgrims have set out to discover the New World - a world remarkably similar to their own. Both worlds are similar to Europe around 1000 AD, but the Old World is democratic and classless whereas the New World shares some ideas with feudal-era Japan. The pilgrims have not met the natives as of yet.

About the natives' culture:
Spoiler! :
There were two or three castles in a Kingdom, with one managing foreign affairs, one managing the economy and one managing the military arm. War in their world was unlike war in the pilgrims' world. Rather than have hundreds of soldiers fight each other, mere dozens of soldiers fought in a single battle, and there were rarely any casualties. The people swore loyalty to their castle, and the lords followed a strict code of honour. However, all those not affiliated with a castle were shunned. Entering foreign territory was punishable by incarceration - building in it was a death sentence.
Samurai, aside from their duties as warriors, were often politicians and from noble families. Commoners rarely saw combat aside from clashes with barbarians to the south, which the Samurai were often unable to reach before entire villages were destroyed. Eventually, the lords were pressured into creating armies of commoners and station them by the southern borders of their kingdoms. While idolized by the people they protected, the soldiers in these armies were given no respect in the political world.
The survivors are now lead by Frederick König, Entreri and Governor LaValle.

Character Creation
All clothing and weapons must conform to the time period. No guns! All further characters are pilgrims on the ship from the mainland.

Appearance: (Plus clothing - It can have an effect)
Weapon(s):(Only as much as they can carry unless they use a ranged weapon, in which case they also get a dagger)

Stats - You have 605564 points to spend on stats, with a maximum of 10 points per stat. The effects of stats, aside from constitution which provides 10 additional health to the default 50, are relative to all other players.

Weapon Skill:
Gathering Skill:
Building Skill:



697134002 - Don't worry, I won't cheat
Spoiler! :
Name: Frederick König
Age: 27
Appearance: Black light chainmail; black cape with cowl; black guantlets; black pants; black boots. Pale skin; stubble; light grey eyes; light-medium build; 175 cm tall.
Biography: Frederick trained as a soldier from a very young age, and has great proficiency with a blade. He served in two wars before he was dishonourably discharged for murdering one of his fellow soldiers (A vicious bully towards Frederick), but not imprisoned due to the reputation of the bully. Frederick was offered a spot on the pilgrimage to clear his name.
Personality: Frederick is a calm, logical man. He can kill a man without a second thought, but only when it is logical to do so. He rarely shows emotion.
Weapon(s): 1 short sword, 1 dagger.


Strength: 6
Constitution: 4
Agility: 10
Stamina: 8
Intelligence: 10
Senses: 10
Weapon Skill: 12
Building Skill: 1
Gathering Skill: 4
Spoiler! :
Name: Patrick Eder

Age: 22

Appearance: Dark, leathery skin with tough hands. Deep blue eyes, broad jaw with brown medium length hair, covered by a wide rimmed cap, to keep the sun off his face. Worn down clothes made from old pieces of material patched together to keep the sun off his skin. Also wears tough leather gloves. Underneath this, wears a light chainmail vest to protect him from people who would potentially hurt him in his area of residence.

Biography: Patrick is a typical builder, his father taught him from the age of 14. He has very strong family ties, and lots of contacts within the building enterprise his father helped to construct. After leaving home at the age of 19, he has worked for many places, building houses, public buildings and several guard towers. Patrick is quite wealthy due to inheriting from several family members, which has payed for his place on this pilgrimage.

Personality: Kind, gentle man who has a strong side but only when required for his own safety. He can get annoyed easily, but is good at suppressing it and as a result, he is a very likeable person.

Weapon(s):Small Hammer, hung on belt and an axe, strapped on his back for purposes of cutting trees.


Weapon Skill:4
Building Skill:11
Gathering Skill:8

Came on the pilgrimage to build some buildings :)[/quote]
Spoiler! :
Name: Uthag
Age: 27
Appearance: Wild and unkempt, with a thick shaggy beard and matted hair. He dresses only in tattered animal hides with his few worldly possesions wrapped in a wolf's pelt and slung over his shoulder. His skin is rough and tanned, and bares many scars that look like the work of animal claws and teeth. Dispite this he is in perfect physical condition, with incredible strength and stamina. Standing at almost 7 feet tall he is hard to mistake in a crowd.
Biography: He grew up living in the mountains. His parents both died while he was still young; his father killed by wolves while out hunting, and his mother of sickness during the harsh winter. He got by doing odd jobs for the villagers in the valley below in exchange for food, and eventually learned to hunt and fish well enough to sustain himself when work was scarce. He never had any education, and spoke little to the villagers. Any money he earned from his labors went to drinks at the local tavern. Fights in the street afterwards were not uncommon, and during one of these Uthag accidentally killed three men who tried to rob him. After that the villagers drove him from the town.
He joins the story in search of a new home.
Personality: Quick to anger, but just as quick to forgive. A man of simple intentions. He lives in the moment, never planning farther ahead than his next meal. His speech is slow and clumsy.
Weapon(s): A wooden club and a short hunting knive that belonged to his father.

Strength: 11
Constitution: 10
Agility: 10
Stamina: 11
Intelligence: 3
Senses: 10
Weapon Skill: 4
Building Skill: 1
Gathering Skill: 4
Spoiler! :
Name: Myles Luttrell (no points where thats from)
Age: 28
Appearance: A tall man of 5'10" with green eyes, shoulder height brown hair wearing a red linen shirt, black
trousers & sturdy boots with a thick leather cuirass, vambrace & greaves to provide protection.

Biography: Born in to a moderately wealthy family who ran a small trading business dealing with many foreign
patrons he quickly learnt the art of the sell, as well as multiple languages of his families trading
partners. This was his life until he was 20 while at the local tavern his family were murdered by
rivals, with no money he joined up with an old friend of his late father who was a privateer for his
nation, upon learning about the pilgrims expedition he saw an oppertunity to create something his
family would have been proud of in the new world.

Personality:A Charasmatic & intelligent man who lives life like a game of chance doing what he wants to do but
thinking first on its effect on others

Weapon(s): A one handed axe (able to cut down trees if needed), a round shield & a dagger


Strength: 8
Constitution: 8
Agility: 8
Stamina: 7
Intelligence: 10
Senses: 8
Weapon Skill: 3
Building Skill: 4
Gathering Skill: 3
Arogon DEAD
Spoiler! :
Name: Frederick Joseph
Age: 22
Appearance:Plain shirt, boots, pants and a waistcoat, Tall, broad shouldered, Small beard, Dark hair and eyes.
Biography: An orphan, Frederick spent many years with different families before finally becoming old enough to buy his own house (which was unnecessary since he essentially lived in a pub) and he spent many a year there before being tangled up with the wrong people and was forced to move away, Leading him to make the decision of venturing to the 'New world'
Personality: Very loud, does not think things through. Man of action. Drunkard. Very happy most of the time but can fly into a rage if irritated or stressed. Normally very relaxed.
Weapon(s):Empty Gallon wine bottle, Knife and a pair of knuckle dusters.

Weapon Skill:10
Building Skill:11
Gathering Skill:5

Spoiler! :
Name: Aiten Javenkis


Appearance: Medium brown skin. Wears only a cotton woven robe with intricate, almost aztec looking zig zagging lines woven into it. Has black, medium length hair which he wears in tight braids that cling to his head. His eyes are a deep green colour, with a depth paralleling an ocean, and the colour to match. Has medium sized lips, and a constant scowl on his face.

Biography: Aiten grew up without parents, raised by an old couple who wanted nothing to do with him, he is angry and belligerent. As he grew older, he began to resent his parents, for abandoning him and making him face the world as he saw it, alone. After scraping enough money together doing whatever jobs he could find Aiten bought a ramshackle mud hut with only two rooms, a bedroom and a pit in the other as a toilet. Hating life, Aiten is an angry, soulless person who would do anything to make money. He became a mercenary to kill as many people as he could and raise some cash and get rid of his stress, which could lead him to outbursts at any time.

Personality: Angry, belligerent, extremely intelligent, cold and calculating and ruthless.

Weapon(s):Bow and arrows, 2 small daggers sheathed on either side.


Strength: 7
Constitution: 9
Agility: 5
Stamina: 5
Intelligence: 10
Senses: 7
Weapon Skill: 10
Gathering Skill: 4
Spoiler! :
Name: No know name; commonly referred to as "The Shadow." Those who dislike him call him "The Snake." His actual name, which nobody knows but himself, is Eldric.

Age: Estimated to be ~30 years of age.

Appearance: Little of this man is ever seen, aside from his lips and chin. His skin is a light tan; his fingers are covered by gloves, except at the tips, where smooth, white skin can be seen.
His clothing is an intricate black cloak with a hood at the top. He has dim red and purple patterns on his gloves and arm guard.

Bio: Very little was known about this man until some of his battle party decided to sneak a peak into the bag he always carried with him. Apart from the obvious archers' tools, they found a small letter to a man unknown to them. While the letter made it to Lord Entreri, the battle party did not. Officially, they died of poison contracted from a snake found everywhere on the island. The bodies had fang markings, supporting this cause. It was found out later that the bodies had fatal stab wounds in their backs, stitched in such a way that they were almost invisible to the naked eye. The letter was destroyed after being found burnt under the Lord's nose while he slept. The only thing gathered from the smoldering ashes was his title: Duke.

Personality: Calculating and cold; does not do anything without a logical reason; rarely speaks.

Weaponry: A bow and a full dozen arrows, 6 of which are tipped with snake venom. Carries a small dagger in his cloak. He also carries a vat of poison made from materials gathered on the coast of the continet. The poison does not kill; it simply makes it impossible to move a single muscle in your body.


Strength: 5
Constitution: 4
Agility: 8
Stamina: 6
Intelligence: 9
Senses: 8
Weapon Skill: 10
Gathering Skill: 7[/quote]
Spoiler! :
Name: Harvey Smith, but everyone calls him Old Man

Age: No one knows for sure, not even Smith, but he appears to be in his 80s to 90s

Appearance: Smith is about 5 foot and wears a simple cloak, made of brown cloth. The cloak has a hood and extends to slightly below his knees. He wears long grey pants. He always carries a satchel over one shoulder messenger-bag-style and his staff in one hand. His staff is also about 5 foot, with a curled end at the top. Old Man has thin, white hair and a short white beard. His face contains as many wrinkles as there are grains of sand on a beach. He has small, beady black eyes that seem to see into everyone he looks at, prying them apart and studying their souls. Despite his age and size, Smith is very strong and quick, able to use his staff to take out most enemies. Almost no one knows of his strength due to his cloak covering his muscular body.

Bio: Smith used to be an explorer as a young man, roaming far and wide. Other than this almost nothing is known about his past. No one knows where he was born, if he has any family, or any other personal info.

Personality: Smith mostly keeps to himself, but will act when he is insulted one too many times or if someone is in trouble. He almost never talks, leading to a rumor saying that he can not talk at all. This is not true, however, and when he speaks those who hear should never forget what he says, for he is wiser than any other person most people will ever meet.

Weapons: His staff is very heavy, and when handled by a trained person such as Smith, can deal devastating blows. His only other weapon is his mind. His years of exploring gave him the gift of knowledge that allows him to access situations quickly and dispose of threats.

Weapon Skill:7
Gathering Skill:4
Spoiler! :
Name: Imena Shadowraith
Age: 22
Appearance: Female, slim and agile, small hands and around 5 foot 1. Pale skin, with delicate facial features. Don’t let her looks decept you though, as under the leather armour she wears is a tense, incredibly strong body which rivals that of most men. This feat is due to massive amounts of training and personal dedication to fitness. For reference, she wears leather armour, along with leather boots, very good for running, and leather bound gloves, to protect her from cuts and grazes she would accumulate climbing rock faces.

Biography: Imena was raised in a very standard manner. Always had food on her table, never really wanted for much, but never needed anything fancy either. Her practical dress sense came from her father, who was one of the many soldiers who had much respect from the fellow village people. She decided to train as hard as she could after her village was ransacked by pillagers, initially she just trained to find, and kill these pillagers, but after a year, she realised quite sensibly revenge was not an option. Now she moves on, village to village, trying to settle, but never managing to. This has made her quite a survivor, and incredibly resourceful. She is also incredibly agile, living up to her shadow bestowed name.

Personality: Patient, never gets angry with anyone, first to calm a fight, she will do whatever it takes to keep the peace. Although this seems like a pacifist, she is a deadly warrior, a master with both the blades she carries, and the bow on her back.

Weapon(s):Shortbow on her back, along with two short blades strapped to her in a way that doesn’t reduce mobility in any way.

Stats -

Strength: 10
Constitution: 5
Agility: 10
Stamina: 7
Intelligence: 7
Senses: 6
Weapon Skill: 9
Gathering Skill: 5
Building Skill: 6
Spoiler! :
Name:Hanako Arouet

Appearance: A tall female with long black hair, grey coloured eyes, her face and arms have light burns due to an accident when she was younger. She wears normal shoes, trousers, a shortened dress with light protection on the arms along with some rudiementary eye protection.

Biography: Daughter of a local farmer she grew up away from most of the world she spent her time exploring the local wilderness, gaining a foundness for the world around her she created a collection of interesting plants, seeing this her family bought her a small book of what she could do with them. By twelfth birthday she was skilled at making various concoctions but after getting fancy with the ingredients it blew up in her face scaring it along with half of her right arm, this ended her in the bed of the local doctor who immediatly saw her skills and took her under his wing teaching what he knew with her lust for knowledge taking in the other half, when he died a few years later she took his position.

Personality:Shy and reserved to many who she barely knows keeping them at arms length, but to those who know her well enough to be let past the first level will find a confident, smart and slightly insane woman who is willing to try new things & ideas, even the strange ones... especially the strange ones.

Weapon(s): Sword, potions/poisons

Stats -
Weapon Skill:5
Gathering Skill:8
Building Skill:3

Captain Williams Dead
Spoiler! :
Captain Williams is the leader of the pilgrims. He fights with a longsword and wears plate armour in battle. He is normally a well-mannered man and wishes to see the pilgrims build a thriving village. He is also a racist nationalist bigot.
Lord Entreri
Spoiler! :
Lord Entreri has been the Lord of Castle Petricus since his father was assassinated when he was 12. He is a relatively relaxed Lord when compared to the other 14 Lords in the five kingdoms, and will occasionally put aside the code of honour when something needs to be done. At age 22 he was overthrown by his younger brother and sent into the southern wildernesses to die. He spent one year out there before mustering enough peasant soldiers to take back his Castle. He is the least xenophobic of the Lords and holds audience to most who request it. He is now a renegade, viewed by Lord Bruenor as responsible for Lord Akar's death.
Spoiler! :
Gunter is a friend of Uthag and an acquaintance of Frederick König. He fights with a longsword and is only one stat point smarter than Uthag, though Uthag has one more stat point in strength than he. Gunter currently owes Uthag a beer, and harbours great hatred towards The Shadow.
Lord Bruenor
Spoiler! :
Lord Bruenor is the Lord of the Second Castle of the Kingdom, responsible for internal affairs not covered by the King. Lord Bruenor fights with a battleaxe and large shield, and wears a horned helmet, though one of the horns is broken.
Governor LaValle
Spoiler! :
Governor LaValle is the leader of the village in which Entreri mustered support to reclaim his throne after his brother stole it. LaValle is fiercely loyal to Entreri, as are the members of his village. LaValle is not a fighter, though he possesses an Atlatl which doubles as a cane.
Hunter Brambleberry Dead
Spoiler! :
Once a highly esteemed artisan in the court of Entreri's father, Brambleberry was exiled by Entreri's brother. Brambleberry would lay down his life for Entreri. Brambleberry is competent with a bow, though he prefers to use a sword in one hand and have his other hand free.
Artisan Kensidan Dead
Spoiler! :
Artisan Kensidan is Entreri's nephew, though he was denied access to the throne after Entreri killed his father because he was seven at the time. Kensidan will inherit the throne of the third castle upon Entreri's death. Until then, the castle is under command of Lord Bruenor.
Last edited by 697134002 on 16 Jan 2012, 19:31, edited 49 times in total.
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Re: New Lands (Ooh, an RPG)

Post by sag185 » 30 Dec 2011, 14:07

Name: Patrick Eder

Age: 22

Appearance: Dark, leathery skin with tough hands. Deep blue eyes, broad jaw with brown medium length hair, covered by a wide rimmed cap, to keep the sun off his face. Worn down clothes made from old pieces of material patched together to keep the sun off his skin. Also wears tough leather gloves. Underneath this, wears a light chainmail vest to protect him from people who would potentially hurt him in his area of residence.

Biography: Patrick is a typical builder, his father taught him from the age of 14. He has very strong family ties, and lots of contacts within the building enterprise his father helped to construct. After leaving home at the age of 19, he has worked for many places, building houses, public buildings and several guard towers. Patrick is quite wealthy due to inheriting from several family members, which has payed for his place on this pilgrimage.

Personality: Kind, gentle man who has a strong side but only when required for his own safety. He can get annoyed easily, but is good at suppressing it and as a result, he is a very likeable person.

Weapon(s):Small Hammer, hung on belt and an axe, strapped on his back for purposes of cutting trees.


Weapon Skill:3
Building Skill:10
Gathering Skill:8

Came on the pilgrimage to build some buildings :)

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Re: New Lands (Ooh, an RPG)

Post by Jake55778 » 30 Dec 2011, 15:05

Name: Uthag
Age: 27
Appearance: Wild and unkempt, with a thick shaggy beard and matted hair. He dresses only in tattered animal hides with his few worldly possesions wrapped in a wolf's pelt and slung over his shoulder. His skin is rough and tanned, and bares many scars that look like the work of animal claws and teeth. Dispite this he is in perfect physical condition, with incredible strength and stamina. Standing at almost 7 feet tall he is hard to mistake in a crowd.
Biography: He grew up living in the mountains. His parents both died while he was still young; his father killed by wolves while out hunting, and his mother of sickness during the harsh winter. He got by doing odd jobs for the villagers in the valley below in exchange for food, and eventually learned to hunt and fish well enough to sustain himself when work was scarce. He never had any education, and spoke little to the villagers. Any money he earned from his labors went to drinks at the local tavern. Fights in the street afterwards were not uncommon, and during one of these Uthag accidentally killed three men who tried to rob him. After that the villagers drove him from the town.
He joins the story in search of a new home.
Personality: Quick to anger, but just as quick to forgive. A man of simple intentions. He lives in the moment, never planning farther ahead than his next meal. His speech is slow and clumsy.
Weapon(s): A wooden club and a short hunting knive that belonged to his father.

Strength: 10
Constitution: 10
Agility: 10
Stamina: 10
Intelligence: 3
Senses: 10
Weapon Skill: 4
Building Skill: 1
Gathering Skill: 2
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Re: New Lands (Ooh, an RPG)

Post by 697134002 » 30 Dec 2011, 15:12

And your decision, Jake?
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Re: New Lands (Ooh, an RPG)

Post by Jake55778 » 30 Dec 2011, 15:17

Unloading crates
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Re: New Lands (Ooh, an RPG) 3 Spots Left

Post by sag185 » 30 Dec 2011, 19:31

Is this going to be a you write it and give us options or we write paragraphs related to the previous, heading towards a common goal?

Just wondering, I'm cool with both. :P

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Re: New Lands (Ooh, an RPG) 3 Spots Left

Post by 697134002 » 30 Dec 2011, 19:37

It's me giving you options, sometimes multiple choice, sometimes you saying what you will do.
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Re: New Lands (Ooh, an RPG) 3 Spots Left

Post by sag185 » 30 Dec 2011, 20:34

Alright, a bit of mix and match :3

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Re: New Lands (Ooh, an RPG) 3 Spots Left

Post by arogon343 » 30 Dec 2011, 20:39

Id like to sign up, although i can only fill in a full application when i get back on my own computer in a day or two.
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Re: New Lands (Ooh, an RPG) 3 Spots Left

Post by andy25100 » 30 Dec 2011, 23:40

Ooh another one of these this sounds interesting, i wonder if this will do.
Spoiler! :
Name: Myles Luttrell (no points where thats from)
Age: 28
Appearance: A tall man of 5'10" with green eyes, shoulder height brown hair wearing a red linen shirt, black
trousers & sturdy boots with a thick leather cuirass, vambrace & greaves to provide protection.

Biography: Born in to a moderately wealthy family who ran a small trading business dealing with many foreign
patrons he quickly learnt the art of the sell, as well as multiple languages of his families trading
partners. This was his life until he was 20 while at the local tavern his family were murdered by
rivals, with no money he joined up with an old friend of his late father who was a privateer for his
nation, upon learning about the pilgrims expedition he saw an oppertunity to create something his
family would have been proud of in the new world.

Personality:A Charasmatic & intelligent man who lives life like a game of chance doing what he wants to do but
thinking first on its effect on others

Weapon(s): A one handed axe (able to cut down trees if needed), a round shield & a dagger


Strength: 7
Constitution: 7
Agility: 8
Stamina: 7
Intelligence: 10
Senses: 8
Weapon Skill: 7
Building Skill: 3
Gathering Skill: 3

And he'll do a bit of exploring, maybe have a chat with some natives
"They'll tear you apart, bone by bone... ...and build with you a human throne. Their buck- toothed king will sit upon What once was you, but now is gone. This key unlocks the gates of Hell. Steady traveler, use it well." - Grim Fandango - Poem of the Flaming Demon Beavers

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Re: New Lands (Ooh, an RPG) 1 Spot Left

Post by arogon343 » 31 Dec 2011, 07:45

Name: Frederick Joseph |Harry Glennon
Age: 22
Appearance:Plain shirt, boots, pants and a waistcoat, Tall, broad shouldered, Small beard, Dark hair and eyes.
Biography: An orphan, Frederick spent many years with different families before finally becoming old enough to buy his own house (which was unnecessary since he essentially lived in a pub) and he spent many a year there before being tangled up with the wrong people and was forced to move away, Leading him to make the decision of venturing to the 'New world'
Personality: Very loud, does not think things through. Man of action. Drunkard. Very happy most of the time but can fly into a rage if irritated or stressed. Normally very relaxed.
Weapon(s):Empty Gallon wine bottle, Knife and a pair of knuckle dusters.

Weapon Skill:10
Building Skill:9
Gathering Skill:5
Oh and ima do me some explorin!

Anything ive done wrong?
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Re: New Lands (Ooh, an RPG) No spots at this moment

Post by 697134002 » 31 Dec 2011, 15:29

Update #1

While exploring the nearby terrain, Frederick König snuck up on a deer and killed it, but found nothing more of interest.

Patrick Eder was able to construct a guard tower and a section of wall to one side of it.

While unloading crates, Uthag socialized with a highly trained warrior who was also helping to unload the crates.

Myles Luttrel found some berries, and cautiously tried one. It made him puke, so he collected a couple, remembering that they were poisonous, and thinking that he could use them if there were other people in this new world.

Frederick Joseph could not find a single thing for a while while exploring, and got so angry that he pushed down a small tree, revealing a bird's nest. He gathered the eggs.

Everyone returns to the ship, sets up some tents, and sleeps. It is now shortly after dawn.


1: Explore
2: Build
3: Socialize with fellow pilgrims
4: Socialize with Captain Williams.
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Re: New Lands (Ooh, an RPG) No spots at this moment

Post by andy25100 » 31 Dec 2011, 19:32

697134002 wrote:Andy
Myles Luttrel found some berries, and cautiously tried one. It made him puke, so he collected a couple, remembering that they were poisonous, and thinking that he could use them if there were other people in this new world.
Great i'm going to murder all the natives :roll: , before that i'll help build.
"They'll tear you apart, bone by bone... ...and build with you a human throne. Their buck- toothed king will sit upon What once was you, but now is gone. This key unlocks the gates of Hell. Steady traveler, use it well." - Grim Fandango - Poem of the Flaming Demon Beavers

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Re: New Lands (Ooh, an RPG) No spots at this moment

Post by Jake55778 » 31 Dec 2011, 19:43

697134002 wrote: Jake
While unloading crates, Uthag socialized with a highly trained warrior who was also helping to unload the crates.
I challenge my new friend to an arm wrestle. Then go exploring.
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Re: New Lands (Ooh, an RPG) No spots at this moment

Post by 697134002 » 01 Jan 2012, 02:54

Well, since only one person can do it, I will socialize with Captain Williams.
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Re: New Lands (Ooh, an RPG) No spots at this moment

Post by sag185 » 01 Jan 2012, 18:44

Ill do some more building, we need a settlement building after all! :)
Try and build more walls, we can fill them with buildings later, but walls provide safety and security from wild animal s and possibly natives. I would hope that someone would be able to help me in this task, and maybe i could teach them bricklaying

I assume we are settling in this one spot for a while?

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Re: New Lands (Ooh, an RPG) No spots at this moment

Post by 697134002 » 01 Jan 2012, 19:26

Yes, this is our base.
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Re: New Lands (Ooh, an RPG) No spots at this moment

Post by sag185 » 01 Jan 2012, 19:27

Is it possible for peoples skills to improve?

My decision is to contue building walls, and guard towers to guard them.

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Re: New Lands (Ooh, an RPG) No spots at this moment

Post by arogon343 » 01 Jan 2012, 19:30

Ima build with sag.
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Re: New Lands (Ooh, an RPG) No spots at this moment

Post by 697134002 » 01 Jan 2012, 20:11

Yes, your skills can improve. You can also have influence over NPCs built up over time.

Update #2

Frederick König and Captain Williams discussed plans for the future of the settlement.

Patrick Eder finished building the first layer of a wall around the entire camp, as well as the foundations for guard towers. By the time he was finished, he felt like he could pass out. +1 Stamina

Uthag had a friendly arm wrestle with his friend before the two of them went exploring together. They found a wolf, took it down, and gathered the meat. +1 Gathering Skill

Myles Luttrel built some doors. +1 Building Skill

Frederick Joseph cleared land and ferried tools for Patrick before Patrick ran out of energy. Frederick then built up a few layers of a guard tower. +1 Building Skill

Everyone sleeps in their tents, as none of the buildings are finished.


1: Explore
2: Build
3: Socialize with fellow pilgrims
4: Socialize with Captain Williams.
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Re: New Lands (Ooh, an RPG) No spots at this moment

Post by Jake55778 » 01 Jan 2012, 20:18

Continue exploring south-east
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Re: New Lands (Ooh, an RPG) No spots at this moment

Post by 697134002 » 01 Jan 2012, 20:46

I made a map of the area. You can now choose what direction to explore. I prefer drawing in pixels, sorry for any inconvenience with having to zoom in.
Map for RPG.png
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Re: New Lands (Ooh, an RPG) No spots at this moment

Post by sag185 » 01 Jan 2012, 20:56

After socialising with frederick for a bit, i would like to finish off the guard tower he started, and if there is time build the foundations for a halls of residence, as a more solid place to live.

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Re: New Lands (Ooh, an RPG) No spots at this moment

Post by andy25100 » 01 Jan 2012, 22:37

I'll leave Sag to his guard towers, i'll start building something to go with my doors
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Re: New Lands (Ooh, an RPG) No spots at this moment

Post by arogon343 » 02 Jan 2012, 04:42

Ima Help sag build a bit more before asking around the pilgrims for any useful information about the area, Someone may have been here before. May have a map. >.>
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Re: New Lands (Ooh, an RPG) No spots at this moment

Post by 697134002 » 02 Jan 2012, 13:30

You're the first ones here, Arogon...
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Re: New Lands (Ooh, an RPG) No spots at this moment

Post by sag185 » 02 Jan 2012, 14:30

I guess aro would want to help build fully then, try and complete a halls of residence project :)

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Re: New Lands (Ooh, an RPG) No spots at this moment

Post by arogon343 » 02 Jan 2012, 14:49

sag185 wrote:I guess aro would want to help build fully then, try and complete a halls of residence project :)
:o... What he said then. Sounds good.
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Re: New Lands (Ooh, an RPG) No spots at this moment

Post by 697134002 » 02 Jan 2012, 16:03

Update #3

Frederick König went exploring, and met up with Uthag and his friend at a small clearing. The three of them gathered berries and Frederick taught Uthag some basic trapping techniques. +1 Gathering Skill

Patrick Eder finished a guard tower.

Uthag and his friend went exploring, and found Frederick König in a small clearing. Frederick taught Uthag some basic trapping techniques. +1 Gathering Skill

Myles Luttrel build the foundations of a residence.

Frederick Joseph build up the walls around the guard tower Patrick Eder finished.

It is now noon. Those of you who did not level up, do not worry.

Frederick König and Uthag
While practicing some rope traps, Uthag heard a noise behind him. When he turned around, he saw a native behind him, clad in fancy armour. The man had a longsword in his hands, and a silk robe going from his shoulders to his knees The robe was mostly purple with some red patterns etched into it. Another native stepped out of the bushes, this time with two swords of equal length, but again with a silk robe.
Uthag greeted them, and received a blade at his throat in response. They said something that he could not understand, and the other one went towards the unsuspecting Frederick.

Frederick heard Uthag stand up, but ignored it. Then he heard someone walking towards him. Unlike Uthag, who hit the ground with much of his weight, the person walking towards him seemed to be making very little noise. Frederick turned around to see a native approaching him, and another holding Uthag with a blade to his throat.

Frederick heard the man nearest to him say something in a foreign tongue, and then saw more come out of the trees and enter the clearing. He saw Uthag's friend, Gunter, being carried by two of the natives. His head was bloody and Frederick noticed that the sword of the man carrying him had a bloodied pommel. Gunter wasn't dead, but he was likely unconscious.

Moments later, Captain Williams came out. The Captain had intended to find Frederick and discuss some important matters, but froze when he saw all of the natives. Always cautious, he was wearing his plate armour. He grabbed his longsword, spurring the natives into action. Frederick's blades appeared in his hands and less than a second later, there was a ring of steel on steel.

Uthag pushed away the man holding him and grabbed his club. When the man thrust forward with his sword, Uthag broke the man's arm, receiving only a minor scratch from the blade. Uthag rushed forward against the shocked man, lifted him up and threw him at some others who were approaching. Uthag followed his projectile, grabbing his hunting knife while doing so.

Captain Williams was fighting two men at once, managing only to hold them off. One of them tried to stab him, but, unfamiliar with the concept of plate armour, his sword did not penetrate. Instead, he was out of the fight for a moment, and then forever as his head left his body.

Frederick jumped up, using his opponents' parries to gain more height. While in the air, he grabbed his cape and pulled it around himself, twirling as he did so. As he landed, he went into a roll, reappearing from the cover of the cape on the other side of the native. He blocked one of the man's blades with his dagger and thrust his short sword into the man's side, then again into the man's chest.


2:Rescue Gunter
3:Regroup near Captain Williams
4:Keep on fighting where you are

FYI, I am going to regroup near Captain Williams and fight alongside him.

The rest of you

When Captain Williams left, he said he would be back in half an hour at the most. It had now been an entire hour.

1: Continue building
2: Head out into the forest to find him
3: Go fishing
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Re: New Lands (Ooh, an RPG) No spots at this moment

Post by sag185 » 02 Jan 2012, 16:11

i shall continue building, as someone needs to stay at the camp and guard it. Laying the foundations for a residence hall would be a good idea.

If noone else goes to help, then my decision changes to heading into the forest to find him.

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